Is it normal that i have sex with my mother-in-law?

I've seen these stories online before. Some ring true and some are obviously fantasy. For me, this has been very much my reality for the past 14 years. My mother-in-law and I hit it off from the very beginning. I was 19 when I started dating her daughter, and she was 42 and absolutely gorgeous. Plus, our personalities just clicked. There was a lot of great conversation in the early days of dating and it only got better after the wedding.

After about three years of marriage, we started flirting rather innocently at first. It was in the open and my wife would even say, "My mom has a thing for you." I would play it off by saying, "She's just messing with me." However, deep down I knew there was a spark of genuine attraction between us. My wife would tease me about it and ask me if I was thinking about her mother while we had sex. Of course, the more she brought it up, the more I thought about it.

One morning, during a holiday visit before anyone else was up, my MIL and I were having coffee in the sunroom together. The conversation turned to sex in general and then soon to various "kinks." We began quizzing each other on turn-ons and things we'd never tried. Her body language was clear as it could be. Her nipples were about to rip through her nightgown, her mouth was slightly opened, her chest was heaving and her hips were writhing. I knew that she was wet and she knew that I was hard. At about the moment we would've engaged in contact, we heard someone getting coffee in the kitchen. She looked into my eyes, then closed her eyes and exhaled with a sultry sigh.

After that morning our conversations became more intimate. We would share things about our lives that were meaningful (not just sexual). Though, the sexual tension increased dramatically. We would brush against each other, linger with our hugs and kiss each other hello and goodbye on the lips. Finally one day we were upstairs in what was basically a huge game room/spare bedroom. Her sorority paddle was hanging on the wall next to my wife's. She saw me reading all the signatures on hers and stood beside me. I said, "I know what goes on in most frat houses, but did you girls spank each other a lot?"

Without missing a beat, my MIL grinned and replied, "Well, there's only one way you can learn that secret." She took the paddle off its hook, lightly popped her hand and continued, "How bad do you want to know?"

Feeling the blood rush to my dick, I replied in a near whisper, "Very bad."

She walked over to the foot of the bed and using the paddle as a pointer, indicated that I was to join her there and bend over. "Drop your pants."

I hadn't expected that, but I complied. My jeans hit the floor and I bent over the end of the bed with my hands resting on the footboard. "You're sure about this?" she asked.
"Very sure..." I replied. And with not a breath of time after my reply she let fly with the first lick. She did not hold back. It was a genuine, from the backfield whack on the ass that buckled my knees. Before I could collect myself she was into me with the second, then the third and fourth. I was breathless. My ass was on fire and my cock was sticking straight out of the fly in my boxers.

With the paddle now at her side, she reached with her other hand and slid my underwear from my ass. She let out a sound of aroused admiration at her handy work and gave my cheeks a rub. "Want more?" she asked as she continued rubbing what had to be a bright red bottom.

I merely nodded my head in affirmation, and as I did she hammered me with three more staccato shots from the plank. This time I groaned in a combination of pain, pleasure, exhilaration and just a bit of fear that there was more ahead. "How many was that?" she asked.

God I didn't want to get this wrong. My mind was flooded with endorphins and I was a little intoxicated. My dick was throbbing and I wanted to fuck or masturbate or something. She knew better than I did how many that was, but she was toying with me. Instead of answering her, I confessed what was on my mind, "Brenda, this is the most erotic thing I've ever done in my life."

Without warning she gave me three more licks, each with greater intensity than the last. She laid the paddle on the bed, which was fine by me because I don't think I could've taken another shot without screaming or crying or both. I'm not a small guy or a wuss by any means, but she lit me up with ferocity. I was in exquisite pain.

With her hands on my shoulders, she turned me toward her. She slid down to her knees and slid my boxers down as she went. She then took my rod into her mouth while rubbing my ass cheeks with both hands. It usually takes me a while to achieve orgasm via oral sex and this was no exception...until she pushed her middle finger into my anus. When she did that, it was over. I exploded and she never slowed down with her rhythm. I'd never had someone suck me so thoroughly dry before. She fed on every drop of my come and licked her way off of it. When she pulled her finger out of my ass, I collapsed in front of her. We kissed deeply and passionately on our knees. Our tongues intertwined and we caressed each other as if we'd been lovers separated for years. We pulled apart, looked into each others eyes and began laughing. Neither of us seemed to feel any shame, only joy and release.

As we walked down the stairs together, I asked, "So did you?"
"Did I what?"
"Did you girls spank each other in the sorority house?"
"Oh that...nah. Too barbaric for us girls." She said this with a bit of a grin and a hint of dishonesty.

After that day, our relationship only improved. We never planned or plan rendezvous, we just take advantage of opportunities and have had the most incredible sex either of us has ever had. We experiment with different toys, positions, locations, and even costumes. We've done it in vehicles, elevators, hot tubs, closets, garages, pools, on hiking trails, golf courses, and balconies. All the while, we both would say that our sex lives with our respective spouses has benefitted greatly.

We love each other, we respect each other and we crave each other. I'm now 41 and she's 64. We know the risks we've taken and how irresponsible this relationship has been. We're under no illusions about the moral failings here. I'm not interested in hearing a moral discourse on why what we've done is wrong. I want to know, from real people if they've ever really done such a thing, if you've ever wanted to, or known of anyone else that has.

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79% Normal
Based on 224 votes (178 yes)
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Comments ( 9 )
  • Cool story.

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    • shuggy-chan


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  • KacyWatson

    Sex with your mother in law is normal but you should be faithful to your wife.

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  • exmachina

    I think it is normal. I have been having sex at least a few times a week with my mother-in-law and sometimes more. My wife actually encouraged us to have sex in the first place since her mom was lonely. She isn't jealous and is happy for us. A mother-in-law isn't a blood relative so it is safe and as long as it is consentual it is perfectly ok.

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  • Bustyboobs

    It didn't happen to elaborate for me. My husband's mother came over to help me with the baby, we drank a bottle of wine, Sat on the couch facing the big bay window over looking the golf club house, next thing I know we are both naked on the couch 69ing each other until my daughter got home from work to relieve me but took pics of myself and Mary instead!

    Very common!

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    • jaxoncp

      can you KIK me? Yamidovah

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  • Good story.

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  • watcher2005

    There are plenty of MIL that I would do, but my MIL is not one that I would do.

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  • quentari

    No I haven't and I know you don't want to hear it but you really should break up with your wife, it sounds like you should have just married her mother from the start

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