Take the POS on a one way ride to the middle of nowhere, kick his stinking ass out of the car, and tell your husband and kids you let him outside and either he ran away or someone stole him.
LOL! thats exactly what I did to the dog that was living with me! I took it for a looongg drive to the country, dumped it off on some cattle property, hoped like hell it was shot on site then opened the gate when I got home and claimed it ran away... ahhh precious uninterrupted sleep
Get your nose out of your dog's ass and get a life! Unlike you, some of us are able to find a human companion and don't have to depend on a filthy fleabag for companionship.
You do realize families all around the world have dogs right. There is NOTHING wrong with having a dog, and it has NOTHING to do with companionship issues. God, you are so fucked up in the head.
That is so sick. People who dump animals make me sick. I can't believe people like you exist. Every time i hear a story about pathetic people who can't even care for an animal, it makes me want to punch someone. How hard is it to train a dog? Not that hard. People like you are lazy and stupid. So dumb you can't even train a dog. I also wish I could report you fo cruelty and put your incompetent ass in Jail!
its best to take them to a shelter if you cant handle your pet. Its not a crime to get rid of a pet but its irresponsible to just dump it off somewhere it will probably get killed or bite some stranger.
A lot of people fail at training dogs so its not as easy as you say. But if people don't want to keep their pets they should get rid of it in a responsible way.
tell me in what ways am I psychotic? what signals have I shown? in what was am I a misanthrope? I never expressed a hatred for people. Its just people like you who are cowardly that test the patience of animal lovers.
If I have no life, then what do you have since you respond to each one of my comments in kind?
cowpatties, you don't know where any of us live, so you don't know whether dumping a dog is a CRIME where we live or not! For all you know, we all live in Central America where people view dogs as the filthy, worthless pieces of shit they are.
The only sad individuals on this site are those who have to depend on a filthy, shit-eating fleabag for company because they are such despicable excuses for human beings that no one else can stand to be around them! And if you want to see one of those lousy excuses for a human being, just look in the mirror!
Moonbow the reason people like me prefer the company of dogs and animals as opposed to humans is because humans like YOU actually exist and we are forced to share this world and its resources with you.
Hating on innocent creatures is a poor excuse for a human being. I dont care what pathetic place on the planet you call home. Hopefully it is in a third world country somewhere, you would deserve living there for sure.
Keep the posts coming I enjoy confronting hypocritical bullies and phonies like you.
Dogs are not "innocent creatures." Innocent creatures are those that evolved naturally. Dogs are unnatural because they have been created by man, not nature. That is why they are the only animals that kill just for the hell of it. Ever wonder why dogs will chase down and kill sheep, goats, chickens, or whatever just for sport? -- it's because they are unnatural, defective creatures which have no place on this earth.
A large dog has a bigger carbon footprint (i.e., uses and destroys more of the earth's resources than a large SUV. Anyone who loves dogs hates the enviroment.
Dogs are innocent creatures you misguided dolt. Everything has evolved naturally, if there wasnt a niche for a particular animal to occupy then they simply wouldnt exist. If you are talking about how humans DOMESTICATED dogs then you surely realize we also DOMESTICATED the other animals you listed in your post (sheep, goat, and chickens) for food/clothing.
So by your reasoning the African Wild DOG (key word) didnt evolve naturally?
And do you know who has the biggest carbon footprint of them all? HUMANS. We are the only animals unable to reach an equilibrium with the planet. Yet we do nothing about it.
You are probably one of those idiots driving around in an SUV yet professing a love of the environment.
Shut the F up already. Nobody cares how much u love your shit eating slave. Dogs shouldnt be abused as most people agree but they are not loved or even liked by all humanity. Go troll the shit eating lovers sites where you will be agreed with and let the non dog conformists be.
Theres nothing natural abut a bulldog or a dachshund or a pug Those traits were bred and inbred over years by humans for our amusement, something that would not survive in nature.
I don't concern myself about the environment cause Im not the one destroying it, its hundreds of huge companies which are spewing out toxic waste and ships dumping oil in the oceans. You really think recycling and reusable grocery bags are going to fix that...
