I hate everyone. iin?

is it normal to hate everyone. I hate everyone, even the people i dont know. I even hate my family and friends. Does anyone else have this problem?

Voting Results
38% Normal
Based on 81 votes (31 yes)
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Comments ( 87 )
  • Why even bother asking for a opinion, if you don't give a shit about the people who give it.

    So what does it matter if I say yes it's normal.

    You're still gonna hate me, right?

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    • cassiehb

      expecially with that attitude, yes im still going to hate you

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      • Cry me a river build a bridge and get over it.

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        • cassiehb

          your not even worth the tears

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          • Loveyou 2

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  • "I hate everyone, so I'm going to make an account on a site that is about people sharing their stories. I hate people oh so much but willingly sign up to a site that is filled with people and ask them a question, even though I hate everyone".

    You don't hate everyone, you're saying all of this for attention. If you did hate everyone, you wouldn't of made an account on a website that is about people talking to eachother.

    Grow up, kid.

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    • cassiehb

      i am sharing my story to see if there is anoyone out there that has the same problem. This isnt for attention. I hate attention. You dont know the whole sotry of why i hate people, so maybe you should keep your mouth shut instead of saying this is for attention seeking

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      • Ah, I see. You're the "Human race are evil because they kll animals" type of person.
        Well, let me just stick a thorn right into that side of yours.
        Firstly, I am doing a course on animal care. Animal deaths are investigated if it looks like someone has purposly harmed the animal. There are specific laws that protect animals from harm, death and not taking care of the animal properly.

        Also, you're responsible for the deaths of animals too. Just because you're vegan doesn't mean that you have had no play in the death of animals. Animals were killed and their habitats destroyed so that your home could be built. So, in a more blunt manor, you are responsile for the deaths of animals so you can have a comfortable house to live in. You're responsible for it because you choose to live in a house like that, you pay for a house like that, which in ends pays the goverment, which then the money will be used to build more buildings and kill more animals by destroying their habitats.

        So, if you hate everyone, you hate yourself aswell because you're just as guilty.

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        • cassiehb

          your right, i do hate myself and i could kill myslef right now. And with the house part, my house isnt made of wood, its made out of bricks

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          • What? You just said you live in a carravan that wood was needed to make...See how easy it is to point our your lies?
            You could kill yourself right now? Well, why haven't you? Afterall, you hate yourself. "I could kill yourself" then why haven't you? -Sigh-
            It's made out of bricks? Then the area those bricks were layed down on used to be an animal habitat space, animals died for your house to be built with those bricks.

            You're lessening the ammount you reply, what's the matter? No counter points?

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            • cassiehb

              If i could, i wouldnt want to live in a house r a caravan, i want to live in the bush like an animal. But you see, i cnt not do that because im still living with my family. I have ran away heaps of times, and now they have put padlocks on the doors, and bars on the windows. I hate myself that much that i could kill myself, but then who else is going to care about animals as much as i do? no one. So i am staying alive to help these animals

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            • bananaface

              He might of killed himself...eek:P

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          • Lynxikat

            By saying that, you're just admitting that you want the attention... well, you got it.

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            • cassiehb

              i dont want attention, i just want a better world for animals

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      • Why would you do that? So what if there is people like that? There obviously is. If you found one of them, then what? You would become "friends" with them? "I hate everyone but want to find people like me" FYI, that means you don't hate everyone.
        You don't hate everyone, it's a fact. You're looking for attention.

        Everyone knows you're lying for attention.

        Just to entertain this, because I know for a fact you want people to ask you os that you can tell people. Why is it you "hate everyone"?

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        • cassiehb

          " i hate everyone but want to find people like me" how does that mean i dont hate everyone. It means i hate everyone but i want to see if there are people that are in the same situation, its simple.

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          • You think you're special, you're not. There are thousands of people that are this way. The only difference is, they actually feel that way while you are just pretending that you do.

            Since you're trying to avoid answering my other reply, I'll copy and paste it on this one.

            Previous comment you avoided by me:
            Ah, I see. You're the "Human race are evil because they kll animals" type of person.
            Well, let me just stick a thorn right into that side of yours.
            Firstly, I am doing a course on animal care. Animal deaths are investigated if it looks like someone has purposly harmed the animal. There are specific laws that protect animals from harm, death and not taking care of the animal properly.

            Also, you're responsible for the deaths of animals too. Just because you're vegan doesn't mean that you have had no play in the death of animals. Animals were killed and their habitats destroyed so that your home could be built. So, in a more blunt manor, you are responsile for the deaths of animals so you can have a comfortable house to live in. You're responsible for it because you choose to live in a house like that, you pay for a house like that, which in ends pays the goverment, which then the money will be used to build more buildings and kill more animals by destroying their habitats.

            So, if you hate everyone, you hate yourself aswell because you're just as guilty.

