Is it normal i find being for abortion illogical?

By doing this you are doomed a child. The child has no chance at life. If you do not act by the own morals you teach you are a hypocrite. Now I am not completely against it as in some cases it is necessary.

Like when you have to choose between saving the mother or child and of a rape victim. However all have come from mothers. If we say anyone should be able to abort we are therefore forfeiting our own lives.

Since our parents could have killed us if they wanted to. No baby any more valuable. At this point we have not gathered any bad deeds, reputation or anything else. So by promoting this we are saying we would have been okay if someone killed us. meaning you have just eliminated your own worth as a human.

Voting Results
35% Normal
Based on 83 votes (29 yes)
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Comments ( 137 )
  • SummersEve

    How is a child conceived from rape different from any other child? It's innocent. If you don't believe in abortion then how can you think a rape baby is OK to abort, you fucking idiot?

    I'm pro-choice, btw. But you idiot fucks who make out like a rape baby is somehow different from any other baby are fucking retarded hypocrites.

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    • umph

      Bad rapist genes, maybe?

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  • Moonbow

    Instead of judging others, you should be somewhere taking a course in English grammar and composition! Everyone makes the occasional typo, especially when typing on the internet, but your post is so full of grammatical errors, it is difficult to understand what you're yapping about!

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    • NotStrangeBird

      I just wanted to thank you for speaking out against being overly judgmental.

      Your rational and tolerant attitude is greatly appreciated.

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      • Moonbow

        Fuck off, StrangeTURD!

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        • NotStrangeBird

          I'm amused by the thought that going by what you've written about yourself and worldview, experiences, politics, etc. (Aside from being a rabid animal hater); that and the fact that you're an apparently fairly intelligent fellow, (that and you can be a jackass bully but this is the interwebz and anonymity brings this out...face to face is different) makes me think we met under certain professional or recreational conditions or circumstances that we would get along well...and never know the truth about each other.

          I'll fuck off now... if you leave this post alone.

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          • Moonbow

            Stop stalking me, strangeTURD!

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          • Moonbow

            I hate DOGS, not animals, you moron, DOGS!

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            • NotStrangeBird

              Yes, I know you hate dogs there Mr one trick pony. Everybody knows it. I would say that your opinions are abundantly clear, but you only ever seem to have one.

              Dogs ARE animals you braying jackass. Anyone who advocates chopping one with a machete (i.e. you) is a fucking animal hater you whining twat.

              p.s. get a fucking thesaurus or something, your insults have become stale and repetitive. Not something that an avid literacy advocate like yourself wants other people to notice.

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            • I hope you know that dogs are animals.

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  • KatieLiz

    And by denying abortion, you're denying women the rights to their own body and life.

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    • Yes and she also could have taken the precautions to not get pregnant.

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    • DolphinAngel

      And again here we go again with women and their selfish will to decide about "their body"... How about a man should have the right to decide about a baby too?!

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      • changes123

        The man isn't the one giving birth. Until science finds a way for men to be able to do so... Women have the right to say no.

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        • DolphinAngel

          Simply no... The man was the one who "made the child" intentionally or not and therefore should be granted the right to say yes or no too...

          That's why I hate feminism... wanting more rights or rather "equal rights" while working/focusing only on their side...

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          • changes123

            More rights?

            It's a basic right for a women to decide whether she wants an 8-10 pound baby coming out of her vagina, or being cut out of her stomach.

            The most basic, of basic rights.

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            • DolphinAngel

              This is just bs... If e.g. the woman didn't take the pill or somehow gets pregnant the man should be able to have some influence whether to "keep" the child or abort it...

              This would be a basic right too... If not, the man shouldn't be forced to pay for a child he didn't want in the first place...

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        • davesumba

          Women also have the right to use birth control AND a condom, so that abortions don't happen so often. But noooo, it's either one or the other if any at all.

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    • Yes and they denied that babies right to life. That seems very fair doesn't it?

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      • DolphinAngel

        I'm not willing to acknowledge an unborn baby as a living being and therefore there is no denying its right to live!

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        • Haha you do not believe its a living thing? You must not know anything about biology. It is in fact alive and partially developed. A fetus lives off of its mother. It is consuming nutrients from that mother to survive. If its not alive why is it sustaining nutrients?

          Tape worms are living and take nutrients from the host. We do not try to deny they are living though. Babies have a noticeable effect of the mother. You are absolutely absurd if you are trying to deny its alive.

