Is it normal that I punched a mentally disabled person in the face?

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  • kellstar79

    I have worked with mentally disabled people and I can tell you first off that it was the carers fault as that boy should not have been able to wander away from the group under any circumstances!! What if he had run onto the road and been hit by a car?!
    Secondly you did what any normal person would have done to protect your sister, there is no way you could have known he was autistic, he could have been trying to sexually molest her or cause her great harm. YOU DID NOTHING WRONG UNDER THE CIRCUMSTANCES YOU WERE FACED WITH. Sounds to me like the carer was trying to take blame off herself by allowing him to wander off. The police should have asked the carer how it was made possible for him to leave her sight. No one in their right mind would ask anyone if they have a disability before protecting their loved one. I would have done the exact same thing. Your sisters lucky you helped her. I say good job!

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