do you agree with the death penalty?

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Comments ( 18 )
  • rainbowdrop

    No. And what if there is an innocent person on death row, and he/she gets killed? What justice has that served? None! Except we are murderers just like the accused on DR. I used to think it was okay when I was younger, but now... I just don't think its right. The system is fucked up so much, I am witnessing it first hand.

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    • Angel_in_a_Glass_Dress

      That depends...

      are they really innocent
      or are they saying "i'm innocent" to try to get out of the punishment?

      I am sure many people would lie if they thought it would save their lives.

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    • davesumba

      i agree, the system is COMPLETELY and utterly fucked up. people go to prison when they did absolutely no harm to anyone but themself (drug possession etc), and punishments NEVER fit the crime. Except for the death penalty, you kill someone, the government kills you, the punishment couldn't fit the crime any more perfectly.

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    • Darkoil

      Who gives a shit if an innocent person is sentenced to death.

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      • You might give a shit, if it was you. ;)

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      • rainbowdrop

        You would give ten shits if it was a family member, a friend or you. "Its not happening to me so I don't give a fuck" yeah, that's the kind of attitude we need. Grow up you douche.

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        • Darkoil

          That's not my attitude actually. 150,000 people die everyday so would you like to explain to me how one guy being killed is important at all?.

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          • rainbowdrop

            Because, the law and the justice system are how we decide who is criminal and who is innocent. It is not a good system but its what we have. When one person who gets fucked because they were not given a fair trial, or any other thing that may prevent them from having their innocence, and is killed..because of a jank system? Then who do we trust? Its not right. Its not just "one guy", its everyone. And yes, I know lots of people die everyday, but what the fuck is wrong with humanity when its actually considered alright to kill on purpose?

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            • Darkoil

              This is a good point about how the justice system is a broken pile of shit but still if it gets 9 out of 10 cases right then at least we can sleep soundly at night, as long as we pretend that the 10th person was guilty right lol.

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              • rainbowdrop

                I don't sleep soundly at night knowing there is a possible chance that, for some extreme reason, I end up as that one person...or you as well for that matter. Pretending is not a way to fix it lol. A human life isn't something to mess around with..everyone comes from somewhere.

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      • BLAh81

        Fucking asshole.

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        • Darkoil

          Lol. You mad bra? Hey just because my views on how important human life is differ to yours there is no need to start name calling.

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