Is it normal to be scared by the thougt of eternity?

Sometimes I can't help thinking about death, just like I'm sure everyone else does. The death part isn't what scares me though, it's the thought of eternity. Maybe it's just because I'm human and can't comprehend it, but the thought of spending FOREVER anywhere, be it heaven, hell, or just in a hole in the ground scares me to death. I start getting anxious and I have to calm myself down. I just can't handle that thought of being somewhere where it will never end. Is that normal?

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96% Normal
Based on 962 votes (924 yes)
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Comments ( 23 )
  • lalalaurem

    I have the same fear, and I really thought I was the only one. Thank God I'm not alone in my fear! I want to go to Heaven, but the thought of it never ending terrifies me! I just can't comprehend it.

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    • mkhenry

      me too, it's overwhelming and terrifying but it doesn't matter how i feel or what i do because we can't stop it

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    • Mafficakes

      I thought I was the only one with this fear also. I searched for this specfic question on this site not expecting to find anything. But wow. Maybe its not "normal" but good to know we arent the only ones I guess.

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  • sassiecassie

    Omg! I have the same fear! If I even try to think about spending an eternity anywhere, I get major anxiety. I just can't wrap my brain around that word!

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  • aaa75446

    Same here... But think about this: there was an eternity BEFORE also! Before you were born, and is was not terrible because you didn't exist to see it, well it is the same after, you won't notice it!

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  • Melissakae

    Totally normal. Things beyond our comprehension are always a little nerve wracking!

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  • grumpybarbie

    Same! Going on twenty years with the same fear, comfort only comes with the understading that..... When you are dead, you don't know you're dead! Think about it!!! And if there is a heaven, he'll, black hole, there is nothing we can do about it regardless. Believe in something, and you will find comfort and peace. The sooner you do it, the better! Doesn't matter what. Angels, Jesus, nothing, religion, nothingness, whatever, find something, take comfort in it or you will have a really hard time with this. Also, you may find as you get older it won't bother you so much, kind of an acceptance. Also with the elderly or people who know they are dying make peace with it. Google it google " not afraid to die" and stuff like that. You'll find your way. GL oh, and if nothing seems to help, sincerely the only solution is to really try to not think about it. Don't let it consume you.

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    • sergel02

      This comment helped me so much, thanks a lot for it. Been thinking about this lately, but on and off for nearly 20 years myself. All it took was your comment to ease me!

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  • cassandravl

    It stresses me to no end and when I think about it I get so stressed that I get physically sick. I thought I was the only one !

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  • OMG I asked the same question and got no replies. I sometimes start thinking about it and it freaks me out SO MUCH.

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  • sabrina711

    I think thiss is normal, with anything we dont 't know about for sure or have no idea what it is like. What i do, and i have trusted Jesus for my savior, becoz I know I can't be good enough to make it into heaven, so I know He will get me there since I trusted in Him. and the Bible says "Eye has not seen nor ear heard the things that God has prepared for those who love him" Even tho knowing that a lot of the futuristic stuff scares me too andn I have by "Faith" got to believe that the One who loves me will be there and everything will be perfect the way it was meant to be in the beginning. Time is only for this earth ...i'm sure in eterninty we don't even "know" about time. IT's all different than this and is has to become a trust and faith thing for us to just believe that God has everything planned for our good and to be aorund perfect love will be wonderful! So I say "It's all good'...etc. whether i can understand it or not

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  • VanessaR

    Same here. I'm scared of what's after death, like if there is such thing as Heaven or Hell. Think about it all the time. Do you know your dead or what? So many questions.

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  • It's not normal. You and your consciouness will be long gone in, what will seem like, a couple short years, so don't worry about it. "Eternity" is just a word used to describe the idea that something can last "forever". Everything will come to an end someday, but humanity will try to survive as long as they can despite this. We've been doing it for thousands, maybe millions, of years. Your body won't stay in the same place, unless you're buried at sea, it will more than likely be dug up to make room for a parking structure or a department building.

    The point is don't think about it. Live your life.

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  • neopythagorean

    "You" will never spend eternity anywhere. The "you" that I am referring to is your consciousness. At the time of death, your consciousness will cease and there won't be any "you" left. The matter and energy that makes up your biological matter (which is the source of your consciousness) will be redistributed. Energy will be released in the form of heat. Matter will break down into simpler molecules due to decomposition. Before you were conceived as a fetus, your consciousness did not exist. This is why you have no memory or record of times before your conception. Death will be the same. You needn't worry about anything. With all that said, however, I must note that your fears are normal. This is due to the overwhelming prevalence of religious myths amongst us humans. These myths seem to be derived from the fear of death. However, I think we can all see how these myths have led to new fears, including your fear of "eternity". Just accept that you will die and that your consciousness will never experience any kind of eternity. When you're dead, you're dead.

