Excellent, or maybe it's not cool, it's mediocre. I don't know. I will never know anything because I won't stop learning, I won't know what it's like to know, or will I? I'll stop learning, then I'll know, I'll have experience, and then again learners don't know anything. Ironically learning makes you ignorant and not learning makes you ignorant. Learning is for ignorant people, it's not for a wise man, Jesus didn't learn after he got religious, that's because he was already educated, so be like Jesus, learn as little as possible and apply your knowledge, yes, Jesus was intelligent.
Is it normal for an American to be behaving like this?
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Excellent, or maybe it's not cool, it's mediocre. I don't know. I will never know anything because I won't stop learning, I won't know what it's like to know, or will I? I'll stop learning, then I'll know, I'll have experience, and then again learners don't know anything. Ironically learning makes you ignorant and not learning makes you ignorant. Learning is for ignorant people, it's not for a wise man, Jesus didn't learn after he got religious, that's because he was already educated, so be like Jesus, learn as little as possible and apply your knowledge, yes, Jesus was intelligent.
2 years ago
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the last people that came unsolicited to my house to discuss jesus got chased off by my dingo
they were lucky they had a car to get back into and drive away or they wouldve been a last supper
2 years ago
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Like a dog's dinner itself, it's a miracle that thing is even alive.