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            • cassiehb

              what makes you think that i am tricking about this situation. I actually do hate everyone and i always have hated everyone. You have no right to tell me that i am lieing because you arent me, you dont know if im lieing or not. What makes you think im lieing in the first place?

              comfortable house? i dont have a house to live in. I actually live in my friends caravan. You will probably say " but you said that if you want to save animals you have to stop driving cars and trucks" well i will tell you something, this caravan i am living in doesnt have any wheels, so i cant drive it. Which is good because i dont have to worry about myself polluting the earth.

              Then you will probably say that people still reck animal habitats to get the wood for making caravans. Yeah i know that. And if i could i would stop people making caravans as well, but there is alot of things i cant do. And liking humans is one of them

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        • cassiehb

          its not attention seeking, and if there is someone like me, im still going to hate them.
          The reason i hate everybody is because humans are so selfish. They dont care if theres a cat on the road, they just run over it "oh no i ran over a cat, oh well" they say. Oh but when it comes to running over a human the whole thing changes " OMG i just ran over a person, quick call the ambulance."
          And when someone murders a dog and the police or some finds the dead body, they dont care, they just think it got bitten by a sname or something and leave it there. But when it comes to a human murdering another human,and the police find there body, they do expectations of how they died and the murderer gets fined and goes to jail. see what i mean? No one cares what people do to animals. I know that you probably try and help stop animl cruelty but you arent trying hard enough. Because if you were trying really hard, you would be a vegan and you wouldnt drive cars and that

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          • So if you're going to hate them, why ask if there is anyone like you and expect them to reply?

            You copied and pasted that from the person you said it to previously.

            Read the reply I gave you after this one.
            You are clearly a child and have no idea of what you're talking about.

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            • cassiehb

              Yeah i copied and pasted it because i didnt want to right it all up again...

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  • howaminotmyself

    What a waste of energy.

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  • Jweezee

    Need a hug?

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  • RandomStory22

    You're are a waste of person, you don't deserve to be here. You wasted your life. Go away, you just hate people because you're so bitter in your life that you're overly jealous of everyone.

    Trust me, everyone hates you too.

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    • MahBoi24

      You judgemental ass! Go die.

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  • Dazzie

    You're contradicting yourself. You don't hate anyone, you're just angry. Go take your anger out somewhere else.

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    • cassiehb

      but i feel this way everyday of my life, so i dont think this is anger..

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      • bananaface

        It's possible to feel angry everyday..

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  • bumblecreek

    i'm sorry to say, but most people don't have this problem..

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    • MahBoi24

      I have that problem. I fucking hate humans.

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      • cassiehb

        join the club :)

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  • keridwen

    Hate everyone? No, that's not normal. There are people I strongly dislike...my stepmother being one. She deserves hatred, but I try to NOT hate her. She has alienated both me and my kids from my dad...yet, I don't truly hate her. I feel really sorry for her. What a pathetic human being. She is miserable and needs to make others miserable to feel good. Perhaps that's what you are doing?

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  • LightningTechnician

    Grow up, dickface.

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    • cassiehb

      as far as i know, i dont have a dick on my face

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      • hitchman

        Fucking stooge, just put a big Firecracker up ur arsehole and fire away, no more troubles

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        • cassiehb

          ahaha i actually find that funny

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  • ToddStellar

    Well, everyone hates you back!
    ...Really? If you hate everyone so damn much, do you really care enough to ask them all what they think about it?
    Instead of feeding all your energy on hating everyone, put it towards figuring out why.

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    • cassiehb

      i do know why i hate everyone, im just seeing if anyone else hates everyone like i do!!

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      • ToddStellar

        Okay, so why? why do you hate me?
        Of course there are other people, and those people say they have reasons. So what is yours? Do you really have a good reason to hate everyone, even the ones that think just like you?
        ..Hey, people (for the most part) "suck" but is that to say you are better than them? We all feed off the same shit.
        The only way you can hate everyone is if you hate yourself, and if that is the case, see what is good in you, and then maybe you can start seeing that in others...People are who they are, and if you do not like that, then try (just try) to be something else.

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        • cassiehb

          The reason i hate everybody is because humans are so selfish. They dont care if theres a cat on the road, they just run over it "oh no i ran over a cat, oh well" they say. Oh but when it comes to running over a human the whole thing changes " OMG i just ran over a person, quick call the ambulance."
          And when someone murders a dog and the police or some finds the dead body, they dont care, they just think it got bitten by a sname or something and leave it there. But when it comes to a human murdering another human,and the police find there body, they do expectations of how they died and the murderer gets fined and goes to jail. see what i mean? No one cares what people do to animals. I know that you probably try and help stop animl cruelty but you arent trying hard enough. Because if you were trying really hard, you would be a vegan and you wouldnt drive cars and that

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          • ToddStellar

            First of all, I am vegan and have been for four years.
            If you are telling me that you hate people because they are not giving up their lives to help an animal, thats pretty damn low. People are worth something too.
            I agree that it is too bad that so many people can care so little about the well-being of this earth, but there are so many people (myself included) that have joined groups like coolearth.
            There are so many worse things going on in this word, and a lot has to do with the suffering of people, people you claim to hate.
            I would rather help the starving children in Timor-Leste than jump in front of a train for a mosquito.
            I do as much as I can for others and this earth, and for you to say "i'm not trying hard enough" is, again, pretty low.

