I hate my boyfriends son.

i love my bf to death. by extension i should love his son right?
his son is an obnoxious spoiled rotten brat. he whines if he doesnt get his way. he whines if he doesnt like something. and he's ridiculously ungrateful like he doesnt say thank you for sh*t. he just complains. my bf bought him a slushie and he whined that he wanted water. he said he wanted a wii for christmas so we bought him one, and when he opened it he was like oh a wii and we had to TELL him to smilefor pictures. i cant stand to spend more than 5 minutes in the room with him or i just want to punch him.

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Comments ( 58 )
  • Schweeply

    I would tell ur bf. Don't listen 2 people who say
    Oh no he's just a kid!
    Cause kids can be evil too!

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  • Galezilla

    His son sounds like a jackass. I don't blame you for disliking him.

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  • mew

    It's normal. I used to be one of those you can't blame the kid people that's very easy when you have never been in that situation. You just feel like giving them the smack they so clearly deserve.

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  • HippiePrincess

    I get so annoyed when I hear people saying, "you were a kid once" "how can you hate an innocent child?" When you were a kid, that doesn't quite mean much, kids see things differently, and don't have to deal with the same things as adults do. When I was young, I didn't like younger kids, they annoyed me. Children maybe innocent, but they still are obnoxious. Loud, messy, selfish, and a lot of times spoiled rotten (that can be placed on the parent). This is sickening to me, when parents don't say no to their kid. Great! Make the kid grow up to be a spoiled adult.
    My boyfriend has a kid to his ex, and I want nothing to do with the kid. His kid, is all that I just described. Love my boyfriend, hate his kid. The spoiled part is on his grandmother, who has custody of him. But, whenever the kid is around me, I get so mad I wanna puke. He's not my responsibility, I used to try and mother him, but never had the love for him. His grandmother would let him get away with so much, that now I've just put a wall up between his son and I. When my bf wants to see his son, I leave. I never see myself loving his son. 1. He is annoying and spoiled. 2.He's not mine and never will be part of me.

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    • alabamalady

      your story is very similar to mine its comforting to know im not alone

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  • genyliz73

    What a relief to find a site where others feel the same as I do! My situation is tough, I feel, because my boyfriend is a widower. We have been together for almost 2 years and we're now living together. I love him so much! I truly cannot picture myself with anyone else. He's my friend and lover. But I absolutely cannot stand his 13 year old son. When we first started dating I saw how disrespectful and spoiled his son was - but thought to myself, well he's grieving. But after talking with family members, and my boyfriend, apparently his son has always been like this. In the beginning my boyfriend would let his son walk all over him. He would tell his son to do something (like a chore around the house) and his son would just sit there and not do anything! My bf would ask again, and again, and again. One time I got tired of it and yelled at his son to get up, listen to his father and do what was asked of him! Low and behold his son did - and my bf didn't say a word about what I said to his son. But now that I'm living with them both, it's unbelievable his behavior. He lies, sneaks around, is lazy as all hell, disrespectful, doesn't listen and just flat out doesn't care about anything! My bf is very hands off and his only method of discipline is to take privileges away. Needless to say this boy has not had video game rights in over a year. And again, his dad said his son has been like this for years, even before his mom died. So now, I get so stressed out being around him. It's to the point that sometimes I consider moving out, but I love my bf and don't want to leave him. I guess it's just so hard to believe that his son behaves the way he does, because my bf is very old fashioned (opening doors, lady goes first, etc.), and his son - well it's all about him. The world revolves around him. I feel bad for not liking him, and I wish sometimes it was just me and my bf. But I also understand the circumstances. Just had to vent. But I'm glad I found this blog.

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    • Dogmom8

      I’m so relieved to read all of these. Your situation in particular is very close to mine. My fiancé’s former wife took her life when their son was only 7, he’s now 17 and I absolutely cannot stand to be around him. He’s selfish, doesn’t care about anyone’s feelings, and is ungrateful. When I first moved in a year ago I couldn’t stand the way he spoke to my fiancé and through time and conversations he pulled back on how rude he was to his dad. Now he’s just rude to both of us and never apologizes for his actions or if he makes someone feel bad. By my request my fiancé and I went to their family counselor so I could get tools to handle the situation. The son will also be going. I never wanted children of my own so this is my first time co-parenting and I can’t stand this kid! I dread when there’s breaks from school and I know he’s going to be home. He has narcissistic tendencies too which I steer very clear of narcissists.

