This term is used to describe racial injustices and prejudices that people have on people of color. The word "Racist" is definitly a sensitive word especially around white people considering the history. Claiming that "everything and everyone is racist" is more or less adding to the problem, since it distracts from the main issues of racial inequality.
Also people acting like racism can only be applied to white people which is plainly stupid. It's not "reverse racism" it's just plain racism. Racism is bad and critical race theory is the most racist fad we've seen in years.
What we see today can neatly be described as a class issue, but the media wants to make everything into a race issue. The media is also well known to be in the hands of the left in the country so yeah the left wants to make everything about race. Instead of fixing the class issues which is a multifaceted problem.
So Fox News is on the left? Also the left doesn't want to make everything about race, the left wants to make everything about raising taxes on the rich, a minimum wage, ending the wars, healthcare, infrastructure, and combating climate change.
Fox news is one channel. How many other mainstream news channels exsist for those one the right. Hell CNN and MSNBC has been trying to cancel fox news so as much as I dislike fox news I have to defend them because having a different opinion is apparently grounds to get you canceled.
Hows biden doing on those promises so far? Crippled the pipefitters profession without getting the suitable backup jobs first. Actually making emissions worse since a pipeline is a hell of a lot more efficent for moving oil than the ocean tankers that we will have to use.
Increasing minimum wage after the worst economic crisis that wasnt due to any kind of actual recession wiping out small businesses that somehow survived the pandemic shutdown. Especially if this is done on a federal level instead of a local level.
Raising taxes on the rich like that's going to help if the rich move away. Taxes can collect more if we have more people paying taxes. Prime example is New York, high taxes without it being spent on anything of worth, as well as increasing levels of crimes all under democrat leadership btw.
Biden at least is trying to solve the border crisis... by building a wall. Oh geez why didnt Republicans think of that!
Nobody is trying to cancel nobody, since it doesn't affect their bottom line. By the way a study by the University of Maryland found that people who watch Fox News are the most misinformed in the country.
A minimum wage would help the economy by providing consumer spending and worker productivity. 60% of people support a minimum wage increase from $7.25 to $15 an hour. Also from A Chief Political Correspondent 83% of people say that a $7.25 minimum wage is not enough. Complain all you want but you can't overturn democracy.
Did you know that most rich people don't pay their taxes? Trump payed 750$ in taxes the year he won his presidency. he also introduced the Trump tax bill which 82.8% of the benefits went to the top 1%, and also increased taxes on people making $75000 or less. Not to mention adding 1.4 trillion dollars to the deficit. People pay many different taxes in New York, so it would be easier to raise taxes rather than lowering them.
I assume you are referring to "Misinformation and the 2010 Election: A Study of the US Electorate". That study, of which the original is harder to find than you might imagine says it did this to decide what was misinformation and what was not:
"We used as reference points the conclusions of key government agencies that are run by professional experts and have a strong reputation for being immune to partisan influences. These include the Congressional Budget Office, the Department of Commerce, and the National Academy of Sciences. We also noted efforts to survey elite opinion, such as the regular survey of economists conducted by the Wall Street Journal; however, we only used this as supporting evidence for what constitutes expert opinion."
It was literally a question of "Do you agree with the government agencies or not?"
People who watched FOX News tended not to a bit more often than those who didn't.
Not at all, In 2011, a survey done in New Jersey by Dan Cassino (A Political Scientist) found that 612 New Jersians who watched Fox News were 18 points less likely to know that the Egyptians overthrew their government than those who watched no news at all.
A follow up survey was done in 2012 were researchers asked 1185 random people what news sources they consumed from the past week. They found out that people who watched Fox News answered 1.04 out of 5 on domestic affair questions. While people who watched no new answered 1.22 out of 5 on domestic affair questions. While people who watched NPR or Sunday morning political talk shows answered 1.51 out of 5 on domestic affair questions.
Has the word 'racism' lost its meaning?
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This term is used to describe racial injustices and prejudices that people have on people of color. The word "Racist" is definitly a sensitive word especially around white people considering the history. Claiming that "everything and everyone is racist" is more or less adding to the problem, since it distracts from the main issues of racial inequality.