          Its not yet fully functioning I will give you that but its alive. If something is not alive why would it eat? Do plants not produce nutrients for themselves? It still converting energy for its survival. We all know plants are alive. An underdeveloped fetus is like a plant.

          A babies mother will act like a host in a way. They are connected and the child needs the mother to continue functioning. It depends on it for nutrients and food. Till the baby can come out on its own. However if you kill it before that time the the baby never knows life outside he womb.

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          • If you say a baby is not alive that means you are not living. If a baby is not living it can not be born. If a baby is not living why do mothers get sick when they are pregnant? Unlike everything else in the mothers body it is not meant to prolong the mothers exsistance. Which means its separate creature.

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  • SangoNyappy

    So you don't care that mother can die when giving a birth or she has to suffer for 9 months for child she doesn't want?
    Woman should be able to make choice about her own body.

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    • Not all women are getting pregnant. Everything is a choice and you could chose to use the variations of protection. They have multiple kinds.

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      • SangoNyappy

        Yes everything is a choice and you could chose to have abortion.

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        • Yes and you exercise your right by taking away any rights the child had. Letting yourself get pregnant and saying "Oops I don't want it anymore" well shouldn't you have thought ahead? Its not like you had to get pregnant. So you are thereby giving up your rights when you take that of the child. People should respect each others right and neglecting that of an unborn child is rather cruel. You have a right not to be robbed. If someone robbed they had violated their right but they also have rights of their own. However by robbing someone they have given up the right to have their own rights respected.

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          • SangoNyappy

            Yes people should respect each other so it's nobody's business what does woman do with her body and if she doesn't want unborn child in her body she every right to make it stop.
            But that's everyone's choice, personally I'm virgin anyways so I never had to do anything like that and I will use protection in the future but that doesn't mean women shouldn't have the right to do whatever they want with their body.

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            • Well that is not your body. The child is in your body. If you have a girlfriend do you have a right to beat her for the fact she is with you? So simply being the mother of children means you can kill them whenever you want? Your logic is flawed. Its not your body you are destroying with an abortion. An abortion is destroying the fetus. You are killing the child. Maybe beating a dog that you own is alright because after all it is your dog. So you just agreed that its not ok to have an abortion. Since you agree its not ok to harm another persons body. The fetus has its own body.

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            • That kind of goes back to the whole giving up your rights thing. Which I wrote in the post.

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  • anti-hero

    Yeah but some babies grow up to be evil.

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    • That is an excellent point but how do we know which ones? You can not simply look at a baby and say "You will be a future king" or "you will be a future serial killer". Plus personality is influenced by a number of things.

      Your family reputation, how much money you grow up with, how much privilege you are given, biology, friends and how well you are fed, peers and how you are treated by adults around you.

      We also have people who come from terrible homes but turn out ok. So a serial killer having kids does not mean they will turn out as bad kids. In fact even if someone is inherently bad they could be raised to be good. If someone has a urge to kill people since they have some kind of fetish to it they can ignore it. This also goes the other way in that an inherently good person can become bad thanks to circumstances.

      Molding a child is not so simple. So its not like we can choose which children live and die from the day of birth. However if we go by disabilities I suppose we could. However that just means the child is psychically healthy not mentally well in the future. Not that I am saying we should put such things in place but that is the only thing we can make a for sure Decision on.

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      • anti-hero

        I think you are over analyzing a joke. Just take it at face value and move on with your day.

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        • I did not realize you were joking. I was being serious.

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          • anti-hero

            Well, then God help us all.

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  • TheGasManCometh

    Abortion should be avoided whenever possible - it is extremely unpleasant, and kills a potential human being.

    However, like it or not, there is a scale here - with an embryo (or even sperm/egg, if you like) at one end, and a fully grown adult person at the other. So, yes - killing a foetus is a bad thing, but far better than killing an adult human.

    Imagine a graph, with age on one axis and 'value' (i.e. how bad it would be to kill them) on the other. What shape would the graph be? In my opinion, value goes from extremely low at conception, and rises (with a sharp spike at birth, if you like) until maturity - It then plateaus for a few decades, then steadily declines - until you've got a very old person who's lived a long life and will probably die soon in any case.

