Thoughts on cancel culture

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  • The problem comes in when the very platforms these mobs form and are effective on do not allow the similar types of mobs to form from the right as they cancel those on the right for not being in-line with Leftist ideology or remove trending tags depending on what mob is forming. So the only "bottom up" mob allowed to form are leftist ones and as a result the top now parrots the same things down and it gives the appearance that these people are the only marketplace when they're not, and as we've seen these top people will go out of their way to prevent The Right from even creating their own spaces as demonstrated by the Parler fiasco. For Christ sake, they banned Donald Trump while he sat as President.

    I am wary of the difference and maybe I'm wrong on my stance but cancellation can be a form of censorship. If you produce pressure to ensure certain information cannot spread due to outside forces and as a result nobody will distribute a product in fear of being targeted themselves then that is a form of censorship in my eyes, it's not saying "You're not allowed to" it's saying "If you do we will make you regret it" which sure are two different things but with the same outcome.

    I think you're confusing boycotting with Cancel culture or maybe it's that we just have different views on what Cancel Culture is. Someone not giving money for something is not the same as someone going out of their way to punish someone for not stepping in line with their ideology by making it impossible to get their product out there.

    Conservatives do not have just as much access to creating a mob on these platforms, as explained on my first point.

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    • candylady

      You might not notice the conservative mobs, because they’re not as vocal as the ones on the left. That’s because they don’t have to be, all they have to do is say “jump” and the leaders of these platforms giddily say “how high?” People on the left have to scream from the rooftops for days and weeks to get have the effect that people on the right can get with a look.

      Twitter allowed Trump to openly break their rules for years. Long before he was even president they let him spread his birtherism bullshit on their platform, as they were letting Gamergaters get people killed, as right wing groups were radicalizing people like Dylan Roof. Twitter made it an official policy that normal rules didn’t apply to Trump so they could justify ignoring his abusive and harassing tweets. Even as he was using their platform to spread his election lies, all they did was put a little fact check note on it. It took him breaking actual laws, inciting a terrorist attack and attempted coup that led to the death of a police officer, for them to do anything, probably because they could face legal consequences if they didn’t - the same reason why servers didn’t want anything to do with terrorist platforms like Parler.

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      • You're a few screws loose, lady.

        - To claim these platforms have a bias in favour of the Right is wrong, they have actual rules against conservative positions.

        - No, the left doesn't have to scream for this. Your side is the ones listened to, you don't get to have this power and then try to pretend you're the one "fighting the man".

        - Trump not believing Obama was a citizen is hardly a rule breaker and the fact you think it should of been shows your hand. The verified checkmarks from the Left, however, openly advocated for the harm of a right wing child, Nick Sandmann (Maga hat smirker) and tried to dox him with little to no consequence. People like Kathy Griffin got away with holding a decapitated head of Trump and faced less consequences.

        - GamerGate didn't get people killed. You weren't a part of GamerGate, you weren't in these spaces, I was. Don't speak about things you don't understand, and to try and portray GamerGate for the reason people like Dylan exist is utterly shameful.

        - Trump didn't incite a riot, his words were clear to go to the Capitol for peaceful acts. Left wing politicians were priasing and calling for the "Unrest" during the 2020 BLM riots and faced no consequences even though more people died and were harmed as a result.

        - Parler is not a terrorist platform, you think right wingers in general are terrorists and you think the right shouldn't be allowed to talk at all. I know your breed.

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        • candylady

          -They don’t have rules against conservative positions, they have rules against crimes like abuse, harassment, bullying, and rape/death threats. The fact that those are tactics commonly used by conservatives is a problem for conservatives, not a problem for the right leaning platforms that still enforce their rules far more strictly against the left than they do against the right.

          -I don’t have to pretend anything. All of the people in charge favor the right, that’s why they don’t have to worry about being listened to, they don’t have to say anything in the first place.

          -Hate speech and harassment are violations of Twitter rules and the fact that you’re defending Trump spreading baseless conspiracy theories but complaining about Kathy Griffin, who had her career ended because of a little tasteless satire, shows your hand. Absolutely nothing happened to the smirking maga kid or any of the other kids who were harassing the indigenous tribe. Nobody advocated for him to be harmed, nobody dozed him, stop making things up.

          -You clearly have no idea what GamerGate was.

          -Dylan Roof himself told everybody how he was radicalized. You don’t get to deny responsibility for that.

          -The terrorists who tried to overthrow the government made it very clear that they were doing what Trump told them to do. There was nothing “peaceful” about what he said.

          -There’s a difference between the peaceful BLM protests and terrorists trying to overthrow the government.

          -Terrorists are terrorists. The fact that a disproportionate number of terrorists are right wingers is a problem with right wingers, not with the people who point out that they’re terrorists.

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          • - Yes they do. Misgendering. Conservatives don't typically believe in the left wing ideological view of gender which is adopted by these social media posts. This is a fact.

            - You are lying. They banned a Right Wing president based on a lie and done nothing to the left wing politicians and media outlets that not only praised the unrest of the 2020 riots but also advocated for non-peaceful political actions (Aka terrorism).

