My neighbor being so grumpy

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Comments ( 6 )
  • Good idea. I'm wondering though, should I tell him that I won't talk to him much anymore before doing so, or should I just not say anything and do it? Reason I'm asking is that me saying something first could ironically stir him up further because he's hated me calling him out on his bad attitude and I'd still be doing it in a sense even if it's to then back off. Besides, he might not believe I'll do it until I actually have gone a certain period of time not talking to him much anymore.

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    • RoseIsabella

      Don't tell him you're gonna quit talking to him, and leave him be... just do it! Why would you tell him, what's the point of telling him? Actions speak louder than words, my friend.

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      • Ok, I'll just stop associating with him then. I won't say anything else to him now, I'll just do my own thing, he'll do his. Like I said, the reason this bothered me was because I've done so many nice things for him and he was unpleasant in return, but that no longer matters now, I'll just move on now and not associate with him anymore.
        I appreciate your advice on all this

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        • RoseIsabella

          It's hard to hear, but not everyone is gonna like usin life. Who knows, maybe he has dementia?

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          • Yes, it's possible that he might have dementia, and he may not even know it, due to how it can mess with the brain.

            That's true that not everyone will like you, even if you are nice to everyone, and some types of people will like you even less for that because they're the types that hate saccharine behavior (which they consider kindness to be). I can accept that, I didn't like that I have a neighbor who fits in that category, but I can accept it now. I'll always be kind to others, but I'll accept now that not everyone's like that. I'm moving on from anything about my neighbor now anyway, I'm not bothered about it anymore, I'm just responding to your last comment now

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            • RoseIsabella

              Right on.

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