Indian man exclusively attracted to White women

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  • kingmofo

    I am 36 years old. I am Indian and I met my wife who is Italian in 1991 when we were 17 in college. I had the option to pursue other indian girls that were there with whom I befriended. I remember sitting with 2 indian girls and one italian girl in the cafeteria for an extended period of time. During that time my connection with the italian girl increased but the other 2 girls it diminished.(Our sense of humour was at the same level). She made me feel the way I wanted to feel. There is no direspect to the Indian girls but at that point the attraction was with her.

    We dated for 8 years and got married and it will be 12 years this year. It's gonna be 20 great years with her and I am glad that I never held back and said my culture comes first. Who knows how my life would have turned out if I didn't go out with her beacause she wasn't Indian.

    My parents requested for me to stop and get married to and Indian girl. I didn't listen and I went with my heart and in the end to this very day, I am as happy as can be.

    I didn't choose to marry a white women, I chose to marry my bestfriend.

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    • Raja82

      I'm glad to hear that you have followed your heart and your marriage is working for you. I'm the same as well, for some reason I tend to be more attracted to white woman. I've never dated one. My experience with approaching white woman is that I've generally found them to be time wasters, teases or they're just not interested in me - which is fine, I mean not everyone is into everyone. I consider myself generally attractive, but I can't seem to find any decent white woman to possibly settle down with. I do live in Brisbane Australia, so maybe this could be a reason. The women who have liked me in the past have never really appealed to me on both a physical level and emotional level - these women are the type that even their own men wouldn't date.

      I have to say its pretty tuff being an Indian, we have so many bad stereotypes that even I am judged by them at times, but not only that, other FOB Indians who arrive in western nations don't make it any easier.

      But I guess for guys like me the only chance of marriage is through an arranged marriage with an Indian girl, I guess that's why it was made in the first place. But the dilemma is that a lot of arranged marriages aren't happy ones, and this always shows regardless of how much the couple tries to hide it.

      But congratulations on your marriage, You have what a lot of Independent Indian men want. Good on you :-)

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    • Katyperry

      Very good dear, I'm a brazilian girls and I'm married 4 years with a Indian man, sometimes I'm thinking the indias woman dont like me,not want to be a threat to anyone, it just happened.
      I do not know what town this guy in question live, there are many more Indian men married to women from other countries, this is normal.
      Some people fill the chest to speak of Indian culture and likes to say that foreign women are prostitutes and do not respect their husbands.
      every day I walk the streets of Delhi and see Indian girls having sex in public places.
      We will respect foreign women
      Indian women are not saints, and are interested in dinheijo, jewelry,
      I know some friends that his wife has left India because he did not have a good job or much money

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    • katije

      It'S admirable what u did , i'm an italian girl 25 years old , i live In London , and i've been for 8 month with an indian guy , the first time i fell in love , we use to work together and he was everyday in my house , i really loved him and he told me the same , very stronger we never fight , presents (even i don't care too much) travel together , he was my bestfriend i trusted him 100% and he told me that we go to live together and he help me with studies cause here is very difficult , well he had to go back for three week cause his father health for 3 weeks and he left me with an email that he have to stay in there , he just called me one craying that his family wont accept me , even he swea before that they woudn't have aby problem otherwise i didn't date with him, now i'm alone i miss him and he break up with me i thought as well to do one flight to Gujarat , were 8 month perfect and i was really happy for the first time . I don't know what to do .Everyone tell me to move on but is very difficult whe u really love someone and was all beautifull . He is catholic like me anyway .

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      • Katyperry

        This is unfortunate, as some Indian families maintain this ignorance, sometimes they destroy the life of the son or daughter thinking they are acting right, not even our parents are right.
        I know many girls who have suffered like you dear because de ignorance.
        Sometimes indian people use to say they are the best, religious bla bla bla, but this is only hypocrisy

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    • Inttlvertigo

      Well said bro... Wish u a blissful 20 + years

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