Is it normal that i hate sluts with such ferocity?

First of all let me preface this by saying yes, I am aware both genders can have promiscuous tendencies, that said I'm talking about women today.

I can't even have female friends who are "sluts" they absolutely disgust me. For example I met this girl online and we really hit it off and had a lot in common.

But come to find out, she tells me her and her boyfriend have an open relationship, and currently she is sleeping with two different guys... it varies for her.

Well, I'm not shy about giving my opinion. And even at this time I thought we were becoming good friends, I made it a point to tell her I was basically disgusted by her lifestyle and told her how it should be. Surprisingly, we stayed friends for awhile, until we met and started hanging out, and she would flirt literally any guy that looked her way. Yes I know why I think i was mad at this particular person, because I was attracted to her, but I hated her ways.

Besides this particular person, at least half the girls I've dated I know for a fact cheated during our relationship and a few others I had serious suspicions. So that makes 3/4 of all women I've had in my life cheaters aka sluts/whores.

I can't stand them. It makes me misogynistic because of this. It's ruining my current relationship and no doubt will ruin future ones, because I just don't trust women any more.

What the hell ever happened to "One at a time?" Was I born in the wrong freaking era that this is the norm? Am I old fashioned? Is this what the world is today? Does everyone from teens throughout their 20s run around having sex, or sleeping with others behind their partner's backs? Or even, have open relationships like the girl I talked about?

It's f'ing sick to me, I grew up thinking to have sex properly and truly enjoy it you were supposed to be in love. But I guess humans today just have sex with whom ever because I guess it just feels good.

I guess I'll be the lone prude who keeps saying "F sluts" (not literally) and hope they all contract an STD or get hit by a bus. Seriously, you sicken me. The end.

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Comments ( 94 )
  • Hallelujahrip

    Wow, you're a disgusting misogynist. Just because something is not to your liking it doesn't mean the rest of humanity has to hear you shame women--ONLY WOMEN--for making choices about their bodies. You say you don't care about men because you're not a homosexual. Then why do you care so much I'd your friend--who I assume you have no interest in dating--is in an open relationship? You're a misogynist plain and simple. You seriously need some therapy.

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    • A misogynist because I dislike sluts? I suppose that means any woman who dislikes "players" (male sluts) a misandrist. And trust me most women will claim they hate these so called "players" but if I say the same thing about women I get flamed?

      I like women who respect their body's and don't doll it out to any guy who looks her way that she may find slightly attractive. I'm not a fan of live blow-up-dolls. That has nothing to do with misogyny. That's a lifestyle I despise.

      Great logic there pal.

      And also, don't assume, I had friends who were "players" back in high school and I'd call them on it all the time and tell them exactly where I stand, especially when they'd confront me about not getting as much "action" as them. It's just not my style. It doesn't make me feel good to sleep around with women I have no connection with. I'd rather be friends, form a bond, have a relationship.

      People skip all the parts that make it meaningful, and move right into the physical action of intercourse, for a quickie feel good.

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      • Sailor_Cosmos

        I do not condone bed hopping because of STD's and also because you cant really have quality sex if you are having a bunch of one nighters. I have always found more sexual fulfillment in long term relationships where the man really knowns my body. However, why have so much hatred towards people with different lifestyles and values? I don't see anything wrong with being in an open relationship if both parties agree to and are ok with that. Cheating is not right either, but remember women especially cheat for a reason. Rarely is it just for the sex. Men tend to cheat just for the sex. Women usually cheat when their partner is not fulfilling some kind of need. Perhaps you were not fulfilling some kind of need of the girls who cheated on you? I'm not saying it's your fault, but it's happened to you more than once which suggests a pattern...or perhaps the patter is that you are just choosing the wrong type of woman who doesn't share your same values. To have mistrust for all women based on what a tiny, tiny fraction of women have done to you, is just silly and shows how immature you are. Allowing the past actions of other women to dictate how you regard the woman in your life now and the way you treat her and the quality of your relationship is just plain STUPID. Let go of the past, its done and gone stop using it to try to predict future events, don't worry about future events either, whether or not your current girl will cheat on you is irrelevant and a waste of time. Focus on the here and now and on being positive and remind yourself that the girl you're with IS NOT the same girl or girls who cheated on you before, she is a different person and should not be punished for something someone else has inflicted on you. Also, make sure you and the girl are on the same opage about boundaries in a relationship before you start one. Then there is a clear understand of what is acceptable behaviour and what is considered cheating. Both parties must agree with this. Also, do not hate or waste energy hating people who have different views on sex than you do. What goes on in the bedrooms of others is not your business and it makes no sense to hate on anyone for doing what they want to do. You have no right to judge anyone.

