Taking comfort in fat acceptance/fetishism when not fat?

I’m in my mid twenties and I am not and never have been most people’s definition of “fat”. However like all of us I was raised on the idea that thinner is better, I wanted my bones to be visible and glorified hardness in the body. Although I had no plans to get it myself I became fascinated with mastectomies (breast removal surgery) and how they remove excess softness. Although I am not overweight the fleshier parts of my body still bother me, I catch myself wishing my ribs and hipbones were
more prominent then mentally “talk myself down”. I’m sure at least some women reading will relate to this.

I first discovered by fat fetishism by accident on Tumblr was strangely intrigued. I’m not personally attracted to fat people, but it was the idea that excess fat could be seen as aesthetically pleasing that fascinated me and I read some free erotica featuring it. The idea that instead of sucking in their stomach someone could just allow a partner to gently stoke and jiggle it. It was a level of vulnerability and acceptance that was alien to me.

When I looked in the mirror last night I didn’t suck my stomach in or squirm away from the softer parts of my body, I gently rubbed my belly and other squishier areas. Not to judge their size or imagine them absent or harder, just to feel the sensation of them.

It was like letting go of tension I didn’t realise was there. I’d never thought to just enjoy the feeling of my flesh in my hands.

Has anyone else used fat fetish media to help them resist society’s relentless pressure to glorify a skeletal physique? I feel almost like I’ve “miss used” it.

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Comments ( 18 )
  • Iambillythemenacetosociety

    "Glorify a skeletal physique"? Lady, what world are you living in? People view being nothing but skins and bones just as gross as being a landwhale. It's you that glorifies it.😂

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    • This is an interesting comment, I suppose it is possible that my personal ideal body standard thinner and harder than most people’s. I was in sports clubs through out my education and early adult life and was constantly surrounded by very athletic people. Even now my eye is drawn to lean runners on the street.

      Even if that is the case I still wonder if any other non-chubby people take comfort in fat fetish content and it’s celebration (rather than begrudging tolerance) of bodily softness.

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  • 1WeirdGuy

    Glorifying heart disease and joint pain

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    • The movement goes too far when the health risks of being fat are being denied.

      I don’t enjoy it for the denial, but for the celebration, rather than the usual begrudging tolerance, of having a degree of softness.

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  • Ligeia

    If it makes you uncomfortable when people fetishize thin bodies why would you think it's great that people fetishize fat bodies? I'm not fat, but I don't think it would feel good to know that my body is a porn category.

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    • I am personally indifferent to the fetishisation of thin people however I see why fat people sometimes find fat fetishes offensive.

      I was asking to see if anyone else had taken comfort in this content despite being neither chubby nor a chubby chaser.

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  • Somenormie

    I view the fat acceptance as nothing more than a cult acceptance to slowly die.

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    • bigbudchonger

      It's for people who have given up on losing weight, but still want society to say they're "sexy and beautiful"

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      • Somenormie

        I say this because I used to fall into the fat acceptance back when I used to be fat and that I'm just saying how it is.

        They'll say any bullshit just to suit their narrative.

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        • ObamaIfHeWasBlack

          The mistake that 99% of people who support fat acceptance make is believing that acceptance equates to physical attraction. I can accept you without finding you attractive

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          • I am not personally attracted to fat people and don’t think anyone should feel obligated to feel that way.

            I enjoy fat fetish content for the celebration, rather than the usual begrudging tolerance, of having a degree of softness.

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        • bigbudchonger


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          • Somenormie

            A good example is how they will try to bring down other fat people for trying to lose weight and focusing on weight loss goals


            How they will get offended whenever someone says they'll never date someone who is fat like seriously no one is forced to like them.

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      • I am not personally attracted to fat people and don’t think anyone should feel obligated to feel that way.

        I enjoy fat fetish content for the celebration, rather than the usual begrudging tolerance, of having a degree of softness.

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  • Cuntsiclestick

    This post makes me think of my father's friend. He got really REALLY fat. One day he got up to walk like he always did and his knee completely buckled and broke under all his weight. It had to be replaced and he needed EXTENSIVE rehab.

    As someone that used to be fat, that was one of the things that made me pick up the dumbbells, stop eating whole pizzas, and lose the weight.

    When obesity is glorified, awful health issues get glorified as well. It's not healthy.

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    • The movement goes too far when the health risks of being fat are being denied.

      I don’t enjoy it for the denial, but for the celebration, rather than the usual begrudging tolerance, of having a degree of softness.

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  • rockyrocks

    i'm a fat guy and i was bullied a lot in high school for it. it destroyed my self esteem. even though i found fat people attractive, i couldn't manage to apply that to myself. it took a while for me to let go of some of that insecurity, but obviously it's still there.

    because i'm fat, i've been fetishized before. people saying they want to "feed my chubby belly", and rub and play with it. i just hated being objectified like that.

    i dislike the fetish, mainly because of how people with it treated me, but when people can just like how i look without focusing on their fantasies, that's nice :)

    Comment Hidden ( show )
    • I see why fat people sometimes find fat fetishes offensive.

      I was asking to see if anyone else had taken comfort in this content despite being neither chubby nor a chubby chaser.

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