How long was your longest piss?

How long was the longest piss you've ever taken in the bathroom? If some people are grossed out by this, then please don't look or comment about how gross this is.

5 seconds 9
10 seconds 24
13 seconds 26
20 seconds 68
30 seconds 127
45 seconds 160
1+ minute (WOW! you either drink WAAY too much or something is wrong)) 473
Other (I don't know what else, but comment about it) 48
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Comments ( 26 )
  • Faceless

    Like 5 minutes straight. No jokes. I took some E, drank a glorious amount of water and my damned bladder ceased to function during the night. When I finally did piss it hurt so much. Afterwards I felt like crying to the Guinness Book of World Records about my feat.

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    • germima8910

      you can't of drank enough to last 5 mins your body needs the fluid as well i dons't all go out your bladder but if you drink to much water i mean lodes you can die. Look it up ...

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      • germima8910

        sorry for my mistakes ! :S

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  • Smartasscookie

    I don't think anyone would actually TIME how long their longest piss is? By the time you realise it's a long piss you're almost done.

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    • I time it almost every time (Record: 1 minute 20 seconds)

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    • disthing

      Yeah, who the hell takes a stopwatch into the bathroom every time JUST IN CASE this one happens to be the lengthiest urination of your lifetime?

      Is that normal? No.

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      • I'm not asking if this is normal, hence me putting this idea as a poll. I also never mentioned the fact that you have to take a stopwatch with you; you can just make an estimation.

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        • disthing

          You think people can accurately estimate seconds in hindsight? And with only 3 seconds difference between 10 and 13 it'd be a pretty close call wouldn't it?

          I get that you're curios about people's longest piss, I just don't think you'll get a remotely accurate or reliable indication with this poll.

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  • screwface69er

    ill let you know when i finish

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  • I_steal_free_bread

    Like maybe 45 seconds to a minute. Honestly I cant remember

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  • Ankoku

    4.5 billion years...

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  • BeirutsFinest

    Shouldn't you put that there is a problem next to the 5 seconds option?

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    • Lol yeah

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  • richcollegegirl

    mine is about a minute i dont pee and everyone who put 5seconds are stupid ass liars

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  • Ibelievethis

    Mine was 2 minutes+ well I had held it in all day. xx

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  • Xanadu

    My ex-wife used to say I peed longer than she thought possible and certainly longer than anyone she'd ever met. If I did so with an erection or partial erection, the stream would last seemingly forever. So my wife filmed me once. I drank three bottles of water, (60 ounces total), and held it for as long as I could before I let her film it. I was erect for the whole thing because she was holding it and directing its aim. Nearly four minutes without a break in the stream. There were stops and starts after that and it was about 6 minutes before I was absolutely sure I was done. But a solid, visible stream went for more than 3 and a half minutes. Nearly four. ...To which, in addition to a broad smile and lots of giggles, my wife (ex now) is heard whispering on the video, "Fucking awesome!"

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  • Monster93

    The longest time i can remember was about 2 months ago, i was in MEPS (the Military Enlistment Processing Station) and one of the things we had to do was a drug test and pee in a cup in front of each other. I was with 2 other recruits and we all had to pee infront of each other with an old guy watching us. We all couldnt so we went outside to the water fountain and drank atleast 10 cups of water. We went back and all pee'd a little, we were nervous so much didnt come out. After we were done with that about 5 min later all that water passed and we all went back to the restroom and i went in the stall and pissed for over 2 minutes like no joke. I was just like Noww it comes out lol but that was funny, i went for awhile too

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  • soft789

    10 minutes and I has written in the snow the words: Holy Father Benefuckt the 16th.

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  • maddog546

    Once MINE lasted HALF A CENTURY!!!

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  • Occasionally I have really long wees. They usually last about 20 seconds but every now and again they'll last longer than a minute.

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  • 10 minutes. All I had drunken was soda, but I had drunken a 12 pack of Dr. Pepper, also two ice coffees. I actually fell asleep and when I woke up had to check the clock... and subsequently clean my bathroom. I might want to get my kidneys checked out.

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  • Narutofan

    It took me almost two minutes a couple of times when I was a little kid and having an accident. My parents would be like "stop" and then I would say "I can't". I also took over a minute one time when I was on a long drive and kept holding it until we finally got to the bathroom. I had one foot under my butt because it hurt so much in the car.

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  • ihateyoujk

    once i was high and it felt like my piss took hours lol

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  • Rapidfire000

    4 mins I lost like 3 pounds from it it sucked i had to stant there so long

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  • Mrman10

    I took a piss yesterday that lasted until 5 minutes ago.

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  • wigsplitz

    I used to take morphhine which made me piss VERY infrequently, and in the mornings I'd piss for a good 30 seconds, immediately refill my bladder and piss for another 20 seconds or so each time, it seemed never-ending. As soon as my baldder emptied, it was like it refilled and i pissed time after time. Lasting up to several minutes at a time.

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