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        • Dang hun, paragraphs.

          And lol at your excuses for why women cheat. who cares why anyone does it, its wrong. You can avoid cheating by simply telling the person you're dating you're moving on.

          And if I was in a relationship with anyone who wasn't getting what they felt they "needed" they should have talked about it. I don't think that was ever the case, I just made some bad choices. Being a shy guy I tend to go for the more outgoing girls, and those girls tend to be the most promiscuous.

          Finally, you asked why I care what other peoples values about sex are, well, who knows... To be honest it's probably because I'm bitter about the past and these past women have stolen my ability to trust.

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      • Technicolor_Irons

        I agree with you- I dislike it when people are promiscuous because it pretty much means that they have low standards and it makes it hard for those of us who have standards higher than "Oh-I-like-your-face-and-nice-body-too-here-lets-get-close-but-not-really-by-me-exposing-my-nekkid-body-to-you-person-I-just-met-lol."

        When guys are promiscuous, it reaffirms the standards that guys should be players and may lead others to do the same. They seem to have no true value for relationships with women and only look at them as 1) whether they want to and 2) whether they can "hit-it-and-quit-it" with her after some point. These types need to be looked out for.

        When women are promiscuous, they lower the standards for those of us who want to friggen know the guy in depth first (which you can not do within the time that these...women...decide to bed him). That is, guys expect that more women are loose with low standards so 1) its common and "okay' to have a relationship based on sex so 2)they don't have to put as much effort into a relationship.
        This means when they come a across a woman they are interested in, and she has standards (not just a certain number of days or dates to go on before jumping in bed, but more abstract ones on which RELATIONSHIPS are built), he'll be like, "nah, skip it- that's too much work. So-and-so will let me hit if I just take her out to dinner/movie/ buy a hamburger/whatever"

        People seem to revel in hedonistic pursuits nowdays with NO regard for valuing the deeper meaning, the greater joys of life. Instant gratification seems to be the new gold standard.


        Ruining crap for everyone(else).

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  • NeuroNeptunian

    Humans today? Ha. What a laugh. As if the concept of promiscuity is new. Do they teach history in school where you're from? Being a harlot is about as old as humanity itself. Being loose is as well. Women now just don't feel as ashamed of it as we did centuries ago, but then again, it's now illegal to kill women for having diverse sexual preferences. Back in the day, we were called witches. Now, we're just sluts.

    I understand your viewpoint and I respect it, but I don't think that it's fair that people are lesser beings in your eyes for being sexually active in ways that you can't appreciate. While I think cheating is wrong and I'm sorry that you've been tangled up in that mess, I don't feel that it's appropriate that one should be looked down upon for indulging in sexual desires in an honest and responsible manner within their own lives.

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    • Not in American History. It was normal for a man and a woman to date exclusively before even having their first sexual encounter for some time. Even at a young age.

      My parents met in high school and got married. I'm envious of that. To have a loyal partner that long, meanwhile I'm wading through this endless slut maze.

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      • NeuroNeptunian

        ...I'm not even going to touch this one. Me thinks you get what you give and when you give nastiness...

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        • I don't even know what you just said.

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          • NeuroNeptunian

            Then you now know how I feel.

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            • That it was much more common to date and sleep with one person at a time only a couple decades ago? What's hard to understand about that.

              Kids were actually raised with morals and values then, not so much now.

              More shitty parents equals more shitty kids, and this cycle persists as it gets worse and worse.

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      • SuperBenzid

        Not true. In early America pregnancy before marriage wasn't as uncommon as you would think. Also early practices like bundling hint at pre-marriage sexual activity in early American history. The amount of children people had with slaves was pretty high too. In the 19th century prostitution both formal and informal was very common. In the 1920s there was a brief sexual revolution in which attitudes changed radically for a time.