Do I form sentences and posts in a uneducated manner? Am I irrational for finding it ridiculous that you consider me a bully, calling me such every chance you get yet you hate on innocent creatures that harbor no hate or contempt for you at all?
Abusing animals is the lowest form of cowardice a pathetic excuse for a human being can do.
The first sentence of your ridiculous post proves just how "uneducated" you are. It is "AN uneducated manner," not "A uneducated manner."
And if those 4-legged shit-machines you love so much are so innocent, why are so many people in the US ripped apart and killed or maimed for life by them every year. Not a day passes that you don't read of someone being badly injured or killed by a dog. ALL DOGS SHOULD DIE!
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Take the POS on a one way ride to the middle of nowhere, kick his stinking ass out of the car, and tell your husband and kids you let him outside and either he ran away or someone stole him.
12 years ago
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[Old Memory]
12 years ago
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LOL! thats exactly what I did to the dog that was living with me! I took it for a looongg drive to the country, dumped it off on some cattle property, hoped like hell it was shot on site then opened the gate when I got home and claimed it ran away... ahhh precious uninterrupted sleep
[Old Memory]
12 years ago
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12 years ago
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I wish I could have reported you, thankfully I am sure I dont live anywhere near you.
12 years ago
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12 years ago
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Get your nose out of your dog's ass and get a life! Unlike you, some of us are able to find a human companion and don't have to depend on a filthy fleabag for companionship.
[Old Memory]
12 years ago
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Most people have issues like what you are exhibiting here, my dog doesnt have any issues.
So wouldnt it make sense to want to spend time with him more? Not all people are bad.
Just people like you.
7 years ago
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You are an especially sick , sad excuse for a human. No one here gives 2 shits about your nasty ass cur.
You are a sad, sad bully.
12 years ago
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[Old Memory]
12 years ago
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And you are a loathsome, filthy, uninformed douchebag who has to depend on dogs for companionship.
Thanks you hypocritical phony.
Keep hating on innocent animals.
12 years ago
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12 years ago
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You are a loathsome, filthy, uninformed douchebag who has to depend on dogs for companionship.
12 years ago
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[Old Memory]
12 years ago
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You do realize families all around the world have dogs right. There is NOTHING wrong with having a dog, and it has NOTHING to do with companionship issues. God, you are so fucked up in the head.
I much prefer dogs over someone like you thats for sure. Humans like you are the reason dog lovers prefer the compnay of their dogs.
you are a sad, sad bully
That is so sick. People who dump animals make me sick. I can't believe people like you exist. Every time i hear a story about pathetic people who can't even care for an animal, it makes me want to punch someone. How hard is it to train a dog? Not that hard. People like you are lazy and stupid. So dumb you can't even train a dog. I also wish I could report you fo cruelty and put your incompetent ass in Jail!
9 years ago
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its best to take them to a shelter if you cant handle your pet. Its not a crime to get rid of a pet but its irresponsible to just dump it off somewhere it will probably get killed or bite some stranger.
A lot of people fail at training dogs so its not as easy as you say. But if people don't want to keep their pets they should get rid of it in a responsible way.
Again you hate filled poor excuse for a member of the human race, ABANDONING a dog is a CRIME.
You can be arrested if you are caught doing this.
My God you are a sad individual.
12 years ago
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12 years ago
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12 years ago
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12 years ago
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you are a sad, sad bully
[Old Memory]
12 years ago
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and you my little lulu are a hyprocrite.
12 years ago
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Hahaha what a psychotic misanthrope with way too much time on her hands- no life.
[Old Memory]
12 years ago
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tell me in what ways am I psychotic? what signals have I shown? in what was am I a misanthrope? I never expressed a hatred for people. Its just people like you who are cowardly that test the patience of animal lovers.
If I have no life, then what do you have since you respond to each one of my comments in kind?
cowpatties, you don't know where any of us live, so you don't know whether dumping a dog is a CRIME where we live or not! For all you know, we all live in Central America where people view dogs as the filthy, worthless pieces of shit they are.