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    • saz11

      I feel your pain I love it when my boyfriends son isn't around which is very rare as his sons mother took her life when he was 2 he is now 12 and a spoilt horrible sly brat who manipulates his dad and always plays on his emotions saying his dad doesn't love him etc. He pouts and his dad baby's him and kisses him even when the son has been naughty. He has some magic portions and a wand and tries to do evil spells and he hates other children doing well. He's sly to my little girl who is his half sisters but then is all nice when his dad is there. I don't know whether to walk away

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  • Amomtoagirl

    My bf and I live together. I have a daughter who lives with us. My daughter and my bf get along great and I love it. My bf as two sons, a 5 year old and an almost 2 year old. I love the 5 year old, he's such a good kid, he's so smart, he listens, and he just hangs out when he's over. The 2 year old on the other hand, omg!! He's so bad, my bf is constantly telling him to stop and spanking him because he does whatever he wants. He curses, yes at 2 years old her curses, he's really loud, he throws things at my daughter, he takes my daughter's toys away from her, he takes her pacifier and teases her, he tries to drink from her bottle, my daughter is almost 1 years old. I dont want her picking up his bad behavior and if you're a mom you know how it is when another child is mean to your baby. Whenever he son comes over for the weekend I just leave because I can't stand being around him and I really want to spank him but I cant. My boyfriend's ex, the one to the 2 year old, (both boys have different moms) is not a good mom. She laughs when he's cursing and I dont think its cute nor funny. She lets the little asshole do whatever he wants. I haven't told my bf yet and I'm dreading the conversation. I dont want to be around his son. I hate spending the weekend away from my apartment just because he's coming over.

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    • Maria747

      I’m in the same boat sister, bad behavior needs punished ... there’s no such thing as terrible twos just bratty kids.

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      • Denise64

        This is so true I live with bf for 10 years and his kid is so rude disrespectful and a smart mouth.His dad doesn't discipline him and let's him do whatever saying we'll he gets good grades like uh he supposed to get good grades regardless to graduate I honestly can't stand to be in the same room as this kid cause either want to beat the crap put of him the way he tries to talk to me I snap back idc if he doesn't like it his dad doesn't step in instead makes the shit worse.Ive thought about moving out but I need to plan things and make sure I'm set before I do.This kid is 13 and is lazy won't do no chores not even take the trash out won't clean up after himself and thinks his dad is made of money gets pissy when he doesn't get his way I honestly don't donthings together with either no more instead I do it on my own and enjoy it def feel for the women going thru this

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    • Rawkintha1982

      You should definitely never tell you partner you don't like their child it's much better to tell them you don't like their child's behavior. I could never look at my partner the same if I knew he felt that way about my child. You're angry at a two year old because you're being protective but who really is to blame the two year old or his father.

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    • Rawkintha1982

      They're called the terrible twos for a reason!

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  • icare

    I have to comment on this because this is happening to me. I hate my bf's son. Never did I think I would ever say that but the child is impossible. He is overbearing, controlling, loud, mouthy, negative and I find spending any time with him makes me nervous, upset, I cry and I can't get away from him fast enough. He ruins everything we tried to do with him. For over 2 years I have tried several different tactics, sought counseling, avoided him, as he is only with bf 2 days a week. If I never see him again that would be ok with me. After my own nasty divorce all I want out of life is the most happiness I can find and peace in my life. I believe it's time to walk away from this relationship for my own sanity, but I really love this man. I just want all the people out there going through this to know that you are not alone. I have to say... why torture yourself? Walk away and move on, life is too short to be that unhappy. (Ps I do have 2 kids of my own that I raised with not much problem)
    and to all of you who have negative things to say about our stories of these impossible children, obviously you have never had to deal with it to the extreme that we have or you would be crying too. It just rips your heart out.

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  • timebobbu

    Then punch him and go to jail

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    • alabamalady

      dang skippy

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  • Yvette77

    I am so glad I found this site. I have been living with my boyfriend for a year and his 5 year old son is running/ruining my life. He is the most spoiled, incorrigible, undisciplined child I have ever been around in my life. My boyfriend is a big guy and that fact that he constantly makes excuses for his kid's behavior and gives him zero structure is beginning to be a hugeee turn off to me. When we pick him up he says "let's go pick up the terror." (And laughs). It's not funny to me at all. His ex wife sends him to the house with nails painted, dresses, and girl's shoes because the kid likes it. No one (on either side) is telling this kid No! And he's so confused he is now saying he wants to be a girl. The kid has throat punched me, locked me out on the balcony once, sleeps in bed with us, cries hysterically and throws himself on the floor when we lock the bedroom door, he dictates what he wants to eat, where we go, and how we spend our weekends. We once went roller skating and because the kid couldn't go around the rink once we had to take his skates off and take him bowling. My boyfriend spoon feeds him too. He will rock him and hold him like an infant when he cries. And the kid knows his dad is an idiot and totally manipulated him. When I mention his behavior is out of control my bf says "he's just tired" or "he wants love too." The whole thing is so sickening to me. And to make matter worse he has another kid who lives out of state whom he has nothing to do with and won't return his calls or visit him, etc, yet he's obsessed with his youngest kid. It's all very bizarre. I have to be the taxi service and take this brat to the babysitter or his ex wife's house 2x a week in the morning. And there's zero appreciation for it. Whenever we spend time with my bf's mom she makes things 10x worse by jumping down my bf's back if he even tries to discipline the devil. It's like they think this kid walks on water. I could go on and on but now I stay away when it comes over and I have reached my breaking point. My bf and I have had so many discussions about this kid's behavior but my bf is so afraid of his kid not liking him that he refuses to discipline him. He is coming in between us and I am probably going to move out. This infuriates and enrages me that a 5 year old is doing this to my life/relationship.

