I hate everyone. IIN?

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  • cassiehb

    what makes you think that i am tricking about this situation. I actually do hate everyone and i always have hated everyone. You have no right to tell me that i am lieing because you arent me, you dont know if im lieing or not. What makes you think im lieing in the first place?

    comfortable house? i dont have a house to live in. I actually live in my friends caravan. You will probably say " but you said that if you want to save animals you have to stop driving cars and trucks" well i will tell you something, this caravan i am living in doesnt have any wheels, so i cant drive it. Which is good because i dont have to worry about myself polluting the earth.

    Then you will probably say that people still reck animal habitats to get the wood for making caravans. Yeah i know that. And if i could i would stop people making caravans as well, but there is alot of things i cant do. And liking humans is one of them

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    • What makes me think you're lying? The fact that you're trying to convince everyone that you hate everyone instead of just saying "Ok, whatever, I don't care if you think I'm lying". There are thousands of people that have made this exact same story and they act the same way you do. You want to be seen as hating everyone because you think it's cool.
      You live in your friends caravan? That's quite convenient. Wait a minute, you have a "friend"? I thought you hated everyone?

      So you don't like humans but you have a "friend"?

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