Is it normal to be afraid to come out?

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  • disthing

    If you mean come out as a homosexual then you also need to climb out of the closet of ignorance - almost everybody who is gay is scared to come out! Tolerance isn't ubiquitous. Speak to some gay people who have come out, hear about their experiences. That'll show you just how normal it is to have concerns. There are probably a million websites about it. Here:

    If you mean come outside, perhaps it's anxiety, agoraphobia or something similar. Therapy (self or professional) could help - again search online, there will be websites to help you.

    If you mean come out of a cage because it's being guarded by several hungry, angry dogs, then that's understandable. Fashion a weapon out of whatever you can and beat them into a fine paste, using the cage as your protection.

    If you mean come out of the bath tub, you should do it anyway, overcome your fears or become a wrinkly swollen blob of a person with transparent skin floating in a puddle of your own piss and excrement until you finally die from starvation or Cholera.

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