Sock goblins

Why do these bitch ass sock goblins keep breaking into my house and stealing my left goddamn socks, hiding my keys, and moving my god damn wallet so I can never find it. These absolute little gremlin motherfuckers. First I have to avoid the noid and now I gotta deal with fucking Goblins living in my walls to take my shit.

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Comments ( 2 )
  • Tommythecaty

    I tell her all the time. I’ve seen at least two piece of shit goblins so far, nobody believes me, goddamned idiots.

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  • normal-rebellious

    It's normal to believe that stuff, people often do believe in goblins and other supernatural things. But I think it's also normal for your stuff to be relocated making it harder to find. Just remember to put your keys in your pocket, don't buy nice things, remember that goblins are mischievous elves, I have that problem too, my clothes get taken away by the fairies, they sometimes get thrown in the bin, I take them out of the bin. I can't blame goblins because no real physical person did it, just locate your things better.

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