I don't care about other people

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  • yupyupuhuh

    I signed up mainly to say I feel the same exact way as the OP. I have a fairly different situation as I work for a living and probably older (mid-twentys). I am probably one of the most outgoing people you would ever meet in person.

    I love my mother dearly (never met my father) so I can probably say she is the only person I truly "care" about in my life.

    All others, just a guise really. In the end of the day, I really don't "care" about anyone else. Sure people grow on me, but for how long? Not long after I don't have to see you anymore.

    I truly enjoy being alone, there is nothing better to me than being able to be alone with my thoughts.

    I understand the terror and horror in this world, and I am grateful I live in a country where I am essentially free, but I don't care about the lives of those people. Its not like im happy when there is a disaster, but I am not sad when things like this happen. That's life for you.

    In my honest opinion, there are way too many people on this world now, if there was a plague that wiped out 60-70%% of the population the human race would be better off for a thousand years or so. Regardless if I was in that 60-70%%.

    Now, the next time someone says have a nice day while getting off the elevator, think to yourself, would this person feel anything if the cable snapped and you fell to your death. Probably not, other than glad it wasn't me ;-)

    BTW, I am in my opinion one of the happiest people I have ever met because I don't carry the burden of other peoples worries/cares/sadness/or hopes. I am in this game for myself til' the end!

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    • Hellonurse

      So... you will not care if your dog died , or your sister was in a car accident?! Or am I misreading your comment? You will just say that you care but inside you are saying: "Glad it wasn't me?"

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