Are hispanics raised different?

I always got in trouble as a child for apperently not being empathetic enough. However, Mexican parents have like 0 empathy. I also realized that this is not just my household. As I see memes online of other Mexicans who were raised the same. In a Mexican family you don't cry. You make your family look nice or get beat or punished when you get home. If you get hurt your parents say "You fine, walk it off". If you are sick you only going to the docs if it's super serious cause no one has time for that. But I noticed a trend, that how I was treated was not how we would treat outsiders. Like I would try to hold other more younger children to standards my parents would set. They would say "Just cuase we told you that, don't mean you can tell them that". Which confused me but I became people pleasing since I didn't understand when and where to apply my parents standards. So like are my sociol skills a reflection of me or like is culturally Hispanics just different?

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Comments ( 22 )
  • Tommythecaty

    You heard it here first people.

    Mexican parents have like 0 empathy apparently 🤣

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    • I mean are they supposed to? I keep seeing others sharing that they don't and mine didn't have any. They say 'suck it up'. Yet when other children at school start crying over nothing they yell at you. Like, why am I supposed to care about other children when you tell me none of this worth crying about? I got smacked, a child's gonna assume they also just didn't get smacked enough. That they need to stop whining. I not sure why people outside the household are seemingly given more privileges. Timmy decided to attack John for having a funny last name. John punched Timmy who starts crying. Than John is told he should be sad about hurting Timmy. Why did Timmy attack John? If John would have hit Timmy his parents would have beat him when he got home. So John learned if you hurt other people you get hurt. Why is it Johns fualt that Timmy is a sensitive child who can't accept punishment? This applied when I got older too. My mother would be super nice to the niaghbors or the niaghbor kids but we realized if we acted like they did our parents would scream at us. I don't feel like this makes all Mexicans horrible people does it? Like this is culturally just how it works. I feel like culturally people with thicker skin are treated like they are terrible for existing, but if it's a culturel background I don't think it's a sign of poor character.

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      • Tommythecaty

        There is no “they”

        Every parent, one to the next, is different. This would naturally include Mexicans who are parents. Of course there are plenty of them who are empathetic, what a ridiculous generalisation.

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        • The they was referring to other people. I am positive other people exist. That's a very silly notion you are presenting.

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          • Tommythecaty

            I wasn’t referring to your use of the word “they” at all.

            I was speaking on your using of “Hispanic parents” which refers to them as a collective group, hence my saying “they” you dumb dumb.

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            • It's not a generalization. I auctully assumed it was just me until others have expressed they have been treated similarly. Cultural attitude is a real thing that exists. I was trying to figure out if this was a cultural thing or just a reflection of poor character. Since it's often seen as a sign of poor character. If it's a cultural difference it's more culture clash.

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  • darefu

    As a half breed I represent this remark.

    I fully understand what you are saying about Hispanic households but I'm also old enough to remember the change in the USA.

    My Caucasian grandparents and even parents to a certain point we're just like you describe your Mexican parents. Somewhere in the 70s maybe 80s the boomer kids were so spoiled they dropped a lot of family values known to previous generations. It's only got worse since.

    Don't get me wrong. I'm not pointing fingers. A lot of changes happened in the USA after the great war, 40s thru 60s. Cars, TV, sexual revolution, divorce rate, being some of the biggest.

    Family's no longer stayed in one area through multiple generations. They spread out, living 2oo to 500, even a couple thousand miles from other family became more normal. Single parent households, and duel working parents became common.

    In Spain a lot of that didn't even start until the 70s and 80s. Asian's and Hispanic are just 40 or 50 years behind. You can see it happening in the other cultures now.

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  • ibrokemyds

    this type of parenting is also pretty common in asian families, especially west asian, but not in caucasian families. my mum is egyptian and was raised pretty similarly to this, but i got a pretty typical 'white' upbringing since my mum didn't want to give me a childhood like that (thankfully lol)

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  • PhillipLoco11

    Mexicans treat their families with love and respect.
    White g ringo garbage teach thier kids how to be self entitled garbage.
    Whiteys are the biggest serial killers in the world.

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  • litelander8

    I’m white and grew up in a very similar household. The only difference I’ve noticed it that y’all moms beat y’all with flip flop apparently. My mom just used the old fashioned meat mittens.

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    • RoseIsabella

      My mom used the belt.

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      • litelander8

        Same. My mom used anything she could get her hands on. But I don’t like to use honesty. I like dark humor. And saying “if my parents didn’t, I wouldn’t be who I am today”. But the truth is that maybe if they had not, I’d be better. 🤷🏾‍♀️Useless.

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        • RoseIsabella

          I've been meaning to respond to your comment, but ... well, sorry I'm late. 😞

          I want to say that my mom has hit me with a fly swatter if my memory serves me well, but maybe I'm wrong. Either way if feels like something she would have done. I do also vaguely remember her hitting me over the head with an empty root beer bottle.

          After my Siamese cat died back in 2021 I found myself thinking I would have been a less mentally ill person, and healthier overall if I had had the luxury of growing up with our dogs in the house, or a Siamese cat in the house like a lot of the kids I saw on television shows did.

          I think I'd be different, and maybe even successful if I had been raised differently, I don't think I'd have an entirely different personality per se, but I would probably have been not so self loathing, and perhaps more confident. I think the dark humor does sometimes help though.🤔

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  • ospry

    This question sounds kind of like the cheesy tagline for a beer commercial

    "Hispanics...raised differently"

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  • PhillipLoco11

    Claro que si somos differentes.
    Nosotros no nos portamos como los griegos ignorantes ladrones y abusivos de mierdas.

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  • normal-rebellious

    Hispanics are different, but the reality is if people know you, you're doomed, everyone shouldn't be known.

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    • RoseIsabella

      My late mother was from Colombia, she and my Anglo-American father were quite private. My sister says I shouldn't talk about the family with outsiders, but I do what I want! I figure the moment someone hurts me is when a person close to me loses his, or her so called right to privacy.

      In the past I have discreetly recorded a person who was verbally abusing me, and played it for others who were assisting, or consoling me. Abusive people should never have any expectations of privacy. Don't do anything you wouldn't want anyone to know about if you don't want it online, or elsewhere.

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    • You are saying people shouldn't know Hispanics?

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      • normal-rebellious

        I don't know, maybe they should know Hispanics.

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