    This is why abortion is such a contentious issue - we all have different versions of this "graph" in our minds. Or (and this is sad) people simply can't handle grading human worth, so they either say "it's a human! How can you kill it?!?" Or they say "it's unborn, it's not a human, abort away".

    So, you have to draw a line on your graph - a line at which the worth of the unborn baby outweighs the potential negative consequences to the mother (and father). This is precisely what the law tries to do - for example, in the UK you can abort up to 24 weeks. But it's not like a 25 week old baby suddenly becomes a sentient human being - it's just an arbitrary timescale, chosen to please (the most voters).

    My opinion? A foetus is worth far less than a baby. A baby is worth less than a child. A child is worth less than a teenager. A teenager is worth less than an adult. An adult is worth more than a geriatric. Because human life is more than just our physical being; it is the sum of our experiences - a baby just goes "waAAH", a child goes "da-da", a teenager goes "I wanna go have fun!" and an adult writes something like this. (A geriatric is back to "waaa" or similar) A foetus does none of these - so I'm pro-choice. But it should always be a hard choice. Thanks to those who actually read all of this!

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    • charli.m

      I was going to say "Expect misinterpretation and rageful abuse from OP", but they'd already gone ahead and done it...

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      • At which point did I show abuse to them in this post? By killing the child you simply disrupt the timeline. They still might become an adult one day otherwise.

        Its not changing anything you just killed a human in an early stage. Like killing a plant before it becomes a tree. You killed a baby tree. You did nothing but ruin the timeline buts its the same timeline.

        That is basing a persons worth on nothing. How can you possibly compare peoples worth based on nothing?

        You have no idea what they will become, what they will do, or what they might do. So the worth is not only in them as a child but what they do in the future. So age has 0 relevance.

        How do you judge a newborn? They gathered no sin, they gathered no prospects, they have no friends, they are nothing but blank slate. You dont know the future of this child. We would have to know the future to judge it. We can judge so early in the timeline. Its impossible unless know the future and death of that child.

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        • TheGasManCometh

          OK, so a newborn baby is like a blank slate, with no friends (and nothing BUT prospects). An adult, on the other hand, has gathered experience, friends, and made prospects reality. Unless what the adult has done has been bad, surely they're worth more? A beautifully illustrated slate is better than a blank one, right?

          You didn't answer my question... Which button would you press? Or am I to assume you didn't press one, and are therefore dead?

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          • You realize by your logic you just gave up your own life. Since that means everyone older than you is more worthy of life. Meaning that if someone older kills you that you are going to be perfectly ok with it. May I ask you why you want to die so badly? You believe in killing for nothing. That means you too can be killed for nothing. If you do not follow this logic you are a hypocrite since you proposed it to begin with. Why do you want to die? I do not understand you. That pointlessly killing. Why would you kill without reason? Its not logical.

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            • TheGasManCometh

              It's a hypothetical situation - just a mental exercise to try and determine your ethical stance. You say which of the available options you would pick, and then you give your reasons for that choice. In the scenario I posed, there is no option where nobody is killed - that would make the whole exercise pointless.

              I have no desire to die, and killing is a Bad Thing no matter what age the killer and victim are. So abortion is a bad thing, but there are far worse things that can happen. Re-read my question about the buttons, and add "Which button would you press, IF YOU HAD TO?" And then add a guy pointing a gun at you, which he will fire if you don't press one within 5 minutes.

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    • Are you saying we should kill children and teenagers? Im sorry but that sounds insane. You do not realize how this works. A child will become an adult so they are the future. If you simply go around killing a bunch of children the race will not survive. So your thought is bad from a population view. As you seem to be aiming to destroy the human race. These are thing that will be noticed down the road. So I do not think we should go around killing teenagers since an adult thinks he is more worthy of life. Secondly I will add that sperm and eggs separate is not fertilized. The baby does not fertilize till they meet and at this point start forming a fetus. So sperm and an egg is basically the same blood cells. That means an old man can kill a middle ages man. A middle aged man can kill an adult. An adult can kill a child for any reason and that little kid can kill a baby. Since they have more right to life.

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      • TheGasManCometh

        Dang, just accidentally deleted my reply. But it's worth repeating:

        Of course I don't think we should kill children or teenagers! What I'm saying is that is would be "better" than killing an adult - if the killing had to happen,

        Imagine you're out in a room with 4 buttons. One button kills a foetus, the next kills a baby, the next a child and the last kills a teenager. If you don't press one, YOU die. What would you do?

