Newest Posts in Work
38%I got assulted
50%Is money really “worth more” on a rainy day?
25%My niaghbors tried to sleep with me
67%My manager thinks i have a bad memory. i don't.
NewWhat should i do i need opinions
50%Coworker leaving crack at work
What is a “graveyard shift”? and what hours is it usually?
100%I might quit my job?
I can't get a job and i am losing my fucking mind
NewHave you ever gotten fired from a job?
NewI'm doing triple the work in less than half the time
20%My co worker lied and said i was drunk at work
50%Are high salaries becoming normal?
30%IIN some people are never wrong?
50%IIN to turn down wedding invitation then turn up?
NewWhat is the normal amount to hate your job?
80%Would i be fired if i took time off for rehab?
100%IIN to admit you don't know something?
60%The millenials are the hardest workers at my job
NewThis happened at work today
57%IIN that i spy on my old workplace?
33%Fuck my job
75%IIN for my boss to offer to help me move house
100%I feel miserable with my job
100%I dislike most of my co workers
80%I’m tired of donating
100%Is it normal to absolutely despise someone over this?
50%If all my obsession is this? do i have no place in occupation?
33%My company is mandating pronoun declaration
33%IIN to want to quit a job i like?