        Of course it American history on this issue is somewhat meaningless since you are not an organism called "American", you are in fact a human and human history is filled with sexual activity.

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        • jc25

          What's bundling?

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  • changes123

    The butt-hurt is strong in this one...

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    • SabertoothLion95


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    • RoseIsabella


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  • dom180

    You need to make a clear distinction between cheaters and people who are promiscuous outside a relationship or while in an agreed open relationship. "Sluts" are fine, but cheaters you are right to be suspicious of. Having a high sex drive doesn't make people cheat though; having no respect for your partner makes people cheat. Blame the person, not the sex.

    I almost have sympathy for you, and I really want to have sympathy for you, but it's difficult when you are so intolerant of people with harmless lifestyles.

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    • I don't think the two are very different. If she wasn't in an open relationship she probably would be cheating.

      I just don't understand what man would want to be the 20th penis inside a woman who is 20 years old.

      These are the types of women, the promiscuous ones, that you have to watch out in getting into a relationship with if you want to feel any sense of trust or loyalty to and from them.

      And of course, the kicker is, a girl can tell you any number she wants but you'll never know for sure.

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      • dom180

        Why do you presume she would be unfaithful? If all she cared about was the sex and not her partner, she would just have cheated and not even asked for the open relationship. She is honest, and that's a good thing.

        I think a lot of men would say that the past is the past, and it doesn't matter how many men a woman has been with but how faithful she is. It strikes me as very crude and judgmental and insecure to worry about how many men a woman has had sex with.

        No matter how hard you try, you can't link promiscuity outside a relationship with unfaithfulness. The two are completely different. Most promiscuous people (men or women) who prefer casual sex to monogamy would rather be single than have all the stresses of a relationship, so your chances of ending up in a relationship with one is low. It isn't about the number of their previous partners; there are virgins who cheat in their first relationships and experienced "sluts" who have never cheated in their life.

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        • I most certainly can and I do.

          For should a person have such low standards on sexual intimacy then they are likely not to take commitment much more serious than said sexual intimacy. It is inevitable that she steps out of bounds in a committed relationship with such low standards placed on the sanctity of love making.

          It was fortunate for this Slut to meet a partner that was willing to have an open relationship. But I don't think most men looking for a relationship are too keen on the idea of sharing their partner.

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  • Listen

    When in love, it's disappointing to hear about your lover's past sexually with other guys/girls.

    People should take more care of their sex record as the one they will be with in the future will be told truthfully if they're loved and it's not very pleasing. Your future love is more important than your sexual satisfactions from acting like the humans we are.

    It's a shame so much dignity is lost so recklessly, this is only one of the reasons obviously why I feel this is wrong.

    I completely agree with you and think this is normal.

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    • Technicolor_Irons

      You have a great point and your comment is very well-written, making your username quite appropriate because you make it easy to do. :)

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  • Stifler

    Slut - one who is unable to have a steady relationship so they go out and fuck people mindlessly.

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  • I don't judge people based on promiscuity. It's their bodies and their lives. I'm indifferent.
    I don't like calling women whores either. It's that kind of slut shaming frame of mind that leads to all kinds of violence towards women.
    Live and let live.

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  • Rick_Bawls

    It is normal and it is frustrating if you are looking for a potential wife. Obviously you don't want to marry a promiscuous woman, so it can be quite a feat to find a woman who does not have a whorish past.

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  • missyz

    How about turning it around the other way and stating that women can't be sluts if the MEN weren't willing to have sex??

    I think your outlook is disgraceful and you talk and act along the lines of someone like Adolf Hitler or Kim Jong Il!!

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    • Rick_Bawls

      What you fail to consider is that there are a lot of guys out there who aren't getting any women. I lot of men get very little play when they are in their early 20s. Women at that age typically only want to date players or douchebags. After they have slept around then they start looking for good men to possibly marry and no man wants to get tricked into marry a whore who has slept with far more men than he has slept with women. The promiscuity of today's woman really makes men think twice before committing to marriage.

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      • Thanks, you are absolutely right.

        Ideal man = player, because Ideal man, gets all the girls. This is true more time than not.

        I've only had 3 serious relationships in 7 years. (from 20 to 27)

        I got more interest in freakin high school.