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    • Forfuckssake

      I swear I feel like your bf is the same person as mine!
      The spoon-feeding, the rocking when his dickhead kid cries! Did he always have him on his lap too?? Did he have to take him to the bathroom because the jerky kid can't go alone??? Did you never get to have sex because the kid REFUSED to sleep alone? Did he talk to his dad like shit? Omg i can't stand this jerk :'(

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    • Maria747

      I’m going through the same exact thing, my boyfriend hasn’t seen his oldest son since he was two and he is now seven but he lets us three almost our year old brat do whatever he wants, including hitting people and throwing things and tantrums and punching the TVs.. and when he actually speaks up his kid cries and he picks him up and apologized and baby talks and hugs and kisses him... it’s beginning to be a huge turn off for me to.:. I don’t think I could love anyone more than I love my bf but his kid is starting to make me wonder if it’s worth it

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  • Lissab1194

    Wow it's so awesome to see people in my same position and feel the same way I do. I was seriously wondering if I needed to see a psychiatrist. Lol. I'm 21 yrs old and while I do care somewhat about my boyfriends son, I'm not sure that I love him. He is 4 yrs old and the most spoiled whiny brat there is. I've been around since he was 1 1/2.. But for the most part he has lived with his bio mother full time up until recently and now we get him every other week. This is when things started to spiral. It's so bad that I absolutely dread the Monday when we I go to pick him up from daycare. My issue is, yes you sign up for children responbilities when you enter a relationship with someone with children, but not single parent responsibilities. My boyfriend sometimes has to go out of town ALL week on his week with his son so he just assumes that I will take care of him during that time (I live with him). He does this because he and his ex are going through a custody battle and he doesn't want her to think he can't take care of him full time. But that leaves me to me feed him, bathe him, care for him etc. take him to daycare 30 min away everyday when I'm in school full time and work nights. But it's "selfish" of me to complain about doing these things. I don't believe it should be my responsibility to act as a single mother on HIS WEEK. Now to the child, he is whiny, bratty and talks back constantly. Poops in his pants at 4 years old. In underwear. Just because he is lazy! I whoop him when it's just me and him.. But when dad is around.. Oh no. He lets him get away with whining and talking back and just sits there and ignores him.. And then when I step in and try to take action, my boyfriend protects his son and yells at me and I end up being his trouble for his sons wrong doing. He calls me "heartless" and a "sorry a** stepmother" at times. When I'm taking of his bratty son while he is out of town! But yeah. I'm sorry. His son will then hug him and say "I love you daddy" while looking at me angrily. This infuriates me! I feel like I do so much because I care about my boyfriend and get sh*t on in return. We have argued so much about the situation and I believe it will eventually be the end of us if things don't change. I do believe his son should be #1 but I always feel like I come last and am not important bc they always team up on me. It should be me and my boyfriend against his son, not he and his son against me. It makes me very unhappy and I can't take much more! Also the potty thing. I don't believe a 4 yr old should be pooping in his underwear when he pees in the potty and knows how to poop, just won't cause of laziness. Am I wrong for wanting to punish him for pooping in his pants? Cause lord knows I'm the one who is going to be cleaning him up. My boyfriend thinks he shouldn't. I think he should get his ass whooped. He isn't a baby anymore. & he will never poop in the potty if he thinks it's acceptable to poop in his pants. But yeah I'm evil so what do I know.. There are times when I want to hurt his son for no reason just bc he is such a snotty brat. I do know one thing, my children will not act the way his son does! Ever. My boyfriend and I were raised differently. He never got whooped and I got whoopings with a belt. I feel as if our parenting styles are incompatible.. My kids will get the belt. That is what's wrong with today's generation. Not enough discipline. But hey, "they're just kids!", right?

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    • Rawkintha1982

      Sounds like a smaller child. The biggest thing I have discovered dating someone with a child is no different really than having your own kids with the main difference being you need time to get attached to said child. But parenting the same either way. If both adults are not on the same page and have come to an agreement on how you both wish to raise the child then that helps solve a lot of problems. My other questions and I think your boyfriend is being very very selfish in this why do you a gf have the child when it should be with the mother if dad is unable to care for the child on his week. Looks to me as though he is using you to fool the courts. And it's sounds to me like you're finding out why he got divorced in The first place

