I can't stand the word "bae"

the most annoying word of all time in my opinion is "bae". When people say it, I want to hit them in the head with a friggen dumpster or something. It drives me crazy! Plus the original meaning of it is the s word, so please stop saying it. I also avoid people who say it. is it normal to be so annoyed over a small word?

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85% Normal
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Comments ( 11 )
  • Dot123

    Bae in Danish means poop.

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    • RoseIsabella

      Hurray for poo poo! I still like it better than amazing.

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  • toxic-mecha

    I bae-lieve it's normal bae-cause--

    Okay, okay. It's normal that a word can get on someone's nerves like that, but bashing someone's noggin in for saying it is something you should avoid doing, unless you fancy either being bae-hind bars or having someone paying off your bae-il.

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  • RoseIsabella

    Bae doesn't bother me. Now people saying that everything and everyone is "amazing" pisses me the fuck off! Spiderman is amazing, but 90% of the shit people describe as amazing sure as hell ain't.

    The s word? What tha fuck?

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    • CountessDouche

      You're amaaaaaaaaaaaaazing Rosie! But you can't be mad at me, cause I mean it!!!!

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  • palepunk

    "Bae" is not a word in the English language

    Please stop forever

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  • dickwashington

    use it in a sentence im not sure what you are talking about

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  • Avant-Garde

    I read somewhere that it means "before anyone else", yet I've seen people refer to their boyfriends as "bae". I hate it. I'm tired of seeing it. I dislike as much as I dislike "Totes". "That's totes fabu!".

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    • 5yellow_Nemos

      I hate it too. But I really cannot stand to hear girls calling their boyfriend their "boo thang". UGH! Epic and über also bother me.

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  • kawaiigurl

    whats the big deal?

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  • Fall_leaves

    Babe, baby, bae, all annoying in my book.

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