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          • Are you the fucking sponsor for PETA or something? I understand that people may not care if they see a dead dog on the road and that it may be a little harsh. But guess what? They just don't fucking care...tbh its not a huge deal as opposed to if a human dies.

            The government now is going to waste even more money trying to figure out who murdered a dog?! A dog?! Get the hell out of here. Its like you're trying to measure up who's more important: an animal or a human. At the end of the day humans are more important than animals.

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            • cassiehb

              ahh but you are wrong. Animals are more important. First thought that came to mind: we're not (nothing added, nothing taken)
              We shouldn't be here. Animals were the first to be here to go along with a beautiful planet, and now look at it. It's being destroyed. Animals are disappearing, so much pollution all around, people murdering others, tearing down habitats, animals being eaten and used for clothes, and there's way more to this list
              We are destroying this planet and there is no reason whatsoever for us to be here because we are driving ourselves to the end.

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          • Lynxikat

            So you hate people because they don't care about as animals as much as they should?

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  • Dozis

    Whatever dude,girl,whoever you think you are.

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  • ThatsWhatWeDeerD0

    I hate people who won't suck cock.

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    • cassiehb


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  • chicken471bologna

    well fuck you then

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  • Not too sure about the "normalcy" of it, but I'm pretty much right there with you.

    Btw, why do you consider it a "problem"?

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  • peterr

    Not much empathy for this sick fuck. maybe he is better off dead! I might even help him.

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  • teasexoxo

    I will take non compliance as a little love n affection from ur part .
    Check mate.
    Your welcome :)

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  • teasexoxo

    You are a genuine person who holds the hatred of all those who suffer and some who die right in front of you due to the ugly people of the world you have all right to be upset you have a heart and after going. Back and reading what you actually said I see your heart is actually bigger then most people's you need to try and turn the negativity into something positive and hange some of the bad in the world because not every would just run over a cat and say oh well some people go out of there way for animals and I have never hurt an animal not that anyone area but its true and for ur information not everyone is as ignorant as you have so very niely portrayed I take care of many sick and abused both young and old who re treated just as badly as animals that you've taken care of and I hate that people do this but I have also seen from my experience that there's possibility of people changing not all but some and If you change your attitude and use that hatred towards opening people's eyes you can be the difference between that change
    Hope you learn to let your walls down
    We're not all bad :) xo

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  • teasexoxo

    What do you care you hate me
    Btw I'm pretty awesome and I slightly dislike you but I'd still give you a chance if u stopped hating me lemme no k ? Lol

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  • DenverWagner

    If all people around you are detestable (which is unlikely, but possible), then it's normal.

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  • you love animals? me too, your hatred doesnt sound real to me, you seem sad and thats understandable working at the rspca, you must see some horrible things, i cannot stand animal cruelty either , so u have things in common with alot of people

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    • cassiehb

      yes i see some horrible things working at the rspca. One of those horrible memories was when someone found a german shephard and a couple of teenage boys put a firecracker in his mouth and blew his jaw off. He had to get put down because he was in too much pain :(

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  • Do you hate yourself too

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    • cassiehb


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  • Sweetz

    Aw do you hate me too? :(

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    • cassiehb

      do you be cruel to animals and eat animals?

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  • sunny_wantsome

    I think if you hate everyone you would be living a life of Edward Scissorhands lonely in the dark in the jungle or some place and not barking in here

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    • cassiehb

      i would love to be living in the jungle, but my parents have padlocked my house and barred my windows soo..

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  • nowimsureimsane

    Thank you Dolphin anyone who can quote Slipknot has a place with me and Dazzled you keep running around the point?thats why i hate fruit eaters.you display your lucious givings then your words come out and....well reminds me Adam and Eve although i dont believe it but wth us who get it are on the same page.and i dont need your fruit!ill stick with the ones who get me.

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    • cassiehb

      i wasnt going to give you my fruit anyways

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  • nowimsureimsane

    Damnit that just makes me hate people more.people make me sick.

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    • DolphinAngel

      Hatred helps me live
      I prefer to live alone
      People make me sick!

      Here you have a nice Haiku^^

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      • cassiehb


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  • Dozis

    Hate is a word i would avoid to use. I would rather say:i am against most shared wievs and widely accepted life philosophies and values since none of those works for everybody all the time in every social environment. That makes most people unadapt to have anything to do with me cause the violence of their arguments in support of their own ideology or wievs or life philosophy would immediately trigger an equally violent response on my part eventually leading to a state of never ending conflict in which each one effort is proving their own set of fixed ideas as universally valid and right. Therefore we'd end up hating eachother over ideological religious or moral grounds. Let's just say i am not very sympathetic to most people and just leave it to that alright?

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