        By the way, I answered "normal" to your original post -no one should be "for" abortion, it's a terrible thing! Just sometimes better than the alternative (an unwanted child). The human population is rising far too quickly already, so don't worry about that!

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  • ToxicCrayons

    Can you please rewrite this in English?

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  • HexNectar

    Your post is very subjective. Abortion is sometimes the logical thing to do!

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    • I already mentioned that. I never said this was true for all cases. Read it over again. I covered that.

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  • charli.m

    I knew this would be one of yours, Alli...

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    • Why do you think it is one of theirs? I am APC.

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      • charli.m

        Because you're as obvious as a train to the face.

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        • So what is your belief on the issue?

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          • charli.m

            I think you have no comprehension of the bigger picture.

            Any picture.

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            • I meant the poll/story. Thanks so much for staying on topic^^.

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            • So how big to you want me to go? Government, police force, military, school, small business, big business, jobs, gas companies? Not that it has anything to do with the topic in any way what so ever.

              Ill give you the biggest picture. Humans are born to make more humans. Like dogs make more dogs and plants make other plants. This cycle continues and the most adaptable creatures will survive.

              Some will become extinct and no longer exists and the cycle will continue. This will go forever. It will not end and long as that species adapts they will keep on living. Is that big enough?

              I could go into the universe and how minerals from space are what created humans and the species on earth. Maybe I could describe the sun in great detail. So what exactly are you looking for?

              I can say how very insignificant we all are when we think of how many worlds and galaxies exists. IS that hat you are looking for?

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  • howaminotmyself

    Awesome! My life is illuminated! Fuck that whole seeking enlightenment bullshit. Just be pro abortion, the OP figured out the secret.

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    • I noticed that and fixed it.

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  • pacinoharmon

    Sorry if this offends anyone, but...
    I think getting an abortion just because you don't want a child is selfish. If you have a busy life or parenting just isn't for you, give the baby up for adoption so he/she gets a chance at life. However, if the baby or mother's life is at risk, that's different. Abortion could be an option. Or in the case of rape, like someone said, because the baby would be a constant reminder of a traumatic experience, also the child might grow up to be like his father.

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  • hairyfairy

    I can`t understand how any woman would want to keep a rape baby, because it might turn out like it`s father. Bad genes and all that.

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    • That is untrue. People have comes from broken homes, the ghetto, born to parents in prison. It does not mean that kid will necessarily come out as a killer, rapist, thug.

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    • davesumba

      Anger and violence comes from your environment, not your genes.

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  • iheartu2013

    I think a child is worth far more than an adult. An adult has lived much longer. While a child has not. They deserve that chance to live as well.

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    • TheGasManCometh

      I totally get what you're saying, and I think it is an honorable and ethical stance. However, I must disagree - certainly they deserve a chance to live, and killing a baby would be murder. But, in my opinion, an adult is, by default, worth more than a child.

      I say "by default" because (and I cannot stress this enough) it depends which particular adult you're talking about in any given situation, whereas babies cannot possibly have done wrong. But they can't have done much good, either!

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      • An adult comes from a child that comes from a baby. So your logic is flawed. All you did is disrupt the timeline. A child did not earn death so killing it means you earned death. A child has not lives long enough to earn any ill deeds. How do you kill something that has gathered no misdeeds. That means you are giving up your own life.

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        • TheGasManCometh

          Hold on... MY logic is flawed? By yours, everything we do "disrupts the timeline" in some way. If I squash a mosquito or pick a flower, have I disrupted this all sacred timeline of which you speak? Life is death - for anything to live, other things must die.

          Sure, a child has done no wrong, but as I said, they've done no right, either. Which would you save, a drowning scientist on the brink of finding the cure for cancer, or a drowning newborn baby? Or a pregnant woman, who would actually survive without your help but her unborn child would be oxygen deprived and die? I'm clear on the order I'd save them (same as written) - what would yours be, and why?

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          • Actually killing that bug would disrupt the timeline if you are in the past. Being in the present changes the future. Being in the past would change the present time you left from. Which now we are just going into time travel science fiction, and theories and that is a completely different issue. Which I would love to discuss with you but at the moment that is not what we are on.

            You simply want to kill for the sake of killing. Meaning you are a lunatic. Only a lunatic would kill without reason. Why would you kill something for virtually no reason? Your mind set is just so illogical I cant begin to respond to it.

