is it normal to think sex should just be for procreation?

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Comments ( 34 )
  • losthere

    Firsly !! get your facts right!!thewomanizer never stated that anon was their "god" and secondly: i agree with anon ...looks like you are in denial that u are in fact a sex crazed person. i'm sorry to say.

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    • prasatko

      How do you define "a sex crazed person"?

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      • theworldsfuked

        a little over a quarter of the people voted that it is normal to think this way, so you could be considered to be one of those who is in upheaval because of their jealousy issues concerning the fact that they can't control their urges!

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        • Naamah

          The difference between you and prasatko is not that you can control your sexual urges and he cannot because in your case, there is NOTHING sexual that could be controlled - your sexual urges are non-existent and your sexuality retarded.
          It is totally ridiculous to be proud of sexual deficiency, inability to experience sexual pleasure or have whatever feelings that could be at least remotely considered sexual. Not everybody is so fucked up by religion or whatever that he or she feels guilty because of having sexual feelings - there are people who can enjoy sex and have no need to control their desire for wonderful sex life.

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          • fukpeople

            you sound like a FUKING PRICK!!! at least this person that wrote the post has elite fuking morals, i give them much respect.

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          • theworldsfuked

            believe what you want, but you have just proved that you are infact jealous as you are criticizing my opinion and a lot more other people here!

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            • prasatko

              Why do you make fool of yourself by saying that everyone who disagrees with your bigotry must be jealous?
              We really do not have to control our urges because we love the pleasure provided by their fulfilment, we see nothing worth jealousy or envy in your phobia from sex...

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              • theworldsfuked

                that's what you think then so be it, you can refuse all you like but there will always be some part of you that despises me because of what simple and significant control i have :D

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            • Naamah

              Jealous? OMG, you must be really stupid if you can "think" such an absurd bullshit and you prove it by every comment you write. Jealous of what??? I do not want to be totally FRIGID and have such RETARDED SEXUALITY as you do. Die with a cobweb between your legs but do not tell other people what they should do!!!

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              • theworldsfuked

                by your intense anger you have proved I have made my point, and it hits deep down doesn't it! so sad that you no no different :/

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            • losthere

              agree, people are so fucked up these days!

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              • Naamah

                Yes, people are really fucked up these days - especially those frigid and stupid creatures who "think" that it is a virtue to have a retarded sexuality.

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        • prasatko

          Think again: 25 % is a minority, and 75 % is a majority.
          So, you are among the minority of people with little to no sex drive who can control their non-existent urges very easily and try to impose their asexual criteria on other people. (And why should I control my urges? Just because you have no sex drive and you feel envious of my orgasms?)

          So, you forgot to offer your definition of a sex crazed person. Do you want to say that a sex crazed person =(def)= a person who is among the majority of people voting on IIN site?

          Think again. Try again.

          By the way, how did you like the last time when you masturbated? Or you have not tried yet?

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          • losthere

            i agree with womanizer, you are just jealous because you can't control your sex urges! shame on you. Also you don't have to be religious to feel this way, so don't go downgrading religion you asshole!

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            • Naamah

              The difference between you and prasatko is not that you can control your sexual urges and he cannot because in your case, there is NOTHING sexual that could be controlled - your sexual urges are non-existent and your sexuality retarded.
              Of course, you don't have to be religious to feel that way but it is even worse if you were born retarded and your sexual deficiency and general stupidity is inborn.
              "Shame on you." Ha, ha - I haven't heard this utmost idiotic phrase for a long time - maybe because it is almost impossible to come across such a retarded creature as you are.

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              • losthere

                you don't know me and you have no IDEA whether or not i have urges!!!this is all in your imagination, and a lot of people are backing me up so i would think again..

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            • prasatko

              Oh my poor impotent....
              Why should I feel jealous if I love having my sex life exactly the way I have it?
              Fuck religion - it feels good to degrade such a degrading bullshit as religion, so you will never stop me degrading it, you sexless worm.
              And how did you feel the last time you had sex?
              Have you ever masturbated?

              Tell me, you chaste being, why should I control my urges if these urges and their satisfaction make me and my partner happy? Why? Just because you cannot find your dick or because you are ashamed of it, you sterile asshole!

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              • losthere

                im not religious so get it RIGHT! and thanks for calling me chaste, that's a compliment as a synonym for this word is PURE, CLEAN!!

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