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  • HeyJay

    OMG! So glad I found a place I can vent. I think what I find extremely frustrating and annoying is that my job is VERY stressful and I have to work with people I can't stand all day. In addition I have to pretend like I like them and eat s$&@ from them at times. So then I come home and just want to relax, but I have to kiss my boyfriend's son's butt too and I really don't want to have to be phony on my downtime. He's so annoying, this kid, and insulting at times. And everything is a problem. We can't go outside because he's scared of plants and bugs. He starts screaming snd runs into the street and fakes being stung by a bee. He lies constantly. He talks at an incredibly loud annoying volume, all the time. He is constantly making demands and his dad just obliges him constsntly. It's like he's not even a dad, but a servant. This generation of kids are a bunch of narcissistic, unable to handle anything individuals. And I really resent on some other sites where I've read stuff like, "well, they're kids, that's how they are, you're selfish!" Screw that. No! Maybe your kids are like that, but not all kids are like that! I wasn't. I didn't order my parents around. People constantly glorify childhood like it's this "angelic or perfect" stage of life. Oh please!! Kids can be incredibly mean and cruel. And going through a divorce is difficult, but not the worst thing a kid can go through. I don't know what will happen ultimately. I do love my boyfriend, and I don't totally hate this kid, but in all honesty I would not recommend for anyone to get involved with someone who has kids. It's so not worth it at times. (Sorry people with kids, but I'm being honest) I think having your own biological kids at times must be incredibly challenging, now imagine you've got to "be nice" to a kid who is not even yours, but the child your significant other created with another person, not as easy as it sounds. And if your bf or gf has the kid half or full time, be prepared because your bf or gf will leave early in the morning or at night to get the kid. You'll close to never get long periods of time with just him or her. And you'll always be wrong no matter what the brat does.

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    • TinaTots

      Fully agreeing with you here. Dating someone who has kids is one of the hardest to deal with; especially when they are not on 'their best behavior' type of kids. My bf's kids are older. I thought hey this is great. They all have their stuff together. DEAD WRONG!!! 24yrs old this guy acts like a fkn kid! I am sick to my stomach. Everyone caters to these kids like a servant. I believe in tough love. I believe in it because it worked on me growing up.

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  • skyechar123

    Yeah it's normal.

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  • iilittleoneii

    In this situation, your boyfriend is mostly to blame for his son's behavior. When I would whine to my mother because of not having my way, she'd spank me hard! Your boyfriend is not being strict enough in his parenting skills. Talk to him about his son's attitude, and ask him if he could consider taking on the role of a more strict parent. If he has to resort to small spankings, so be it!

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    • alabamalady

      oh amen!

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  • leahquestions

    Your best bet is to talk privately with your boyfriend and tell him your issues. He will either agree and then make changes or disagree, then you may have to change as in boyfriends because it will get worse. My kids rarely misbehaved as youngsters, I'd tell them what was right and what I expected and if they were good they (might) get something. If they acted up or did something I did't like I'd take them to a drive thru like Mc Donalds get ideas on what they might like to eat or I'd sit in the car outside of blockbuster and discuss what they might like to see, then I would drive off ,they'd get nothing and we'd further discuss what it was that was inappropriate.. If they had a fit it was room time until they could come out and talk to me not whine or cry...be consistant it works and believe me it doesn't take but a couple times to get the message clear. but always remember for good behavior tell them how proud you were of how they acted and sometimes got to the ice cream shop or ask them what they'd like at mc
    donalds good luck

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  • mindy_mind

    Im glad I found this thread. I absolutely hate my boyfriends kid. He is 7 and and absolute shit. He watches garbages video on you tube all day, eats shit food, doesn't listen, and it is driving me to the point where I am seriously thinking of moving out cause I cannot take it. he is here 50% of the time and I absolutely dread him being here. If it was my kid I would have a different parenting style. I grew up in a disciplined home and I cannot believe how this kid has never eaten a vegetable in the 2 years I have been here and doesn't even have one rule or chore to do. Before this relationship I always wanted kids (I am 40 now) but after this I know 100% I never want my own kids. OMG they are the worst. end rant. glad to see I am not alone.

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  • citygirlincountryworld

    I finally googled this topic after feeling this way for almost a year. I am 25 years old and my boyfriend has a very sheltered/bratty 10 almost 11 year old. He was co-sleeping with his mom up until last year! It explains so much of his attachment issues. Going out to eat ANYWHERE (food/Target/fun activities) they have to hold hands together, they cuddle on the couch together, they watch each other shower/brush teeth, he's still being tucked in for over 15 mins. In the past when I have brought up how STRANGE this behavior is (having been a babysitter/nanny for over 6 years); all my boyfriend says is "he is adjusting to the divorce.. he likes to show his love...the son missed him etc" The son will cry 3-4x a night just so daddy can go in and tuck him in. One time I told my boyfriend to say "go to sleep" and he responded "What do you want me to do?! Yell at him while he's crying?" YES I DO. PARENTS DO THAT. TELL HIM LIGHTS OUT. It's sad that he's being coddled into not trusting himself to go to bed without a parent rubbing his back. Come on now.
    After reading these posts, I'm extremely grateful that I don't take care of his son at all. Simply put, we share a space when he spends time at his fathers place. I've changed my behavior to basically hiding in the bedroom! Or I'll specifically wait for nights his son is here to block out time for my school work. I'll leave the room and call my girlfriends while they cuddle. I don't even watch TV with them anymore because his son has to be wrapped in daddy's arm the ENTIRE time. The son has a lot of anxiety but his parents excuse it by saying how "smart" he is in school but every time he comes over, he has a new twitch! (Which btw no one talks about and god forbid I do, I'd be "attacking the son and waiting for his son to mess up" I like his son in small increments but lately, I get this pit in my stomach feeling when I know the son is coming over soon.