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    • Ugh, it's called a higher libido. It's part of a males genetic make up, it's hardwired into them.

      Men have been the pursuer, and women have been the "chooser" since the beginning of time.

      This is not just a human trait, watch the discovery or national geographic channels sometime, it's no different in the animal kingdom.

      Sadly, it appears human females have developed this idea that spreading their legs for their "mate" quicker, will keep him with her. for other human females, they just have an unusually high sex drive, which is not atypical of the female species.

      Also, in human females, they all get in line for that perfect mate, even though, those are the men that are typically the "players" because they can get away with it. Still women would rather fight over that "perfect, ideal" mate they have in their mind rather than date a regular guy who will treat them right. In doing so, they give the "male sluts" who can get away with it a green light, and leave the rest of us average joe's with blue balls.

      In closing, women have some 95% of the sexual prowess in the human species, which is nice for them, but also gives them more responsibility than men.

      Hope you learned something.

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  • It sounds like you are angry with being cheated on in the past.
    However if someone who is single or in an open relationship, they should be able to do whatever they like. If someone keeps cheating though, then they probablly aren't serious about relationships anyways.
    I don't see whats wrong with an open relationship because both partners are doing the same thing and aware of it. Lots of people get bored with having sex with the same person and see nothing wrong with having meaningless sex for pleasure.
    You may wonder then why they would want to be in a relationship, personally I am baffled why humans are so obsessed with love and romance to begin with. I just don't comprehend it.

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    • Open relationships... of course they can do what they want? But does it really serve a purpose? I don't think so. It's just a "title." When you fool around with whom ever you please love kind of goes out the window.

      So, "open relationship" "friends with benefits." Terms like these are just titles that say I like to sleep around and/or you don't mean enough for me to commit to you unconditionally.

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  • There are certain things you can control and certain things you can't control. It seems that you are at the age where people want to be promiscuous, and thats not limited to women. Ever heard of a 'player'? Thats the male equivalent to 'slut'.

    If you really want a genuine, committed relationship then how about YOU be the person who wants to wait on sex? That way she can't just reduce her opinion of you to your sexual performance, you can take a more meaningful role in her life. But of course at some point you'll have to make a move, or she'll think you're gay.

    Its all about respect and communication- being on the same page. Best of luck.

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    • I'm not trying to control sluts, they are like a rampant disease on the earth with no cure. I'm simply disclosing my feelings on the subject.

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      • quentari

        "rampant disease on the earth with no cure" Is pretty much where you have not only crossed a line, but then shit on it. Why are you so full of hate?

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        • How have I crossed the line? Who knows how many STDs some of these girls carry.

          I just saw a girl at the park the other day with a 2 year old, she couldn't have been more than 16. Which means she got pregnant around 14.

          God, the worst part is innocent kids have to suffer.

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          • quentari

            Or maybe it was her sibling? I've been mistaken for my little brothers mother before and the comments I got were unnecessary and hurtful. She might have been raped, she might be in a long-term committed relationship with someone she loves.

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            • Ibelievethis

              Exactly. People are far too quick to out and 2+2 together and come with 5. xx

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            • It's possible, but I doubt it. I have a sibling who is in high school and this sort of thing isn't exactly unusual.

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  • quentari

    I agree with some of your points, and disagree with others. I agree that people who cheat are scum of the earth, and I think some people should be more CAREFUL when having random sexual encounters. But the girl in an open relationship is slightly different, her boyfriend is probably seeing other women too (I hope you find him just as disgusting at least).

    Not everyone with a high sex drive is a cheater, and plenty of people who were promiscuous then go into long-term relationships and never cheat. Some people are flirty, but wouldn't actually hook up with anyone. It's hard to guess though. My fiance used to sleep with many random women and cheated on a few of his ex's, but has done a complete turn-around since he met me.

    Just so long as your equally as disgusted in male sluts I can't bring myself to judge you too harshly.

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    • Yes, open relationships in general disgust me. What the fucks the point? That's not love to me.

      And yes I do hold males to the same standards, but being male myself, I tend to notice women's promiscuity more frequently.

