Im addicted to showers

I think im addicted to showers, and not because i like the warmth or it calms me or something, i just like the feeling of being clean. I will usually have one in the morning and at night just before i go to sleep.
Its actually gets in the way of my sleep and schoolwork because all i can think about is having a shower and cleaning myself. I wake up an hour earlier then i should just to have a shower.
Some of my friends think i have OCD (Obsessive compulsive disorder) because they have noticed this and that i like things to be neat and in order
Help! is this normal please reply

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69% Normal
Based on 148 votes (102 yes)
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Comments ( 11 )
  • PoisonFlowers

    I think that you may have OCD.

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  • ComboBreaker

    It's great, isnt it. I sometimes have showers lasting up to two hours. Half an hour is just standing under the falling water. Normal.

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  • socioslut

    I know people who take 3 or 4 showers a day...and they are pretty normal. personally I hate bathing, and I know that is not normal.

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  • LeinaBxtchh

    I shower at least 4 times every day.

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  • datcurl

    when im in the shower im in there atlease an hour two.

    about 3 times a day

    so yeah.pretty normal.

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  • SweetSherry

    Totally normal I shower three times a day, if I don't shower two or three times a day I feel gross.

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  • misseylolemis

    So normal :)

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  • LoveYouBabe

    I don't think you have OCD. Unless if you have compulsive rituals. I feel the same as you. I am a clean freak, there is nothing wrong with that. :)

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  • Scrat

    Wish everyone were like you it's normal

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  • OutLoud!

    Are you kidding?
    I wish everyone were like you.

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  • TwiztidBarb420

    its normal but you might have some neatness issues

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