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  • hangingonbyathread

    I’m happy I’m not alone. My boyfriend’s son drives me nuts! I thought it was just me, but I guess there’s a lot more people out there just like me. My boyfriend and I have been talking about marriage lately and I’m really considering walking away. I have a daughter of my own and they get along great. The problem is that my boyfriend only gets his son one weekend a month, so I have no time to bond with him, his son’s mother hates me, and my boyfriend is too afraid to do anything to lose his son, but won’t just take her ass to court. I’ve been with him for over two years and I’m over it!!!!!

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  • angelina77

    I feel for you because I literally cannot STAND my boyfriend's son anymore. He is the most ungrateful and obnoxious brat I've ever met in my life.

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  • Elizabeth832

    Wow.. I am going through a similar situation also. Glad to know there are others.. I recently had to move out of my boyfriend's house because his son decided he doesn't like me or my 17 year old daughter. He is 20 years old and, but he acts like he's 12. Jealous, insecure & petty. But my bf refuses to see it. It got to the point where my daughter felt uncomfortable being there. We never fought over anything except this. I love him and it's hard to just walk away.

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  • Talianysun

    I’m gonna keep this thread going cause I have to vent. so I’ve been in a relationship with my man for almost three years now he’s amazing and I’m absolutely positive he’s the one;however, his 3 year old is driving up the freakin wall. He wines all the time when he doesn’t get what he wants he’ll throw a tantrum, kick me or just wail and cry. He won’t leave me the fuck alone constantly trying to climb me, force kisses, or just yell my name until I respond I legit have no space with this kid, he has to sleep with us and do everything with us, I can’t even have a meal without him trying to climb me and get on my back and just get in my face when I tell him to stop and push him off me he starts yelling and crying and trying to make me feel bad I can honestly give 2 shits. His father doesn’t do not one thing to discipline him and think it’s funny that he won’t leave me alone and it’s not I can’t fucking breath with him around me it’s gotten to the point that when he comes here from his devil mother I have to leave to my mothers house so I can focus on work. when he’s here he legit runs the show the house and us, his father is so concerned with his brat not liking him he revolves everything we do around the brats wishes. He dictates when and where we go and what to eat and if he doesn’t get it his way it’s over he’s crying and telling his mother everything about us not giving him what he wants and that we made him cry he’s a little shit it’s like he knows what annoys me and does it. He constantly wants my attention the moment I try to give my man a kiss or a hug he goes insane and starts crying and then makes me hug and give him all the attention I’m so fucking sick of him right now and since I can’t discipline him my options are extremely limited. I’ve tried everything one time I put him in time out for throwing things and kicking our dog with his feet he starts flipping out and crying tells his mother that I made him go to time out and she got pissed when I told her why she didn’t care I was to NEVER discipline or tell him what to do since I’m nothing but the “GF” what a shit show

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  • indigoprincess

    I am in the same situation. His son was 2 when we met and my daughter was 4 months old. he would bring his son over every weekend and everything his son did he would be really over excited about it. it annoyed me the first day i met his son. then his son started hitting my baby! i went mad the first time it happened, he would dart for her across the room and try and shake her in the jumperoo. we kept breaking up and getting back together. he is nearly 5 now and my daughter is nearly 3 and we have another baby who is 9 months old. he is a liar, i was bathing my daughter and he was sitting next to me and his dad was standing in the doorway watching. his son didnt know he was there, his turned to me and said dont push me. i didnt touch him and i was so happy his dad saw and heard it. his son was 4 btw at this point. i had to teach him to go to the toilet coz he would piss outside in buckets and when he stays at my boyfriends mum and stepdads house they let him piss in mugs coz he wants to. i think its disgusting. it took me 2 days to encourage him to go the toilet. his dad use to let him piss in the shower and i fohnd out my walking in. i went mad, i dont want my kids thinking its ok to do that. he wouldnt pooh in the toilet either, i finally got him to wee in it but would only pooh in a nappy. he wees and poohs in nursery. he loves been treated like a baby. so i told him i didnt have any nappies and he tried to hold it in but he went in the end and from then he is fully potty trained thanks to me. but he wont use the toilet at my boyfriends mums house coz they baby him something terrible. every sunday me and my family go for a walk and he comes with us and he embarrasses the fuck out of me. my sister has a daughter who is nearly 3 and she bought her sit in car on the walk.. my boyfriends son whined the whole time to go in it and kept hassling my neice to get out and in the end she must of been tired of him moaning she just just got out and he was in it for about 20 minutes. him and my boyfriend where so behind coz he kept making him stop so he could be in it longer. my boyfriend didnt say fuck all. if we all go to my grandparents house he helps himself to food there and my boyfriend doesn't say anything. my grandad is really ill, he is prone to infections on his legs and is very old fashioned his son would run around there house going into the bedrooms and stuff and my kids dont do that. he jumps on the sofas making himself fart by my grandad. its disgusting. when he stays here which i have recently put a stop too(he stays at my boyfriends mums house with my boyfriend every saturday night) he use to stay up till sometimes 10pm just eating, and eating and eating. if i dont tell him to stop he starts gagging and nearly throwing up and moans of a belly ache. and if i tell him to not to eat he goes mad. we bought him and my daughter tablets for christmas and my daughter is to go hers for an hour or so in the morning and then a hour or so at might before bed, my boyfriend lets his son go on it all day sometimes and my daughter wants to do the same. we have argued about this coz when his son has to come off it he is so moody and is so cheeky.. he was on it once for 8 hours in a row,, even tried to take it to the toilet with him

