Is it normal I find being for abortion illogical?

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  • So how big to you want me to go? Government, police force, military, school, small business, big business, jobs, gas companies? Not that it has anything to do with the topic in any way what so ever.

    Ill give you the biggest picture. Humans are born to make more humans. Like dogs make more dogs and plants make other plants. This cycle continues and the most adaptable creatures will survive.

    Some will become extinct and no longer exists and the cycle will continue. This will go forever. It will not end and long as that species adapts they will keep on living. Is that big enough?

    I could go into the universe and how minerals from space are what created humans and the species on earth. Maybe I could describe the sun in great detail. So what exactly are you looking for?

    I can say how very insignificant we all are when we think of how many worlds and galaxies exists. IS that hat you are looking for?

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    • charli.m

      I'll say it again, but with more emphasis: You're a fucking tool.

      You cannot judge each individual situation. You don't know the mother (or indeed parents) to be's situation. You don't know how hard it was for them to come to that decision. You know nothing. You are narrow minded and live in a bubble of vacuous crap.

      For myself, I would like to hope I would never to choose to have an abortion. The idea of killing my own child distresses me, even as a hypothetical - even if it were a medical necessity, I feel it would still haunt me.

      BUT, that does not in anyway give me the right to judge some other woman who has to make that choice - even if I don't agree with her choice for doing it. I find the idea of using abortion as 'birth control' completely abhorrent, but that does not make me think abortion should be illegal, as I would rather women have the option to have the procedure in a safe, clinical environment, rather than risk their own lives to have an illegal abortion with an untrained person in an unsterile environment.

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      • I never said I was against abortion. However I think in most cases it could be prevented. Sometimes it is medically necessary like when you must choose between saving the mom or the baby.

        A lot of things could be prevented if we use some precautions. Also my point was that its illogical because you should not judge others to standards you will not follow.

        By saying I would kill an unborn baby you thereby forfeit your own life. You should only take what you are willing to give. You should give what you are willing to take.

        If you want people to be polite should you not be polite back? Maybe hold the door for the person behind you. Say thank you even if its just the lady at the cash register. Say bless you when someone sneezes.

        Now if its someone getting pregnant because they are careless they should not punish the child for their own stupidity.

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