Is it normal that i like when people sit on my head?

I like it when my girlfriend (really anyone would do but she's obviously my first choice) sits or lays on my head. I like the feeling of pressure and the warmth from her. It makes me feel secure and it kind of reminds me of what I think it is like to be in the womb. I like to lay on my side on the couch and have her sit on my head while we're just relaxing or watching tv. Is this normal?

Voting Results
79% Normal
Based on 39 votes (31 yes)
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Comments ( 5 )
  • thetelltaletwat

    I like it when my pastor sits on my feet.

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  • dildos4lyfe

    You know, sometimes I feel the same way...sometimes it's nice to imagine myself, warm and cozy, tucked away in my mother's uterus. So usually, I ask my mom to sit on my head. It's a big more realistic. :P

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  • aussiewolf

    maybe buy a hot water bottle and put a lambs wool cover on it to save other peoples butts wearing out.

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  • aussiewolf

    does she fart when she sits on your face?

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    • No, I just like the heat and pressure.

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