I am this close TO LOSING IT

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  • A cyclone comes speeding your way. Gusts of wind slap at your oodie, playfully knocking the hem around your hips and up past your waist before the wind pulls it off of you completely, leaving you naked in the outdoors with this sexy new cyclone friend of yours. At first you feel self conscious, wondering if there are any people around who might see you. These worries quickly fade as you feel the wind of the cyclone caressing your breasts and swirling down around your body. You shiver from the cool wind but feel hot as the wind continues down your body, between your legs and down to your ankles

    I can't believe I just wrote a mini erotica about a cyclone

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    • Tinybird

      That was beautiful <3

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      • Let me know if you want the full short story lol

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        • Tinybird

          Boy would I!! Wait you actually wrote it? Let's hear it

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          • I haven't written it but I will. I'll throw in some things from that post you made too, like the backrooms

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            • Tinybird

              Omg yay, I can't wait to read it :D Don't forget to show me when you written it!

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              • This was a...strange...writing exercise for me. I hope you like it.


                Tinybird opened her eyes and took out her headphones. She’d been listening to the Jackson Five on her MP3 player (her favorite era of Michael Jackson’s career, back in the stage where he was most innocent and pure. It broke Tinybird’s heart that he never had the childhood he deserved). She liked the music but it wasn’t typical of her to get so lost in the tune that she got literally lost. She didn’t recognize her surroundings and couldn’t remember how she got there, or even what building she could possibly in. Unsure of where to go, she picked a hallway at random and began walking down it.

                It could be worse, she figured. After all, she’d always enjoyed liminal spaces. Not everyone understood it, but she found liminal spaces to be attractive, even arousing in a way that she couldn’t quit explain to others. Even though she’d never been here before, it felt familiar, almost inviting. Wandering through the winding corridors, she let herself be wrapped up in the embrace of the twisting yellow walls around her.

                Yellow walls…

                That’s when she realized where she was. Somehow, Tinybird had managed to stumble into the backrooms. The fear of being lost in an otherworldly, possibly sentient liminal space mixed with a feeling of arousal, and Tinybird bit her lip as she flushed, feeling her whole body grow hot. She flapped the hem of her hoodie and felt glad she wore nothing underneath. She was almost tempted to take the oodie off altogether but decided against it. If she found her way out the backrooms or encountered any other people while in here it would be difficult to explain why she was naked.

                She continued walking down the hallways, taking turns at random and noticing how the pathways grew increasingly unpredictable and convoluted. There was a sound off in the distance that was vaguely familiar, and Tinybird decided to follow it. With the hallways being as random as they were, Tinybird grew frustrated trying to track down the source of the sound. When it sounded like she was getting closer, a new bend in the corridor would lead her so far away she almost lost track of it.

                Was the air getting colder? Tinybird shivered against her will and pulled her oodie tight around her. It felt as if she’d stepped into a gentle airstream. A light breeze blew against her as if a fan sat at the far end of the hallway. Tinybird felt paradoxically cold despite the heat of her body beneath the oodie. She trembled, but not so much a shiver of cold as it was of barely contained excitement. She pulled the oodie down to cover more of her legs and the wind picked up, tearing at the oodie seemingly in protest. She tried again and this time a gust of wind slid the oodie up her thighs, past her hips, and around her waist, leaving her exposed. She closed her eyes and let out a soft moan as the wind blew between her legs, teasing the lips of her vulva with a gentle, cool bite before picking up in intensity, pulling the oodie off her body and knocking her to the floor.

                Wind howled and grew louder as a cyclone made its way through the backrooms, blindly searching for Tinybird to take her and ravage her in ways that no person ever could. As the wind grew louder, so did the sound from before and Tinybird realized it wasn’t a sound, it was music. It was the outro theme from Spongebob Squarepants. Wind assaulted Tinybird from all sides like a million hands, all feeling the hotness of her bare skin, the curves of her hips and breasts, the softness of her thighs, and the warm, tight, wet interior of her--

                Tinybird arched her back and groaned partly in pain but mostly in ecstasy. The cyclone, Gustav, was in sight now and sending wave after wave of pressurized air deep inside her, throbbing as they entered. The Spongebob outro theme screamed in her ears and she squeezed her eyes shut and tensed her body until the most blissful, soothing sensation began in her groin and spread throughout the rest of her body, as sweet as honey and nothing like she’d ever experienced before.

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