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            • charli.m

              "You simply want to kill for the sake of killing. Meaning you are a lunatic. Only a lunatic would kill without reason. Why would you kill something for virtually no reason? Your mind set is just so illogical I cant begin to respond to it. "

              What is this I don't even...

              YOUR mind set is just so illogical and fucking mental, I can't even begin to comprehend it.

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  • iheartu2013

    And by the way you two are acting like children. You do realize this, right? Both of you have the right to post anywhere on this site, But the site is for mature people I believe. I am sorry if I offended you, but you needed to hear, well read it. :)

    God Bless You and Yours!

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  • iheartu2013

    If u were talking to me about my comment earlier. Yes I am against all murder, for any reason. The only time I find abortion ok is if the Mother is going to die, and the baby would die anyways.

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  • iheartu2013

    I am not trying to take sides or put anyone down, but this site is supposed to be for civilized discussions. Not attack one another because we don't agree with the other side. Remember what many of us saw in childhood, or maybe saw with our children/grandchildren? In Bambi, Thumper's Mom had a saying, "if you can't say something nice, don't say anything at all!" A sad show, but I always took that saying to heart for some reason.

    P.S. If I don't spell adequate enough for you, or don't have enough proper grammar to satisfy you, I apologize, but I am not perfect. But remember, nobody is. God bless you and yours.

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    • So shocked someone finally said this.

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  • elowen

    No one gives a shit about fetuses. Get over it.

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  • DangerousPotatoGuy

    this is a very good argument but somehow I think it's still okay I mean look when you wank it off those sperms should have been kids right?

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    • Actually not exactly the same thing. I will explain the main difference. In an abortion the child is always already fertilized and already started developing in the mothers stomach. When you have an egg and a sperm separately they are not fertilized. So you are killing micro-organisms but nothing substantial yet. Also most of the sperm does not make it to the egg anyways. That is why men make a lot of sperm. Kind of the same reason in the past women would have tons of children. Since they knew most of them would die from famine or diseases. This is why with any abortion you can see legs, arms, and partially formed head. So that is close but different. So it would be more like dying blood cells if you are trying to compare Ejaculation.

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  • iheartu2013

    Oops I did not think it posted the first time so I tried a second time, sorry everyone!

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    • TheGasManCometh

      Hey, you didn't ask God to bless us all that time! I'm afraid that means you're going to Hell.

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  • iheartu2013


    I am using a 2nd generation iPod. Also, how do I reply to someone who only has a name like anonymous. There are many, like you, who choose not to have an account.

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    • charli.m

      The anonymous poll/story posters are registered users. You can't post without signing up. They just don't display their names on the given stories/polls.

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  • iheartu2013


    Well then how would someone reply to you. As you are just anonymous and have no name. There are lots of Anonymous.'

    By the way I am on my is is old, so it does not have any of the new features.

    God Bless!

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  • iheartu2013

    No need to yell. As there is no reply button on what I am using. I forget to.state who I am talking to. I was talking to the one who corners before me TheManWhoCometh. I think that was the name anyway.

    God bless you and yours

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    • What device are you using that it hides the reply button? Aslo if you are not using the reply button there is a simple way to fix this. Put @(insert persons name here). So if you are talking to TheManWhoCometh type @TheManWhoCometh.

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  • iheartu2013

    I have to disagree and agree on some points. Children are the ones while need to be cherished and protected! Yes adults deserve respect. But, I have a question for you. If you are a parent. Or if you are a parent one day. And there is a car coming at your child. You are close enough to push them out of the way. But most likely you will die. So it is you or your child. Would you let your child die just because your "worth more" in your eyes? I really don't believe you have a kid because no loving parent really believes they are "worth more"than their child. Children deserve a chance to grow up and be someone. Adults have had more of a chance

    I have no children myself. But I have a nephew who is worth a lot more than me. I would definitely take that chance to save him. Not just because I love him, but to save the wonderful future I know he has coming!

    God bless you and yours!

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    • TheGasManCometh

      Ah, now I've worked out you were replying to me. Your question is a worthy one, and the answer is no, I wouldn't put myself before the life of my child (if I had one). As you say, it's unlikely any parent would. But you've got to separate real-life situations from hypothetical ones, because how we act is often not the way we'd choose to based on our morals. I might have the opinion that children have less value than adults, but if I actually saw a child and an adult drowning, I'd probably try and save the kid first - even if I was pretty certain the adult would die. Emotions get in the way of rational, ethical decision making (but that's not necessarily a bad thing).

