Is It Normal To Think Conservatives Generally Resent Disabled People?

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  • LloydAsher

    Yet paying for rent is one thing and paying for someone else's way of life is another.

    I would perfer if people could have the freedom to choose which organizations that we put our taxes into.

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    • Neesa

      You're ignoring the point that bills and rent is forced on people just as much as taxes are. Also, being disabled to the point of not being able to work isn't "a way of life", it's just a fact. You make it sound like a choice. You also ignore how conservatives grudge disabled people getting jobs through affirmative action means. On one hand you want disabled people to work, but on the other hand you refuse to acknowledge that employers will often not want to hire a disabled person of their own accord.

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      • LloydAsher

        It's an odd place to be if you want freedom to businesses and to the life of the worker. I would perfer a happy medium.

        At the end of the day it's about what is concidered a disability. I've known guys who had their leg broken yet get 100% disability from the VA. Problem is there are some people who take advantage and I want them to be removed from that system.

        Everyone else in the system conservatives are fine with. We understand the need for the system, just want to cut down on the fat.

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        • Neesa

          No, they're NOT fine. What part about actual disabled people having money cut are you not getting? It's not just cheaters being kicked off. You're just ignoring reality desperately to do damage control.

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