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  • Yesenia

    my boyfriend told me that his son's obnoxious behavior was a phase. HA! in four years, he's just become more undermining, selfish, demanding, obnoxious, defiant and dare i say, sociopathic. i am convinced that this kind of behavior was never, ever challenged and they created a monster.
    let's face it friends, we are not usually successful at getting our significant others to see the wisdom in doling out discipline and setting up reasonable expectations when it's needed. and boy is it ever needed.
    i've also been told that of course he would love to set limits with his son, but his ex-wife won't back him up and he doesn't want to be the bad guy.
    i feel for all of you. but the bottom line problem is not the kid, it's the relationship between me and the father of the child that's fucked up, because he wants to be blind to the whole thing.
    i think couple's therapy is definitely called for here.

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  • allenia88

    My boyfriend's son is 6 and it has been very hard to be around him. In the beginning his son seemed to like me and I would try to be involved in things his son was interested in and get to know him and do things with him. Its been a year and now I stay away. There are no boundaries with this kid. He is never told what is wrong....just given more things and his father and parents give in to him. I have no problem seeing that the boy needs time with his father. One weekend to a theme park did me in. He acted out everywhere we went. Bumping into people screaming, and misbehaving. It was embarrassing. I love my boyfriend but to think of eventually moving in together....this would be hard. His son is disrespectful to his grandparents has pulled my hair spit on his father....etc. When my bf complains about his behaviour I have tried to suggest things....I don't feel I need to be disrespected as well by his son. I do think its my boyfriends fault and the Mom's and grandparents. No one disciplines. It is hard to find someone without kids at my age. I have dated before where kids were involved and they were good kids. I love my boyfriend but I cannot picture living with this.

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  • Liberatedchick

    Glad I found this blog and can share how I feel! Going thru a similar situation much like this. Often time people will harshly judge our feelings toward these children...but they aren't in our shoes. The bottom line here for whatever reason is going on in each of our particular situations...something has happened that has caused resentment and disdain and once that happens often times it's too late to rectify the situation and leaving is the only option...you don't like the kid period. You dont want it around you period. You don't want to raise it period. It's your choice and your perrogitave. So stop feeling bad about what him and his family think. It's your life and your happiness you have to account for not theirs. Who cares what they think. They are the ones who are going to have to deal with the kid when it gets released into society. Walk away with your head held high sista. And find YOUR happiness ....you shouldn't have to deal with his mistakes

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  • Summrella

    I'm so happy I found this blog! Finally someone I can relate to. I'm in a similar situation. My boyfriends son is a spoiled brat that doesn't know how to say thank you or how to be grateful! He only wants to eat fast food and candy and whenever we cook some fresh food for him with vegetables it's some drama because he doesn't want to eat!!! He is spoiled rotten and it kills me! Sometimes I feel bad yes cause I know my man loves him but I also know that I will never ever love him like I will love my own children. I never believed in smacking children until I came across this child !!!!

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  • LostInLife99

    Seeing all these posts made me feel a little better. I love my boyfriend to death too and we have been living together for over a year now. However, he has custody of his daughter so she's here 24/7. The mom isn't the best and flakes out most of the time when it's her day to see her. It's sad and so I feel bad about that. I loved his little girl at first and certainly wish no ill will towards her but over the year we've definitely stepped on each others toes. The worst part...she's only 7! I'm getting annoyed, mad, jealous of a 7 yr old! I feel so pathetic! But it's just I know he will never live his daughter as much as me, even though it should be that way. Sometimes I just want to scream when she deliberately doesn't listen when I ask something normally and nicely, like could you please wipe the table down sweetie? ( when she's made a huge freaking mess making 'slime') and she just stares at me. Then her dad asks her to do it and she's goes 'okay!' With the cheeriest face in the world. But just of the time she does listen. Even worse she just came over to me as I'm writing this and have me a picture she drew of how much she loves me bc I think she knows that she kind of ticked me off. I feel like shit... I guess I just wanted validation that I'm not they only one with this thought. I keep reminding myself she s a kid and I can't get mad at a 7 yr old bc she's not even a bad kid! I feel stupid for being jealous but I can't help it sometimes! I keep seeing things about how it won't work if I feel like this about my significant others kid....so I don't know what to do. It's just sad and depressing and frustrating all at the same time. :(

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    • Adjustingtolife

      It is so refreshing to see your post! Friends of mine who aren't in relationships with people who have children just can't seem to understand things like this. It's not that I hate his kid, it's just that I feel I notice bratty,spoilt behaviour more and I don't always want our priorities and life as a couple separate to his time when his son is over to be always put on the back burner or like it's not a priority. Just because we have decided to be in a relationship with someone that previously has kids doesn't mean that our life should be completely put on hold and centred around them? No? I keep asking myself these questions?! Because he clearly wanted to be in a different and new relationship and I'm sorry but youve got to work at that too and not keep putting it to one side as a second priority? Am I right or am I completely unreasonable? I feel like he usually says to me not always being able to see my kids is something you will never understand and he is completely 100% right, but on the other side of that no one can ever understand our situation until they are in it too. And sometimes it is frustrating and difficult to adjust to and there are good days and bad days.

