Why do you guys place so much importance on women

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Comments ( 13 )
  • Unwitting

    Relax, no one is being raped. I have never hurt anyone.

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    • But you defend it. And that's almost just as bad.

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      • Unwitting

        Just because I explain reality doesn't mean I am pro rape.

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      • Unwitting

        I didn't excuse or defend it. I said why it happens.

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        • Rape happens because of men not controlling themselves or having a conscience.
          Rape happens because they think they're entitled to women's bodies.
          Rape happens because misogynists like you are too cold to care about the fear and trauma and confusion sexual assault brings on a women. Her age and marital status make no difference.
          All rape is a horrible crime that should NEVER be defended or "explained".
          You should be focusing on that reality, not blaming the victims.

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          • Unwitting

            Well you just gave an explination for it, something you said we shouldn't do. I guess only women get raped and men should never discuss it. We all should remain ignorant as to why it happens and bury our heads. Less we be misogynists.

            I am guessing you are the person who wrote the post that men shouldn't exist huh?

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            • Lol, no. I believe in equal rights for men and women.
              Men have just as much right to be here as I do.
              And men do get raped, and that is just as disgusting and wrong.
              There is never an excuse for raping ANYONE. Man or women.
              My point is that instead of blaming the victim, we should be blaming the rapist. No one ever asks to get raped. There is simply no action a man or women could ever do that would justify them being raped.

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              • Unwitting

                I don't disagree with that, but don't overreact and accuse anyone offering ideas is themselves a rapist misogynist. The won't win you any support.

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