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    • Markjephson

      Yeah I agree with you, that's logical - but wow it's wierd when you think about it too much

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  • Seantudor

    Just live your life, enjoy it don't think about eternity, best way, live it to the full

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  • SeekingtruthM8

    I feel the same way, im 15 and i know we are in the last days and i know that soon everything will be left behind forever..i just cant think about it, i find myself screaming at night when i think about it but its relieving that im not the only one that experiences this

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  • Legendary

    It all is normal. I have throught the same thing after I got saved when I was 11 years old Im 33 now its still a scary feeling but we our in the flesh and the flesh knows its going to die. But the spirit is going to live on your alive right now your living nothing is bothering you while your living right? The worst part is when you think about it. The flesh is weak but the spirit is willing. Think about it. The spirit desires for God if your spirit is not with God its going to be in torment. I would want to be with him he that loves me because when you get to heaven your not going to have no fleshly desires of feelings scared lonely or afraid of the afterlife its going to be perfect peace a place you call home when you get to heaven your going to want to live forever. Right now your in a flesh that is an eminity to God we all where born in a sinful nature we are here to learn about God and do his will in our lives everyday. Jesus will help you understand everything when you get in heaven. We only use 10% of our human brains here but when you get to heaven you will have 100% of understanding knowledge and wisdom your eyes and ears will have a different feel to the enviorment around you when you walk up and see a beautiful flower in heaven you'll think in your mind that is the most beautiful flower you have ever seen, you can feel the love bursting around you the peace happiness and joy a place you belong an understandment you cannot comprehend on this earth. The spirit desires to live forever we will be back where we belong they are going to be a new earth this earth will never be destory but refined burnt with fire to wipe all the evil off of it someday we are going to live here forever someday when Jesus returns they are going to be a new heaven, new earth and new Jerusalem that is the holy city. Those who trust in Jesus Christ as their Lord and Saviour we all mess up in this life but we must continue to trust in God. Its our purpose in life. With God they are no need. If you trust in Jesus Christ as your Lord and personal Saviour and asked him to accept you into his kingdom by believeing that he came to this world and died for every sin you committed and believeing that God risen him from the dead and been baptisted in the names of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. Your a child of God do his will in your life its the greatest feeling serveing the most high God. You notice how it makes you feel really good talking about the Lord to someone you can feel his presences around you down here on this earth. When you get to heaven your going to feel all of that and much more its going to be the greatest feeling that words cannot utter. Your going to love it living forever. So don't let that throught frighten you.

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  • gilrboy

    Ur not alone!! Ive had that fear for along time and I get panic attakcs!! I also felt I was alone till now.

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  • LAgirl427

    it scares me too. i cant imagine spending eternity in heaven, hell, 6 feet under ground, or complete silence or darkness for eternity. heaven scares me the most. youll be spending eternity singing church songs...and i hate church

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  • lastwolf

    omg!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i have been tormented since birth of this i grew up in christianity & side i was a kid i would ball this question would have me up endless hours i use to be afraid to sleep because i bought to much how do ppl sleep? when i read this my shoulders felt so much lighter thank u all for the support i honestly bought i was the only person in the universe who thought this GOD BLESS U ALL

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  • xchocoxbarx

    i really thought that i'm the only one. this idea of eternity really gives me creeps. and the thing is i don't realize it every single day, but this fear seems like a wake up call for me, when i was watching movies or doing something then i'll realize that i am real. this moment is real. i am real and my soul will live forever. whether in heaven or hell. idk, but it just freaks me out..
    but i'm glad i did google it today and found out that this is actually a phobia and i'm not the only one...

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  • pathfinder

    I am myself suffering from this phobia since childhood. I don't think it is normal as I haven't so far met anyone else who has this infinitely deep fear. Now I am glad there are others like me. You should be glad as well. Its actually called Apeirophobia. But one single word is far too small to describe it. Here is how I tried to express it (ofcourse this is also not sufficient to describe it).
    "When I was a child, never ending property of time came to my mind. Such a horrifying thought it was, and I was shy to ask anyone around. It made me sick. Will I never end? Does that mean I have to be here or somewhere forever? Philosophical learning and possibilities of heaven and enlightenment were not enough to console me. What after that? I would always fear. Will I never end? I wouldn’t believe those who said death would end you. I wasn’t proud of this fact; I was completely horrified with this thought. I could understand to some extent that my body would be buried so that would end it, but not end it all. The way I feel, my consciousness, has not much to do with my body, if body is killed what would happen to me? Will I feel helpless all the time waiting for it to be over and just watch the eternal sequence of events without being able to do anything (only thing one could want is to get out of it) as they go forward in never ending time? Will I never end?"

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