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    • Cantstandhim

      It's refreshing to know I'm not alone. My bf has custody of one of his 4 kids. I felt bad for him being in a full house with mom dad and three other siblings so I went out of my way to make him feel better about being an only child because I could understand how difficult and different his life was becoming. We met when he was 4 and I learned quickly that his mom and my bf had already done and said too much in front of him. He is 10 now, and I finally gave up and told him just stay out of my way and do not speak my name. He is rude, lazy, spoiled selfish self centered never satisfied never grateful and super jealous of everyone and everything. I would set up rules like chores and study time followed by TV (age appropriate TV shows) or video game time. Also gave him little projects to do to keep his mind on problem solving and being creative. I joined YMCA so he could interact with other kids, while we worked out, signed him to swim lessons, my mom even sends him birthday cards with money Christmas gifts etc. My mom and I love kids and think they should have love affection and discipline. I gave up because he is never grateful, just talks about what he didn't get or what he didn't get to do, whines and complain about studying but when he gets his 100% or honor roll he brags, his dad is on a cane, and his son never holds the door for him, so you know he's not getting the door for me when I've taught him to hold doors for ladies, older people, smaller kids and handicap. Now he will do it for the strangers I mentioned but not for me or his dad. What gets annoying is how he sort of brags on himself saying he held the door for some old lady. He looses stuff unless I enforce putting things up as soon as your done, then if he looses it he throws a tantrum and makes it your fault he lost it. He does always expresses jealousy. He is half black half latino but he was too lazy to learn Spanish so I'm black and I learned Spanish in undergrad, this little boy gets so jealous when I speak to his latino relatives in Spanish and says to me, how could you know more Spanish than me, you're not even Spanish your just black. He is relevant disrespectful. I pick him up from school and the kids say is that you're mom and he gets angry and yells hey not my mom. Mind you this kid could pass for other races he has very fair almost pale skin. And here I come with dark skin to lick him up and he gets upset that the kids think I'm his parent. The kicker is the fact that his real mom IS BLACK! So I'm like why are you upset about them thinking this black lady is you're mom, did you forget your real mom is a black women too.uuuugghhhhh I hate this kid. For 5 years I'm the only woman who through him a birthday party, got him gifts for Christmas, money for good grades etc trying to care for her poor boy whose family structure got all turned around. I finally got fed up with the rude, disrespectful, lazy, hurtful, condescending back talking and just said you know what kid do not talk to me. Don't speak my name don't ask me for nothing. Don't walk around my house with out talking to your dad first. If dad sleeps late or is not available just sit your butt in that room until he becomes available. I'm so over his son.

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  • Rawkintha1982

    I don't dislike my boyfriends daughter but I hate her behavior. She is a princess after all. I cannot stand how his family let's a five year old push them around. My boyfriend doesn't like it either as I have asked him a few times are you okay with her doing this or that. I have a seven year old son and while I can tell he enjoys having someone to play with sometimes she is very demanding she insists on me giving up whatever seat I'm in for her and loses instrest in that seat as soon as you find another one. This is a power play and o don't lay that you're a child I'm an adult and you're in my house not your dads house. But I've told my boyfriend. You just have to get on the same page and exude you're gonna parent the same and stuff if you can't then this children will be a source of stress regardless of biological parents or not

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  • TinaTots

    I am so glad i found this site. I am going through the same thing right now. You are not alone. My bf has 3 kids. 12, 21, 24yrs old. The 24yrs old is a complete mess. I was walked on by him in my own house. He came for the holiday and then never left. Finally i questioned my bf and said 'wth is going on with him?' I thought he was staying for 2 days for Thanksgiving. Come to find out. He was kicked out, lost a job, lies continuously, has zero money and does things to get my bf's attention. The ex wife won't let 'C' stay with her and she is trying to make my bf say his son can permanently move in with us. I am putting my foot down. My rent goes up. Food is extra. He can't pay his way but expects a hand out. I can't sleep at night. I am ready to say F' this. I just don't have it in me to try and make this situation better nor should i be the one. My bf should be telling him, 'i love you but you cannot stay here; get your stuff together'...
    I hope you have a better situation...i'd love to know the outcome since you wrote this post.