The only sad individuals on this site are those who have to depend on a filthy, shit-eating fleabag for company because they are such despicable excuses for human beings that no one else can stand to be around them! And if you want to see one of those lousy excuses for a human being, just look in the mirror!
[Old Memory]
12 years ago
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12 years ago
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Moonbow the reason people like me prefer the company of dogs and animals as opposed to humans is because humans like YOU actually exist and we are forced to share this world and its resources with you.
Hating on innocent creatures is a poor excuse for a human being. I dont care what pathetic place on the planet you call home. Hopefully it is in a third world country somewhere, you would deserve living there for sure.
Keep the posts coming I enjoy confronting hypocritical bullies and phonies like you.
12 years ago
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Dogs are not "innocent creatures." Innocent creatures are those that evolved naturally. Dogs are unnatural because they have been created by man, not nature. That is why they are the only animals that kill just for the hell of it. Ever wonder why dogs will chase down and kill sheep, goats, chickens, or whatever just for sport? -- it's because they are unnatural, defective creatures which have no place on this earth.
A large dog has a bigger carbon footprint (i.e., uses and destroys more of the earth's resources than a large SUV. Anyone who loves dogs hates the enviroment.
[Old Memory]
12 years ago
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Dogs are innocent creatures you misguided dolt. Everything has evolved naturally, if there wasnt a niche for a particular animal to occupy then they simply wouldnt exist. If you are talking about how humans DOMESTICATED dogs then you surely realize we also DOMESTICATED the other animals you listed in your post (sheep, goat, and chickens) for food/clothing.
So by your reasoning the African Wild DOG (key word) didnt evolve naturally?
And do you know who has the biggest carbon footprint of them all? HUMANS. We are the only animals unable to reach an equilibrium with the planet. Yet we do nothing about it.
You are probably one of those idiots driving around in an SUV yet professing a love of the environment.
12 years ago
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See More Comments =>
8 years ago
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9 years ago
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I am more concerned about innocent babies and children.
Shut the F up already. Nobody cares how much u love your shit eating slave. Dogs shouldnt be abused as most people agree but they are not loved or even liked by all humanity. Go troll the shit eating lovers sites where you will be agreed with and let the non dog conformists be.
Theres nothing natural abut a bulldog or a dachshund or a pug Those traits were bred and inbred over years by humans for our amusement, something that would not survive in nature.
I don't concern myself about the environment cause Im not the one destroying it, its hundreds of huge companies which are spewing out toxic waste and ships dumping oil in the oceans. You really think recycling and reusable grocery bags are going to fix that...
Thank you Moonbow!
1)uneducated, pathetic, and irrational rants,
2)lack of respect for anybody having a different opinion than the ones he/she holds, and
3)dire need for attention on this this dog hating board IS PROVING THE REST OF US DOG HATERS RIGHT....
[Old Memory]
12 years ago
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Do I form sentences and posts in a uneducated manner? Am I irrational for finding it ridiculous that you consider me a bully, calling me such every chance you get yet you hate on innocent creatures that harbor no hate or contempt for you at all?
Abusing animals is the lowest form of cowardice a pathetic excuse for a human being can do.
12 years ago
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12 years ago
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you are a sad, sad bully....
The first sentence of your ridiculous post proves just how "uneducated" you are. It is "AN uneducated manner," not "A uneducated manner."
And if those 4-legged shit-machines you love so much are so innocent, why are so many people in the US ripped apart and killed or maimed for life by them every year. Not a day passes that you don't read of someone being badly injured or killed by a dog. ALL DOGS SHOULD DIE!
[Old Memory]
12 years ago
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12 years ago
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Thank you for the english lesson professor. Now lets move onto ethics and morals.
Oh wait you dont have any....you hate innocent creatures like dogs.
And how many people each year are killed by other people?? What the hell is your stupid point?
I think you should die.
I have not ABANDONED any dogs, when one of the filthy pieces of shit trespasses on my property, I blow the fleabag away.
[Old Memory]
12 years ago
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Hopefully someone will return the favor to you one day as well. Whether you are trespassing on private property or just out somewhere.
The world sure wouldnt miss a coward like you.
You are a sad, sad bully.