Is it normal that I enjoy stalking hot guys and I'm female.

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Comments ( 3 )
  • Captain_Kegstand

    Actually, that is a very aptly timed question. My fiance just filed a restraining order on a bouncer at one of the clubs here in town today. He got her phone number from facebook and has been threatening to blackmail her for sex. He says that he will "ruin her life" if she refuses. We went to the phone store and printed off a transcript of all her incoming and outgoing texts, and that along with the facebook messages and pictures he has been sending her (and now me) was enough to get a restraining order.

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    • …Space_Ghost?

      That's terrible, but at least you and and your fiance have legal protection now. I would be scared if that happened to me. Some people in this world are sick.

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      • Captain_Kegstand

        I wasn't as worried as her, as we live in a large city and it is unlikely he could ever find my apartment. But I work twelve hour shifts at work (hence me being on here so much) and she felt really uncomfortable being home alone, so we went ahead with the restraining order.

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