Which present day generation is your favorite

What do you find most interesting about them?

Millennials 5
Baby Boomers 2
Gen Z 3
Silent Gen 3
Gen X 9
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Comments ( 14 )
  • up_my_ass_boiz

    Silent gen: anything but, and lousy tippers

    baby boomers: barely spent a day working in the service sector *and it shows*

    Gen X: thinks drinking from the hosepipe and being alone for a few hours after coming home from school is a personality trait

    millenials: stunted adults who still read YA novels in their thirties and are presently having a crisis over the author of shitty wizard novels being a bigot

    gen z: stds are down for this gen because they ain't leaving momma's house anytime soon, only "bread" they're gonna get comes with a twist tie.

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    • DrPissenschitz

      Don't forget how millennials are convinced that simply being offended on behalf of another person or group of people is considered a legitimate form of social activism

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      • Tommythecaty

        I’m trying to listen to the new Robert Palmer tape and Drpiss
        enschitz keeps buzzing in my ear about being offended on behalf of people.

        *lifts headphones up

        Because I want to fit in.

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      • bbrown95

        As a Millennial myself, I've never understood this mentality, and especially when some of them try to tell said group of people how they should feel about a situation and what they should be offended by/outraged at. It seems very condescending to me, as if they believe those people can't think for themselves and form opinions of their own.

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    • Grunewald

      I don't understand the bit about the twist tie.

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    • Is it me or is Gen X annoying in the 21s Century? They were cool in the 90s, but kind of bitchy in the present day.

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  • Cuntsiclestick

    Honestly, none. They're all assholes but in different ways.

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  • Grunewald

    Gen X-ers are interesting. Old enough to teach me a lot about life before I existed/could take stock of it, but in a lot of cases curious about my generation (Millennials) and Gen Z too.

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  • Tinybird

    Maybe gen x
    Even though I'm technically gen z.
    Honestly gen z and millenials bother the hell out of me with their "wokeness" and social activism. I tire of it. But I also don't like harshness.

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  • rockyrocks

    gen z. it me :)

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  • splashgame3

    A lot of boomers are assholes

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  • Pinkpickle

    No opinion. They are all just people. Your generation means nothing. Everyone is an individual.

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  • bbrown95

    I've never really given it much thought, as there are people from all generations whose company I really enjoy. I do tend to really like and click well with most older people around my parents' age (60's) and older that I meet though, so perhaps Silent Gen and Baby Boomers! I'm not really sure why, I just find them really fun and interesting to talk to, and love to hear their stories of the past from before I was ever born.

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  • 1WeirdGuy

    Baby boomers even tho they destroyed the nation. After ww2 life was too good in America and they started all their drama that never stopped. But they are still more normal and wise than the younger guys.

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