Cant belive the LGBT community is so fuckd up

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  • Hiva

    Not sure if you’ve noticed but the WORLD is fucked up however, if you’re basing your opinion on the people who use hookup apps such as Grindr then your opinion is flawed for starters. Grindr does not equal the lgbt community. Most of the people on those apps have unhealthy attachment styles. The healthy people are in healthy relationships not desperately sniffing around for random anonymous dicks everyday to fill the gaping void they feel internally. Second, generalising an entire section of the community based on some bad experiences you had is a distorted and unhealthy way to view life. The world will always match your beliefs. It’s called confirmation bias - the tendency to search for, interpret, favor, and recall information in a way that confirms or supports one's prior beliefs or values.
    Heterosexuals are just as fucked up if not more so. At least lgbt are honest and open about it. Heterosexuals usually just screw around behind each other’s backs. Then the women screw the men over and take them to the cleaners.
    BTW I was in 100% monogamous gay relationship for 17 years so pretty sure there are plenty more like me. My ex is now my best friend.
    My advise to you is delete grindr and never look back.

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