Until what age were you afraid of the dark?
5-10 | 216 | |
10-15 | 226 | |
15-25 | 168 | |
25-45 | 41 | |
or... i have never been afraid of the dark. | 147 | |
or... i am over 45 and still afraid of the dark. | 62 |
Ask Your Question today
5-10 | 216 | |
10-15 | 226 | |
15-25 | 168 | |
25-45 | 41 | |
or... i have never been afraid of the dark. | 147 | |
or... i am over 45 and still afraid of the dark. | 62 |
I was never afraid of the dark. I love the dark, actually. I can't sleep if its not pitch black
I've never been scared of the dark.
I love it dark, I can see people dance in front of my eyes during the first few seconds after the lights are turned out...
25 and still afraid of the dark. When my fiance is at work I have to either sleep with the light on or leave a move playing on my laptop in order to get to sleep. Humans fear the unknown I guess.
I like the dark. Had shutters closed on all the windows when I was a kid and always found the lack of light more relaxing anywhere.
Well, still do. Unless i'm reading there's barely any light here night or day.
I love the dark I lived in it for 2 years without going outside my house and when I finally did I was blinded by the bright sky everything went white, so I ran back inside and a justed my eyes slowly. They are still sensitive to the sky though I can't look at it during the day it hurts. And in the dark I'm like a cat.
I never thought twice about being in the dark when I was a kid...but now I occasionally sleep with the lights on. rather, I'm actually afraid to fall asleep sometimes.
My imagination is not kind to me.
my brains have been fucked inside out by nightmares.
MAN IM FUCKING TERRIFIED OF THE DARK!wait its not the dark its cause sometimes my eyes decieve me and i think i see shadows and i hear the chairs moving.once i closed my eyes wen i slept and i thought wen i opened my eyes i saw a fricking orc from lord of the rings but its was jsut my mom....wow.
I like darkness >.> To be honest, I actually find it more comfortable in pitch darkness than when it's light
I agree with Stinky1.
I prefer the dark inside but the possibility something/someone is watching/following me scares the crap out of me. I have always been a night person, it's easier to think when there isn't so much light and noise
I'm probably the least afraid of the dark of anyone I know. Living in the country, at night when it's cloudy or the moon is new, it's PITCH black. Your eyes don't even have anything to adjust to. There's simply no light. I regularly stumble around my house at night and during our many power outages fumbling for light switches I never find. You'd be surprised how well you can get along with touch alone. Though, time and time again I always seem to crash into that one wall, and if someone moves a piece of furniture even slightly, inevitably I'll stub my toe on it.
My house is old and kind of creepy looking tbh, and most of my friends think it's haunted, but I don't really believe in spooks. Other proof I'm not scared of the dark? For one, I can't sleep unless it's pitch black in my room. Secondly, I often go for walks alone outside at night when everyone else is asleep without a flashlight. It's really calming, and without much light, your hearing takes over. The wind usually dies down enough at night so that you can hear distant noises; both human and animal. I know our property well enough to get around blind, but on clear nights there are enough stars that you don't even need another light. Plus, I love the way trees look silhouetted. I'm such a big, brave boy, aren't I? (This is all I have. Let me have this one thing) xD
Seriously though, I think anyone can lose their fear of the dark by facing it. I think the dark just takes getting used to. When I was under five, I slept with a night light because every other kid I knew had one, but I think the dependence on the night light is what actually made me slightly paranoid about the dark. It was the idea that you were "supposed" to be afraid that made me afraid. One day, I told my mom I didn't need it anymore, and guess what? After one very slightly nerve-wracking night (the lights on my nintendo looked like eyes to me), I never needed it again. The dark is just the absence of light. The fact is, your room and your yard aren't really the "unknown," they're just your room and your yard unilluminated. All the stuff that makes you feel safe is still there to touch.
Only reason I've been alittle terrified of the dark is because I've bad terrible Sleep Paralysis since the age of 3.
I only get this if I fall asleep in the car. It's a terrifying experience. I think I get it when I pinch a nerve in my neck sleeping in a weird position. Even though it only lasts mere seconds, you can't move a muscle or breathe during that time and you're in this total panic. You try to make noise so that someone will move you, but you can't. You just have to suffer it until it's over. It makes you realize how terrible it would be if you were paralyzed in an accident and you weren't discovered for hours.
I still do not like it but I am far under forty. Old enough to use the site though.
ha i used to think a flower would stand in the corner waiting to chuck norris my ass
Love the no "Still Afraid" I am not selecting over 45 D: I am far from that. 18 :P STILL AFRAID!
I just turned 16 (Yes, I know, under the age requirement.) and I'm honestly still afraid of the dark.
Until what age?
I'm still afraid of it :D
I watch too many horror movies :D
I'm still afraid of what's in the dark... my imagination is too vivid ;n;.
I'm still scared of the dark itself, not what's in it though, I have a "fight" response not a flight, so eh I strike out instinctively.
Lol, I have a "flight" response. During the day, I would just be imagining things that would be in the dark and would be convinced that I could take on anything in the dark... I was walking home around 15 minutes before midnight yesterday (late bus) and I though my second shadow that was slightly behind me belonged to this other person trying to attack me- nearly scared myself... with my own shadow- wtf. So lame >_<.
Still afraid of the dark. I hate being surrounded by complete darkness, not being able to see anything, or even myself, or know where things are. Horrible D:
I always think there might be a creature lurking in darkness when im alone ...I feel more comfortable in darkness because good things happen in the dark when women are around...
when i've watched a scary movie then i have to have the lights on but normally i dont
I'm not afraid of the dark....I'm afraid of tripping over something.... I don't like not being able to see!
I hate how our eyes trick us into seeing weird things when its dark. I usually keep my alarm's light on high so that at least I have a little bit of light. I can never sleep unless I have a little bit of light on. I love when its light 'cause it makes me feel safer.
still afraid of the dark!
as stinky1 said "Afriad of what might be IN the dark...yes"
I still am a bit, but it was really bad when I was 11-14. Cuz I love scary movies, and when the Grudge came out, I was freaked as fuck lol :D
I was never really afraid of the dark, just what's in the dark..lmao, but yeah, probably 13 is when I stopped.
i think they can see us anywhere. i never leave the room without a knife.
ill admit that if i cant see something in the dark whrn it makes a noise that it concerns me, but afraid of the dark, no. i sleep well.
im 21...and still afraid. your mind fucks with you so bad when your eyes cant decipher what is surrounding you. most of the time its nothing. i always say i dont believe in ghosts, buuut when its dark, i feel like i see things, like ghosts, or at least i make myself think that