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      • lovedup

        Well you evidently don't seeing as your spewing so much hate about WOMEN not men who are generally less promiscuous then men and are less flirty.
        Case in point when was the last time you were followed down the street by a women who you don't know catcalling, telling you to take off your shirt/open your legs and saying what they'd like to do to you?
        Ever been groped in the street by somebody you don't know? Hit on multiple times in a night then called a slut/lesbian/frigid when you refuse? No??
        That's because WOMEN don't do these things to MEN so what right have YOU and other men to spew such hatred against our gender because an INDIVIDUAL has hurt you? We have all been hurt I on the other hand don't say all MEN who have had more partners than me are a disgusting, plague of this planet.
        Next time wait to have sex with a girl, tell her you have trust issues chances are she's probably been cheated on too.

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      • quentari

        not being able to see the point in them and being openly disgusted by them are two different things. What happened that makes you hate everyone that has more than one sexual partner within a certain given time?

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        • Being cheated on several times certainly may have contributed to my feelings.

          You may say I need to learn how to pick them, true, but in my defense, sluts are crafty these days. They don't let you know who they really are until it's too late.

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          • quentari

            Most "sluts" (by your definition) are just regular girls. How many people do they need to sleep with to become "sluts" by your definition?

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  • SangoNyappy

    You have to realize they're women with their own bodies that belong to them and they can do whatever they want with it no matter how disgusted you are.

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    • That was very insightful thank you.

      And to the women around here that hate "players" or "male sluts."

      It's you're genders fault. They couldn't do this if there weren't so many loose women around.

      Some men (like myself) and i'm sure some women out there, still value sex as a form of love-making. Emphasis on the word love.

      Today more than ever, it's about having promiscuous fun. Not love.

      I am the type of man that would RATHER date a girl and have her want to wait, than to jump into bed. I'd respect her more.

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      • SangoNyappy

        Of course people (me included) don't have sex "just for fun" but your body belongs only to you and if you want to sleep with every person in your city it might be disgusting to other people but it's none of their buisness.

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        • Unfortunately it becomes your business when you become involved with said person, unknowing of their tendency to sleep around, and their complete disregard for their supposed "partner's" feelings.

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          • SangoNyappy

            That's true but I think if you want to get "involved" with people like this you should know more about them, even though I don't think it's right to play with someon's feelings like this.

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      • SabertoothLion95

        "It's you're genders fault. They couldn't do this if there weren't so many loose women around."

        Now you just sound like the type of guy who hates women in general. You'd be surprised how many guys get mad at me for saying I'm a virgin and not interested in having sex until I'm married.

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        • Well, I do hate certain types of women, as the topic describes.

          And to the last part, no I wouldn't be surprised about that at all. I've known enough guys who were just running around looking to get laid, trust me, I don't approve, I think they're jerks.

          Also, I more than respect your decision to not have sex until marriage.

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  • lovedup

    This post smacks of mysogny. I'm not surprised your having trouble with relationships if you have so little trust and so much suspicion, see a therapist. Men are known to cheat far more than women, not only cheat but rape and abuse women, slip drugs into there drinks and take advantage of a girl who is asleep/drunk. Yet they are supported and the girl who was most likely drugged vilified. Case in point Stuebunville. Why do you vilify women who are promiscuous but not men? Do men who flirt with loads of girls disgust you? You have issues which you need to deal with!

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    • "Why do you vilify women who are promiscuous but not men? Do men who flirt with loads of girls disgust you? You have issues which you need to deal with!"

      Yes! They disgust me. But I'm not a homosexual so I don't pay attention to what other guys are doing.

      But guess what, this is women's problem. It's always been their position to ultimately choose their partner and when to have sex with them. Male sluts just go after the girls who spread their legs easily/quickly.

      And since when did we get on the topic of rape?

      And no, men are not known to cheat far more than women. Google it.

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  • GoraIntoDesiGals

    Christians gonna be Christians lol

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    • Well, that's more acceptable than your previous taunts. You can keep it.

      Although my faith really has nothing to do with this issue, being that, I only became religious within the last year and have hated sluts my whole life.