2 years ago
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2 years ago
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Also people acting like racism can only be applied to white people which is plainly stupid. It's not "reverse racism" it's just plain racism. Racism is bad and critical race theory is the most racist fad we've seen in years.
What we see today can neatly be described as a class issue, but the media wants to make everything into a race issue. The media is also well known to be in the hands of the left in the country so yeah the left wants to make everything about race. Instead of fixing the class issues which is a multifaceted problem.
2 years ago
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So Fox News is on the left? Also the left doesn't want to make everything about race, the left wants to make everything about raising taxes on the rich, a minimum wage, ending the wars, healthcare, infrastructure, and combating climate change.
2 years ago
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Fox news is one channel. How many other mainstream news channels exsist for those one the right. Hell CNN and MSNBC has been trying to cancel fox news so as much as I dislike fox news I have to defend them because having a different opinion is apparently grounds to get you canceled.
Hows biden doing on those promises so far? Crippled the pipefitters profession without getting the suitable backup jobs first. Actually making emissions worse since a pipeline is a hell of a lot more efficent for moving oil than the ocean tankers that we will have to use.
Increasing minimum wage after the worst economic crisis that wasnt due to any kind of actual recession wiping out small businesses that somehow survived the pandemic shutdown. Especially if this is done on a federal level instead of a local level.
Raising taxes on the rich like that's going to help if the rich move away. Taxes can collect more if we have more people paying taxes. Prime example is New York, high taxes without it being spent on anything of worth, as well as increasing levels of crimes all under democrat leadership btw.
Biden at least is trying to solve the border crisis... by building a wall. Oh geez why didnt Republicans think of that!
2 years ago
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Nobody is trying to cancel nobody, since it doesn't affect their bottom line. By the way a study by the University of Maryland found that people who watch Fox News are the most misinformed in the country.
A minimum wage would help the economy by providing consumer spending and worker productivity. 60% of people support a minimum wage increase from $7.25 to $15 an hour. Also from A Chief Political Correspondent 83% of people say that a $7.25 minimum wage is not enough. Complain all you want but you can't overturn democracy.
Did you know that most rich people don't pay their taxes? Trump payed 750$ in taxes the year he won his presidency. he also introduced the Trump tax bill which 82.8% of the benefits went to the top 1%, and also increased taxes on people making $75000 or less. Not to mention adding 1.4 trillion dollars to the deficit. People pay many different taxes in New York, so it would be easier to raise taxes rather than lowering them.
2 years ago
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2 years ago
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I assume you are referring to "Misinformation and the 2010 Election: A Study of the US Electorate". That study, of which the original is harder to find than you might imagine says it did this to decide what was misinformation and what was not:
"We used as reference points the conclusions of key government agencies that are run by professional experts and have a strong reputation for being immune to partisan influences. These include the Congressional Budget Office, the Department of Commerce, and the National Academy of Sciences. We also noted efforts to survey elite opinion, such as the regular survey of economists conducted by the Wall Street Journal; however, we only used this as supporting evidence for what constitutes expert opinion."
It was literally a question of "Do you agree with the government agencies or not?"
People who watched FOX News tended not to a bit more often than those who didn't.
2 years ago
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Not at all, In 2011, a survey done in New Jersey by Dan Cassino (A Political Scientist) found that 612 New Jersians who watched Fox News were 18 points less likely to know that the Egyptians overthrew their government than those who watched no news at all.
A follow up survey was done in 2012 were researchers asked 1185 random people what news sources they consumed from the past week. They found out that people who watched Fox News answered 1.04 out of 5 on domestic affair questions. While people who watched no new answered 1.22 out of 5 on domestic affair questions. While people who watched NPR or Sunday morning political talk shows answered 1.51 out of 5 on domestic affair questions.
Any good accountant can find a loophole in any tax code. Trump when he paid 750$ that wasnt illegal that was literally what he paid.
2 years ago
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So you don't support the ultra wealthy paying their taxes? Only when it's convenient for them right?
And, outside of your anglosphere sensitive to many people, of varying "colors".