Appearance & Clothing
Newest Posts in Appearance & Clothing
81%I'm just happier in women's clothes. straight, it just makes me happy
73%Ashamed that my crush is ugly
100%IIN to no longer like dark clothes
NewWhat’s best or favorite kind of hat you wear in public?
71%IIN that i'm 19f and have almost no boobs?
What do you think of pride merchandise in stores?
Question for the girls here
NewHave you ever looked through old photos of yourself and cringed?
25%IIN to spend hours on your hair?
NewWhat would you rate david firth based on his appearance?
NewDo you wear crop tops?
How can i style my leather skirt for a casual day out with friends?
NewWhich crt do you prefer?
NewIf i wear fedora hats, will people think i’m in “organized crime”?
42%Trans femboy?
100%I've managed to stay skinny since the summer of 2013
88%IIN to like showing off my newly acquired muscle?
Do people actually look younger than or older than their age
69%IIN that i find obese people repulsive?
50%IIN most rings never suit my fingers
Business suit with leather pants or leather skirt look
NewWhich generation has the most attractive guys
NewMost attractive women by generaton
90%Is it normal to wear the same jacket with every outfit?
25%IIN ugly people always try to date people who are taken?
67%I once posted my high credit score on a dating site
71%IIN i like gen x women?
NewWhat skin color are you most attracted to?
20%Do old people worry about their appearance?
NewAsk someone else to rate you 1-10