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  • LauraTheScarletWhore

    Why do men insist on 'innocence' in women? 1. To flatter their vanity. 2. To give themselves the best chance of escaping venereal disease, propagating their noble selves. 3. To maintain power over their slaves by their possession of Knowledge. 4. To keep them docile as long as possible by drawing out the debauching of their innocence. A sexually pleased woman is the best of willing helpers; one who is disappointed or disillusioned a very psychical exzema. 5. In primitive communities, to serve as a guard against surprise and treachery. 6. To cover their secret shame in the matter of sex. Hence the pretence that a woman is 'pure', modest, delicate, aesthetically beautiful and morally exalted, ethereal and unfleshly, though in fact they know her to be lascivious, shameless, coarse, ill-shapen, unscrupulous, nauseatingly bestial both physically and mentally.(Aleister Crowley)

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  • jrizzle

    The worst person I've ever known was a huge slut. We slept together for a few months, nothing serious, then she tells me she's married. Later she gets divorced because her husband finds out she was banging some other dude. She calls me up one day and says she wants to hook up. I said "eh, what the hell. She's divorced". Later i found out she was engaged to some dude while we hooked up. Worst... person.... ever. Other than her though i love sluts.

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  • Ibelievethis

    Well how do you define a slut. Do you mean a women who sleeps around then yes I suppose I am a slut, but you need to be more open minded. I am not in a relationship and I have no intentions of ever entering into one (I have my reasons) so just because my prince charming has not come to whisk me away should I deny myself a healthy sex life. No. I will freely admit I have one night/day stands at least once a week. People in relationships can have sex when they want therefore so can I. I suppose you're in a relationship with great sex on tap. very easy for you to be judgemental and if you aren't I apologise for being so presumatious.
    I seek the approval of nobody, you included. It's my body. I can have sex when I want, with who I want, as often as I want for as long as I want.
    So yes I suppose I am one of those women who you hate, but what gives you the impression I like you. x

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    • Yes, you would fall under that definition, sadly.

      I don't currently have a girlfriend. I've had a few sexual partners, but only once I've established a romantic relationship with these women.

      A healthy sex life to you includes one night stands? That's disgusting in my opinion. And I certainly don't want you to "like me." You are the dregs of the female gender.

      You are the license that gives players the ability to play. Unfortunately, sluts, and male sluts, don't always stay within the confines of one another.

      And respectable people who can keep their legs closed long enough to form a meaningful bond with somebody end up being the ones getting burned.

      Notice how you can't even out and out admit you're slutty? Even though everything you describe points to it.

      A healthy sex life? Get a damn vibrator for your "down time" if it's so important for you to continuously "get off"

      So let me ask you, are you gonna be open and honest about your previous sexual transgressions when Mr. Right does come along? That was a rhetorical question, of course you won't. Know why? Chances are, "Mr. Right" does not want to be with a former slut.

      Sex and Love used to be synonymous for a lot of people. It still is for some.

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      • Ibelievethis

        Here we go again another closed minded individual. Where does it say I don't use protection when engaging in sexual activity. Nowhere. Mr presumtious!!!

        Like I said you dare tell me what to do and what not to do with my own body. I am not on here judging your choices to wait for sex. Would like it if someone did that to you, No! Why should I buy a vibrator when sex is free! Are you going to give the money for this vibrator that you so want me to have.

        Also it is not a sad thing that you do not like me. Who do you think you are God's gift to women or something. You need to get over yourself and quick. I mean do you think I am sitting here crying because you do not like me. No, apart from being very angry that a stranger is judging my life and my choices. I am laughing my arse off at you, because you are so closed minded and judgemental. It is very laughable!

        Fantastic for those who sex and love are synonymous, but for me sex is just an act I enjoy, and there is never any love involved. We're not all perfect! like a certain someone I might mention.!

        One last thing then I will shut up. (Well for now at least). Have you ever thought of work for the government. I'm serious. You have the skills in place.
        Closed minded
        Very judgemental.


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        • You should start charging for your sexual encounters, you're one step away from prostitution.

          Lets drop the "proud slut" act.

          And hopefully I can be god's gift to A woman. not women plural.

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          • Ibelievethis

            Good idea. I should start charging seeing as I am so amazing in bed. Why waste such a brillant talent.

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            • You're not really making yourself look any better with comments like that.

              But for my amusement... since I've heard this before...

              What makes a person "amazing" in bed? As far as I know sex is a pretty standard and generally simple practice. All it takes is some coherent rhythm and a little endurance.

              So then it begs the question, Is that something you really want to brag about?