            - Hate speech isn't having an opinion that disagrees with you. Saying Obama isn't a U.S citizen isn't hate speech. Kathy Griffin still has a verified checkmark account on the social media site she broke the terms of service on. I don't care if she lost her job as it's not the topic of discussion we're having.
            - To claim nothing happened to Nick Sandmann is a blatant demonstration of your overestimated knowledge on the topic. He had verified check marks referencing murdering him and physically assaulting them, infact it played a role in his court case. For you to just wave away this as not existing, to me, demonstrates that you're either too stupid or ignorant on this topic to even consider continuing this conversation. Furthermore, for you to claim they were harassing the indigenous tribe is utterly astounding. There was no "tribe" there, there WERE black Israelites there harassing them and using homophobic and racist derogatory comments to them which those kids stood their ground and then that old fuck got up in HIS personal space and started banging a drum. You don't get to rewrite that event, I'm sure you didn't even watch the full clip and it shows by the fact you think a "tribe" was involved.

            - I was part of GamerGate, I will bet my left nut that you weren't even involved in this topic at the time of it's activity.

            - I never said Dylan wasn't radicalized, I'm saying GamerGate wasn't the thing to do it and you don't get to use the events of his actions as a way to attack irrelevant groups of people for your own selfish reasons.

            - False. The video evidence shows Trump saying to go to the Capitol to cheer (((PEACEFULLY))) in support of Republicans, he said the very opposite words that would be required to claim he instructed any illegal acts that transpired at the Capitol. Again, you just don't know what you're talking about and get your news from titles of articles, I'm sure.

            - I'm not talking about the "peaceful BLM" protests, I'm talking about the BLM riots. Nice pivot.

            Terrorists are Terrorists, and we just have six months of left wing terrorism from BLM and Antifa in 2020 that caused far more damage, far more pain, and far more deaths than the Capitol Hill incident, the primary difference being is that Trump outright condemned the Capitol Hill riots but the Left Wing politicians and media outlets did nothing to vilify the left wing riots, infact they justified them.

            I'll be honest, I'm not going to bother responding to you. You don't know what you're talking about and I know your breed. I could produce video evidence here and you would still say I was wrong, you've denied blatant standard facts here and if I can't even rely on you to meet me at the standard of basic facts of information then there's no way in hell you will budge on anything.

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            • candylady

              I’ll end this here.

              -It wasn’t just a lie that got Trump banned, it was months and years of lies and abuse culminating in him inciting a terrorist attack that attempted to overthrow the government. That’s not just against Twitter rules, it’s against the law.

              -Falsely accusing a black man of being from Africa isn’t an opinion. Racism isn’t an opinion, neither is transphobia.

              -You clearly have no idea what happened between the group of young MAGA supporters and the tribe, other than what Fox News told you to believe. There was no harassment, there were no threats, you are making all of this up. Stop believing everything you hear. To downplay what happened to Kathy Griffin over satire while overplaying what happened to him really says it all.

              -You had never even heard of GamerGate until a few hours ago and you clearly still have no idea what it was. Do some research. I witnessed all the lives it ruined in real time.

              -I never said GamerGate lead to Dylan Roof, what the hell are you talking about? I listed Trump’s birtherism, GamerGate, and Roof’s radicalization as three things that the supposedly “left biased” social media platforms all allowed to happen unchecked at the same time. That doesn’t mean they were connected to each other. What the hell are you talking about?

              -You clearly only know what Fox News told you about Trump’s speech. Try watching the actual, unedited speech for yourself. “Fight like hell.” It was very clear what he was telling them to do, which is why THEY ALL SAID HE THEY WERE DOING WHAT HE TOLD THEM TO DO.

              -“BLM riots” don’t exist. Are you talking about the police assaulting the BLM protesters without provocation? That’s a police problem, not a BLM or antifa problem.

              -You’re delusional if you don’t think the media made every BLM protest, no matter how peaceful, look like the world was coming to an end.

              Nice projection at the end about refusing to accept facts. That’s long been a right wing tactic, hasn’t it? Just lie and lie and lie some more, pretend everybody is against you because the facts don’t support your cause, resort to personal attacks when nothing else works. And then accuse the other side of doing those things.

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              • Good talk.

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    • dude_Jones

      Now, now. Must the two of you partisanize everything? All of this simply points to decoy capitalism, where Internet workers in India create false targets to gludge up Cancel Culture's efforts against real people. It's simple countermeasures in a war for the hearts and minds of wankers, basement dwellers, and other neurotic shriekers, many of them being indistinguishable from Internet propaganda bots. (In fact, there is already a religious internet bot participating right here at IIN.).

      I'm glad I get my news from BBC Worldwide. My subscription to The Economist magazine is another good avoidance tactic. One's own headspace benefits from periodic personal maintenance. Watch for contraindications; test hypotheses; and remember that social artistry is learned by mastering the brush strokes of tactfulness.

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      • Clunk42

        I am a human, dude. Perpetuating the complete lie that is the idea that I am a bot does not help you in the slightest.

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        • dude_Jones

          Your mind is under the control of authoritarian forces. You have suppressed all independent thought because you are haunted by anxiety and fear of missing the afterlife. You need to seek help for deprogramming your own mind immediately.

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          • Clunk42

            I was raised Lutheran, and now I'm a sedevacantist. How in the world is that not thinking for one's self? Missing the afterlife is something that you would do better to care more about.

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            • dude_Jones

              "... is that not thinking for one's self?"

              Think about it.

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              • S0UNDS_WEIRD

                I don't know how he can possibly make the argument that he thinks for himself; he has literally stated on here that he believes because he was told to believe.

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              • Clunk42

                They're on exact opposite sides of the Christian spectrum. Thinking for oneself does not mean changing the truth, it is simply involved in finding the truth, something you have yet to do.

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