Is it normal that i like to wear short shorts and completely shave my legs?

So for a long time I used to only exclusively wear pants...I just didn't like how traditional men's shorts used to look. And by that I mean knee-length or below the knee. It just didn't seem like it would make that much of a difference temperature wise, and I didn't think it looked good.

However, more recently I had seen above the knee to mid-thigh men's shorts trending...usually around a 9 to 5 inch inseam...and I was a lot more interested. I thought men looked way better when they showed some more thigh skin. So I bought some shorter shorts for myself...

And I did enjoy wearing the shorter shorts...however, with my legs so exposed, I noticed my legs were too I trimmed them at first. It was better...but it still didn't feel right. So then I proceeded to fully shave hairless, and oh my fucking god I absolutely loved it! I could see my bare pale legs in all their glory, and they felt so silky and soft! Like a woman's leg!

I know shaven legs aren't a "masculine" thing, but I still really loved it. Being super masculine isn't really my thing anyway, as I'm sort of a more "soft" guy. As in not necessarily super feminine all the time, but I don't mind being more emotional/sensitive or having at least a few feminine features.

While I am happy with this though, I do kind of get a lot of shit from time to time though...both for the LENGTH of my shorts, and also the LACK of hair on my legs. Mostly responses like, "Dude that's so gay, your shorts must reach your knees!" Or, "Dude, if you're not shaving your legs for swimming why do it?! It's so gay!"

So that makes me question how "normal" it is. Hence why I'm posting this here. It depends on what you consider normal...if normal equals what the majority does, then I'm certainly not normal. But if normal equals harmless and hurting nobody, then I'm most definitely normal. I guess it's subjective.

Voting Results
25% Normal
Based on 4 votes (1 yes)
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Comments ( 3 )
  • Tommythecaty

    That’s a lot of damned words about shorts there.

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  • bigbudchonger

    It's not normal, dude. I take it you live in the West?

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  • 1WeirdGuy

    My legs look like a sasquatch

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