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  • Stifler

    U vant fuk big boi? ten dolla i luv u lawng taim!

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  • kindsociopath

    there is no such thing as sluts...just a word created by judgemental f**ks ,

    Comment Hidden ( show )
    • slut [sluht] Show IPA
      an immoral or dissolute woman; prostitute.
      Obsolete . a dirty, slovenly woman.

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  • hybee

    Whoa man! Sluts LIKE being sluttish, and let's face it many men like them that way. But there are plenty of unpromiscuous women out there - just grab one of them and forget the rest!

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    • Lol I wish. The sluts blend in so well with the non-sluts. It's like a grab bag. Close your eyes and grab.

      I haven't been very lucky so far.

      In all seriousness most of the girls I've dated didn't seem like the slutty types, until they cheated.

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  • Jusbrowsin

    I like the way u had my comment deleted. Now I know I was right about you. Coward. Grow up.

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    • Are you the person who said I hate women? Well now you know why you're post got deleted. Ironic you telling me me to grow up to be sure.

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  • RoseIsabella

    I don't know about sluts and playas so much. I think a lot of people can kinda go through stages. However, I definitely have issues with cheaters. I've been cheated on in the past and see it as a very selfish and cowardly behavior. I also have a major problem with people who go after someone in a relationship. If someone has a husband or wife; boyfriend or girlfriend I see them as completely off limits. I hate being hit on my married guys it gives me the creeps! Also, swingers freak me out so bad. I'm polite to their faces when they're hitting on me but as soon as I get the chance I literally RUN! Couples like that make me feel like an object when they hit on me; like I'm prey or something. I hate them; they make me want to vomit!

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    • You've been approached by swingers? That would just be a scary situation in general I think.

      Anyway, the worst thing is when you think you know somebody and it turns out they are a cheater.

      In my (naive) I guess, younger years, I dated a woman who I deemed the sweetest, most honest person ever. Well I don't think I have to say how that ended for me.

      Even quality people can turn into cheater's. The saddest part was I treated her as good as I thought she was. That didn't save me. And it sure hurt like hell when I found out.

      I guess that's a big part of the reason for this thread, women have literally slaughtered my ability to trust, and without that trust it's hard to sustain a meaningful relationship -- or even get started.

      I know this is a reality for both genders. I apologize to all the women on this site if you assumed I was equating all women to sluts. That's not what I was saying.

      I will say think about how much you are hurting the other person if cheating ever does cross your mind though. It is a deep and unforgettable wound.

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  • Magenta_W

    I kind of hate them too, but I'm trying to fix myself of that. It's just what society has told you, and it's why you used "people today" so much.

    Honestly, can you tell me one reason it's not okay? One sound, non-opinionated reason?

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    • Because it's disgusting. Do you really want to dip your stick into a vagina of a woman who has had 20 or 30 men in there before you? Just the thought is sick.

      And how about if you fall in love with a woman that once was but is no longer a slut?

      Also, as someone noted, me being Christian as someone alluded to. Sexual immorality is a sin, but in general terms just a complete turn off for me.

      And I would say, you don't need to "fix yourself" You can be tolerant without having to change how you feel.

      Woman who lack sexual morality hurt my heart.

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      • Magenta_W

        Ah, but how is it disgusting? It's not dirty, it makes absolutely no difference to how sanitary the vagina is. besides, how would you even be able to tell unless she told you?

        Idk man I guess I have the same, but for reasons I don't understand. I'm more bothered by the women who wear trashy, nasty clothing everywhere. Ew.

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        • I just told you how it's disgusting. It's mentally disgusting.

          It's said you can't tell the difference but I beg to differ.

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          • Magenta_W

            Yes, but how could you tell? Unless the woman told you "Hey heads up, I was a HUGE slut before." there would literally be no way to know. Although I totally get the whole mentally disgusting part, it makes everything seem a bit tacky...

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            • You can't tell unless you are familiar with the woman, or until they fuck you over, that's the problem with them.

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      • hybee

        You're a Christian. Forgive them!

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        • Forgive who? I harbor no anger towards any specific individual.

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  • I like them, they give good head.

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    • lol yeah, and maybe something extra if you're not careful.

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      • No, no, no, I kill them, I kill you, I kill you, I kill you...

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  • today, only today

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