      People always say that adults have had more of a chance, so it's more important that children/babies/foetuses are given their chance. Well, I say that adults are halfway through having their chance, and ending that prematurely is more disruptive to the human race than not giving the chance in the first place!

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      • If you would not put yourself before your child you do not believe in what you are proposing. If you would put yourself above your child you are a selfish bastard. If you say anyone younger is less worthy that means if you are older you have a right to kill, belittle and beat someone younger.

        You admitted you obviously do not believe in what you said as you can not yourself apply it to real life. If you wont even apply it to real life yourself why do you expect us to? That just means you are a hypocrite since you will not follow it yourself.

        Also your idea is not very realistic at all. Since it would be sending the world into chaos. Saying someone is worthless for being younger opens us up to a whole mess of crime and havoc. You do not think about the results of what you are saying. You do not seem to understand how badly that idea would hurt people.

        Your idea is as bad as saying "We can kill him cause he is a different race and my race is better". Not to mention all children become adults. If we let all the children get beaten, picked on, or killed we have less adults and the rest are fucked up because you let them get raped, or beaten for being younger.

        The abuse will continue as these now older adults hurt the younger. You are irrational. You believe the world should live in insanity but this insanity would be our undoing. It would be the end of the human race.

        Either you want to see chaos and the world get destroyed or you are simply not rational enough to see the end of the tunnel. Why do you think they saying says "Children are the future"? They literally are the future. A kid becomes a teen which becomes an adult and than they grow old and die!

        If you kill all the kids we have no more adults. We could kill a few adults but if we kill the children they have no future. We need the race to continue but you seem determined on ruining it or seeing it end.

        Killing a kid just disrupted the timeline. When I said this I meant a child has not grown up and can not work. They are not a part of society and have not played a part in the working machine. We are all suppose to grow up and contribute.

        If you kill the children slowly the adults will disappear. When all the adults die we will look at the children. We need children even though that's a concept you need to miss. We also need adults but adults will eventually die.

        Its like killing a lot of puppys and finally wondering "Hey were did all the dogs go?" Well no fucking shit you killed the puppys so they never become full grown dogs. They are not less worthy its the same person. Being older or younger does not make you different. They are still people and if they live long enough they will become adults.

        Why infant mortality rate is important. If a species has a lot of children dying it can not survive since they need the children to become adults. Its the same time line. You act like being older means you are some how in a different body it doesn't work that way.

        If you kill Timmy age 40 or decide to go back in time and shoot him at age 4 guess who just died? Timmy just died either way!

        You can not make more adults and adults will eventually die. You can always make more children and an adult was once a child. So that adult is not suddenly a different person as an adult its the same person. If you kill them at 4 vs 40 you still killed the same person and they are still going to die.

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        • TheGasManCometh

          The way you think is fascinating, and you actually make a good point. But you totally misunderstand me! "Worth less" is NOT the same as worthless - silver is worth less than gold, but it still has value. Me saying an older person has greater value than a younger one does NOT mean that older people can kill or abuse younger people!

          But - and this is the point you struggle with - human life can and should be graded. It's not pleasant, but it must be done. So answer my question, and say which you would save, if you HAD TO pick ONE: an unborn foetus, a baby, a child or an adult? If you can't or won't answer this, there is no point in continuing this debate.

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  • iheartu2013

    Well I'm done trying to help you. Have your "fun." I have said what I wanted to say,

    God Bless You and Yours.

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    • charli.m

      If there's a specific person you're trying to talk to, it helps to 'reply' to them rather than just post and hope they read it. Not everyone favourites things, and they won't see your comment unless it's directed at them.

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      • <======This. Yes this

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  • iheartu2013

    It is my belief that all abortion is wrong, except if the mother is going going to die AND the BABY will die as well. Abortion is murder. People talk about the rights of the woman, but what about the rights of the child? Rape, incest, stupidity, or accident, it does not matter the reason; it is murder! But I am not a hypocrite, I am also against capital punishment. Murder is murder.

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    • That is an interesting ideal. So you are against murder overall to anyone? What about when someone murders someone should they not be murdered? Since they are so cruel to take a life? I am speaking outside of the womb? Is that not the same situation?

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