Humans today? Ha. What a laugh. As if the concept of promiscuity is new. Do they teach history in school where you're from? Being a harlot is about as old as humanity itself. Being loose is as well. Women now just don't feel as ashamed of it as we did centuries ago, but then again, it's now illegal to kill women for having diverse sexual preferences. Back in the day, we were called witches. Now, we're just sluts.
I understand your viewpoint and I respect it, but I don't think that it's fair that people are lesser beings in your eyes for being sexually active in ways that you can't appreciate. While I think cheating is wrong and I'm sorry that you've been tangled up in that mess, I don't feel that it's appropriate that one should be looked down upon for indulging in sexual desires in an honest and responsible manner within their own lives.
Not in American History. It was normal for a man and a woman to date exclusively before even having their first sexual encounter for some time. Even at a young age.
My parents met in high school and got married. I'm envious of that. To have a loyal partner that long, meanwhile I'm wading through this endless slut maze.
you're so entitled. you think you know how people should live their lives? other peoples' sex lives is none of your business and if they're swingers it doesn't make it any less honorable than you.
and damn, you act like your hate and distrust in women is caused by sluts when truely it's caused by your vainity.
stop acting like your way of life is any better than anybody elses because it's obvious that it's not.
you hateful mother fucker get off your high horse.
if you weren't obsessed with fucking sluts you would be capible of at least being civil to them.
honestly dude, if you said this shit to my face i'd probably kick you in the nads for being such an entitled douchebag.
Not true. In early America pregnancy before marriage wasn't as uncommon as you would think. Also early practices like bundling hint at pre-marriage sexual activity in early American history. The amount of children people had with slaves was pretty high too. In the 19th century prostitution both formal and informal was very common. In the 1920s there was a brief sexual revolution in which attitudes changed radically for a time.
Of course it American history on this issue is somewhat meaningless since you are not an organism called "American", you are in fact a human and human history is filled with sexual activity.
Is it normal That I hate Sluts with such ferocity?
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Humans today? Ha. What a laugh. As if the concept of promiscuity is new. Do they teach history in school where you're from? Being a harlot is about as old as humanity itself. Being loose is as well. Women now just don't feel as ashamed of it as we did centuries ago, but then again, it's now illegal to kill women for having diverse sexual preferences. Back in the day, we were called witches. Now, we're just sluts.
I understand your viewpoint and I respect it, but I don't think that it's fair that people are lesser beings in your eyes for being sexually active in ways that you can't appreciate. While I think cheating is wrong and I'm sorry that you've been tangled up in that mess, I don't feel that it's appropriate that one should be looked down upon for indulging in sexual desires in an honest and responsible manner within their own lives.
Anonymous Post Author
11 years ago
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Not in American History. It was normal for a man and a woman to date exclusively before even having their first sexual encounter for some time. Even at a young age.
My parents met in high school and got married. I'm envious of that. To have a loyal partner that long, meanwhile I'm wading through this endless slut maze.
11 years ago
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11 years ago
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...I'm not even going to touch this one. Me thinks you get what you give and when you give nastiness...
Anonymous Post Author
11 years ago
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I don't even know what you just said.
11 years ago
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Then you now know how I feel.
Anonymous Post Author
11 years ago
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That it was much more common to date and sleep with one person at a time only a couple decades ago? What's hard to understand about that.
Kids were actually raised with morals and values then, not so much now.
More shitty parents equals more shitty kids, and this cycle persists as it gets worse and worse.
11 years ago
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you're so entitled. you think you know how people should live their lives? other peoples' sex lives is none of your business and if they're swingers it doesn't make it any less honorable than you.
and damn, you act like your hate and distrust in women is caused by sluts when truely it's caused by your vainity.
stop acting like your way of life is any better than anybody elses because it's obvious that it's not.
you hateful mother fucker get off your high horse.
if you weren't obsessed with fucking sluts you would be capible of at least being civil to them.
honestly dude, if you said this shit to my face i'd probably kick you in the nads for being such an entitled douchebag.
Not true. In early America pregnancy before marriage wasn't as uncommon as you would think. Also early practices like bundling hint at pre-marriage sexual activity in early American history. The amount of children people had with slaves was pretty high too. In the 19th century prostitution both formal and informal was very common. In the 1920s there was a brief sexual revolution in which attitudes changed radically for a time.
Of course it American history on this issue is somewhat meaningless since you are not an organism called "American", you are in fact a human and human history is filled with sexual activity.
10 years ago
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What's bundling?