Urges & Desires
Newest Posts in Urges & Desires
Why would someone wish for a zombie apocalypse?
57%Is it normal that i enjoy the smell of my own armpit sweat?
IIN posts here ask your question
64%I have a weird urge to stick my penis in vegetables, is this weird?
88%IIN to want sex & to be used by old men?
57%I like the taste and feel of my blood on my lips .
57%I imagine my girlfriend having sex with her dad?
81%Money, sex, power, is it normal to want these
Is it normal that i can't accept body hair?
52%I want ruby rose.
51%Is it normal to want a girl to call daddy?
63%IIN i fantasize about running death camps for terrorists?
NewI figured out i love toned women's legs
35%Is it normal to have this urge?
24%Is it normal to like the smell of old people?
29%Is it normal to smell friends underwear?
57%Is it normal that i like scratching clothes' tags
48%IIN to make every feeling in your body symmetrical?
28%Is it normal that i want to fart on my brother's face?
76%I think i masturbate in wrong/weird way. is it normal?
14%Is it normal to hear voices that make you harm yourself
NewIs it normal that pewdiepie has 50+ million subs
24%Is it normal that i enjoy seeing people suffer
53%Is it normal that blood turns me on?
20%Beating my head relieves helps relieve stress and anxiety instantly
NewIIN to peek at a tit from a women breast feeding
NewLadies, men who crossdress
64%IIN that i don't check out girls on the street?
22%IIN i like to eat boogers, ear wax, dry wounds and cyst waste?
25%Is it normal to enjoy indian burns?