IIN that I don't consider certain far leftists/antifa to be THAT weak?

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Comments ( 13 )
  • SwickDinging

    Declawing cats is absolutely not ok. America is one of the only developed countries in the world where this is legal. Everywhere else correctly considers this to be animal abuse and treats it as a criminal act.

    There aren't many issues that I will immediately judge someone on because I generally like to live and let live, but as soon as someone tells me they are ok with declawing cats I immediately lose all respect for them. It's fucking disgusting and it makes me seriously question their whole world view and value system. It's just one of those things that's totally indefensible.

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    • RoseIsabella

      Thanks very much for your response, SwickDinging! He kept telling me that it was okay, and didn't hurt his cats, and I'm on the phone trying not to explode. I really hate the declawing of cats! I just was through talking to this person, because it really tainted the way I saw him, and just felt like he was a person of a very low spiritual vibration. I just felt very repulsed at his attitude, I saw him as very shallow, superficial, ignorant, selfish and generally moronic.

      It's really not that hard to train animals, there are so many books, and videos out there. Domestic cats without claws are rendered quite helpless to defend themselves. Then he starts talking about how it's good, because the cats don't scratch the furniture, or his kids, and it just disgusts me so much. Children need proper guidance on how to interact with animals, and cats need proper training, good toys, enrichment of their indoor environment, and not to be mutilated.

      Yeah, declawing is a really big deal. Thanks very much for your comments! 🙂👍🏻

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      • SwickDinging

        All of my children have been raised around cats. I hate it when people use that as an excuse. It's fucked up

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        • RoseIsabella

          My cat has never scratched. So if someone ever said he scratched it would be the person's fault, not my cat's. I think some people are not supposed to have pets, and especially not cats. Cats don't tolerate being mishandled, or handled roughly, and honestly I respect that about them. Sure, not all cats are gentle, little love bugs like my Siamese boy, but the majority of cats aren't monsters either. I've met some mean kitties, but they are more the exception than the rule. I also think that animals, just like people are products of both their genetics as well as their environment. I think people should do their research, and pick a breed of dog, and or cat that suits their personality, and lifestyle. I figure that it's not so much nature vs nurture, but rather nature, and nurture together that make all of us, human as well as animal, who we are.

          I guess I went on a bit of a rant there, but if my sister, or I were scratched as kids it was oftentimes, because we were teasing our cat. Neither of us played rough our orange tabby cat we had growing up.

          I remember as a kid growing up in Houston, Texas that we would go on vacation to visit my Grandparents in Long Island, New York, and my grandmother always had cats who weren't the sweetest things, but unfortunately my stupid cousins were allowed to play rough with my grandmother's cats which made them kinda mean. Some people are morons!

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          • SwickDinging

            My cat likes to play very rough, and she gets overexcited, but she's a good natured cat and genuinely likes people. I have never known her intentionally scratch anyone. Once a friend of my husband's claimed that she hissed at him. It immediately made me dislike him because in all the years I have had my cat, and all the people she has met, she has never hissed at anyone before. I don't even know what her hiss sounds like. So either he was lying or the cat really didn't like him for some reason...

            She's put up with all of our kids learning how to handle pets, and she's taken it all in her stride. She's a little angel

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            • shuggy-chan

              I only I understand why the cat was declawed, was when the lady had a blood disorder where she has to be on blood thinners

              And the claws were lasered off or something. I still am personally now a fan of it.

              But thats the only way she can have a pet

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              • RoseIsabella

                I can wash my cat in the bathtub like an infant. I put on a pair of bathing suits bottoms, get in the tub with my cat, and wash him like a baby.

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