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    • Rawkintha1982

      I think the best way to get a grown child out of your home is to make living there not comfortable for them. They will eventually get fed up and do something to get away but I would buy a drum set and practice early in the morning near the big kids bedroom and refuse to coo anything for him and constantly bag him about cleaning. I would take the power cables to their electronics until they pay their part of the electricity bill. Like I said I would make sure they are not comfortable. Comfort creates complacency

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  • alabamalady

    i love my boyfriend of 3 years so much i feel a hatred towards his kid i know its wrong cant help it, hes so loud he never shuts up hes mean, blows snot out of his nose all over the place he grosses me out, hes poured hot coffee on me , hurts animals,and he just stares at me and my kids hes 6 this is rediculous,his whole family is annoying loud people, but hes so great to me,, i should leave,, im afraid one day i will, thers no peace when hes around and me and my kids adore peace and happiness

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  • Ugh2301

    All I can say is your not alone! I'm relieved that I'm not the only one. Kids are way to spoiled and parents are enabling them by trying to out do the other parent to make sure their kid "loves them more". I refuse to play that game because it only hurts the child! It does cause friction in the relationship though...Good luck and Best Wishes!

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  • Affordabletrends28

    Wow thanks to all who understand what I'm going threw. My bf son makes me angry for no reason. I never met a boy at the age of 12 who is so disgustingly attached to their father. I could go on and on about this little bitch of a boy but I won't. I still even question is he his actually father since he looks nothing like him. He has a 14 year old daughter who I get along great with. She has another mother but is a spiting image of him. You would think her being a girl she would be a daddy girl but she's not. He's clingy, annoying, retarded and much more. This feeling is very normal.

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  • pixiemoore13

    If you are having difficulty coping with your partner's past relationships try reading I HATE HIS EX by Alex Cooper. I had loads of issues with my fiance’s ex and I have now resolved them thanks to the advice in this book! You can get it on Amazon! Definitely worth a read! :)

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    Im in a similar situation.BF has custody of his son.I have 4children myself.His son 1st at age ten is a rotten ungrateful, spoiled brat, that taunts me and my children to no end.I try to love the kid and be the mother he hasnt had.I treat him the same as my other children. He is different, but I embraced that with him n helped his father embraced it with him as well.When I say hes different, hes openly gay, which is fine.But he has very inappropriate behavior like I had my family over and he danced for them provocatively, threw water on himself, danced up my brother in law's leg and then slapped him in the face..all as part of his dance.And thats just the tip of the iceberg!I love the guy, but cant stand the kid.He lies and is very manipulative. Every single day he gets his father to take him to a store to buy him something EVERYDAY!And when he doesnt get his way its war on and the night is over for everyone.I really really love the guy.Ive tried to leave but I stay hoping I can fix this with the kid.But i just find myself staying away until the kid is not around to see my bf.Its a nightmare for me and my own children.

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  • anickh

    Im in the same situation 4 yr old spoiled rotten!!!! daddy mommy or grandma buys him a new toy every time they go anywhere or else kid throws huge tantrom, kid pushes parents to let him stay up till 1 am, kids whines and cries about everything, hits other kids, pees and poops his pants constantly, has to be back in pull-ups again, hes super loud and obnoxious, does opposite of what you ask him or tell him... its frustrating. i'm debating on what to do about the relationship ive tried to introduce "discipline" and talked to my boyfriend (the dad) about how im feeling. but there are too many other people in his life that don't do the dicipline thing so... ya i'm thinking i just have to be done w/ the relationship. love the guy, cant stand the son

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    • alabamalady

      me too

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  • MaestroJohan

    Yeah it's normal, not appropriate, but normal. Be may be acting like this for attention since the attention he had all to himself is now divided. He may also feel his father doesn't love him as much or loves you more then him. It's hard to say without talking to him because a Childs mind doesn't work the same way ours does. Their personalities haven't quite solidified so they are essentially sociopaths. Now discipline is good for manners and teaching material value so he knows but there seems to be other issues that need addressed.

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  • Adallynn726

    its nothing personal on why the childs behavior is the way it is. its probably because he needs more DISCIPLINE. you and your boyfriend need to work together on this. before it gets worse. also be more assertive,make the child use manners like plz and thank u before giving him what he wants.

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  • me_2010

    My aunt married a guy with a son much like that...but worse, this dude was crazy dangerous. So, if you're having problems with him now, imagine what it'll be like if you stay with him, and the boy gets worse as he gets older. If you do decide to talk to the bf, good luck talking trash about his child and how he's raising him, I'm sure that'll go over well!

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  • notthemom

    The kid is testing the waters. He wants to know what he can get away with. He is probably a little unsure of things because of the life changes he has endured. Disipline will give him security. Hopefully both parents can do this so he can be emotionaly balanced. I have seen kids act like this when both parents live together. Good luck.

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  • RubberDucky451

    You're being unreasonable getting angry at child. Did you ever consider how he feels, he's probably acting out because he misses his mom? I'm assuming your not the biological mother.

    You're not going to change the kid, the child is just baggage your bf has. If you hate him that much you have no choice but to leave your bf.

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    • armybabe

      he lives with his mom, next excuse please.

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    • Forfuckssake

      Shut up

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