When you get a hickey , do you...
hide it? | 403 | |
wear it with pride | 304 | |
what's a hickey? | 111 | |
Other (Add a comment) | 53 |
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hide it? | 403 | |
wear it with pride | 304 | |
what's a hickey? | 111 | |
Other (Add a comment) | 53 |
For me, it really depends where it is at.
If it is somewhere noticeable, I'd wear it with pride, it's my faulty its there.
However, I have really sensitive skin and sometimes its just painful so I hide it then. Because its always nice and awkward when your teacher asks you whats wrong and you have to answer "Oh nothing my friend just sucked my nipple off lat night; Want to see?!"
I wear it with pride. What's the point of doing/recieving something if you're just going to be ashamed of it later on?
Hickeys just kinda happen with me. Wake up the next day BAM! "When the hell did he do that?!?!?" I work with the public alot, and it's hugely unprofessional. I hide'm anyway I can lol
Honestly, I think that hickeys in places that aren't visible to the public ARE acceptable. Not all the time, but, say your significant other is going away for a trip-- leaving you with a small bite or hickey somewhere is nice, like they're with you.
Hickeys are so high school and even giving one is a no-no unless you're 16 or under...
Does no one here regularly use a curling iron? I mean, come on, that's THE classic hickie cover! Suckers believe it, friends recognize it as a joke, and "scorners" are typically too embarrassed about sex stuff to question it. Solid.
dude if you ever have the urge to get a hickey you either 14 years old or younger.hickeys are trashy,tacky, and just gross to look at.Alot of girls think there sexy and awesome but really you just rushed all the blood up to the surface of you skin so if you think about its just disgusting and no guys think its very cute...
If you have a job where you need to interact with people, it’s totally unacceptable - sign of true immaturity and belligerence. Its gross looking at them.
If it's a bruise from biting, I'm a little self conscious about it but it's all good.
If it's from sucking skin, it won't be on me, because that isn't a turn on. Kissing, biting, licking, yes... Sucking neck, waste of mouth.
dont get one.. at least not in a visible area. they are not attractive and they dont feel too wonderful either
There is absolutely nothing prideful about a hickey. I think you should be ashamed to associate yourself with such inconsiderate people who will leave sex marks on your body in plain sight.
i wouldnt let someone suck my blood to the surface of my skin. eugh. reminds me of leaches!
well I'm a guy so i don't think I'd be getting em but from my perspective if you were to hide it well no one will judge you if you reveal it people will either make fun of you or congratulate you
Had a huge ass party at my house a few weeks ago and got a huge ass hickey from some guy on the front of my neck, right in plain sight. I'm pale as fuck too so it was highly noticeable. I just wore a scarf.
Most of the time hickeys look trashy. A small, dull one isn't anything to be worried about. I've never seen someone with a bunch of hickeys and thought it looked good. Seeing a hickey on someone never changed my perspective of them in a positive way. You only wear it with pride if you want to show the world you are "getting some"/are capable of "getting some". Otherwise, you should have confidence without feeling like you need to prove you are in an intimate relationship.
I usually cover it with make up cause its not professional at work, I don't let random dudes leave one, only if I have a boyfriend. Lucky for me I don't bruise easily
I don't care one way or another. Its your body and your personal opinion. Do what you feels best. If you get one in an open/obvious place where just anyone can see it, make sure you know your parents or gardians won't mind cause you wouldn't want to get in trouble either
Well, first of all I don't get hickeys. They're tacky haha but the rare occasions I've had them, I take a quarter to it, and get rid of it!
For the 18 of you who don't know...
Hickey:A reddish mark on the skin caused by amorous kissing, biting, or sucking.
I personally find them disgusting.
wear it with pride unless its to bad in wich case it looks like your misses has beaten you lol
I am 18 years old and I just got my first hickey today.. me and my boyfriend went to see The Woman In Black and didn't like it very much, so pretty much the entire movie he worked on giving me a hickey.. It's really not that big cuz he didn't really know how to do it seeing as he's never done it before, but you can still see it..
I would wear it proudly.. but I will get in trouble if anyone sees it.. the people at my church have been hating my boyfriend lately and our relationship.. so they're pretty much out to get us...
So.. until we run away to who-knows-where, away from these stupid, judgemental people, I have to cover it with make-up..
I don't think they're gross.. I quite like them ^_^ And my boyfriend LOVES giving them ;)
Honestly, church people are very judgemental anyway.
You should be old enough to be able to take a Sunday or two off every now and again.
Those who are just jealous are nothing more than vanilla Barlow children if they're not married, and bullied into beleiving that sex is evil whether they are or not.
In my books hickeys are only acceptable in places that you're able to hide.
I don't feel the need to see people with hickeys - That is your personal business, that does NOT need to be shared with the rest of the world.
- Keep it covered, or don't get them.