Is it normal that i still play online dress up games?

I know dress up games are considered "little kids" games but I love them! I still play them at 18. In fact, I even play barbie and myscene ones! I love playing dress up and designing outfits and doing make-overs. It especially helps that I'm not artistic.

Is this normal? Do any other older teenagers or adults still play these games or is this really odd for someone of my age to be doing?

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86% Normal
Based on 124 votes (107 yes)
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Comments ( 17 )
  • I do but rarely. I think the last time I did was a year ago. I use to play Mall World on Facebook too. Every once in awhile I get an urge to play it and do so for a few weeks.

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    • mrsxsalvatore

      Haha same with me!

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    • NothingSpecial

      Same. I don't play them every day, but I'd say every two months or so I get the urge to play them and I play them on and off for a few weeks and then go do something else. I play them a lot but not regularly.

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  • BeautyBodyBrains

    I played with barbies until I was 14. I enjoy the idea of running someone else's life. If you want a less lame alternative, how about buyin The Sims? Its pretty similar except u actually have goals in "life" on that game. I love it!

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  • LunarFelis

    I think this is pretty normal. You say you're not very artistic so this is a way for you to be creative - and who doesn't love dressing up on occasion? Even if you'd rather dress up a 'doll' than yourself :)

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  • Wendell

    No offense, but grow up

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    • Terence_the_viking

      Maybe you are the one that needs to grow up.

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      • Justsomejerk

        classic burn

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    • NothingSpecial

      A lot of adults watch animated cartoons, collect dolls and cosplay as anime characters so I don't think I'm going to stop. It may not be something a lot of people my age do that I'm aware of, but I don't think it amounts to immaturity.

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  • pinkbaphomet

    I'm 19 and I still play them pretty often. Something about the customization I like

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  • Aewe101

    Yeahh why not my dad plays farm vill on facebook he's been playing for like 4 years now he also plays of online games and he is 41 years old I thought it was wired at first but it's just a form of entertainment it's not hurting anyone and its fun, I don't like online games tho I would rather read the news and stuff like that on my phone XD

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  • Devyn

    I only do it with ponies.

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    • Justsomejerk

      I'm sorry, beastiality is not tolerated here unless it is with a dog.

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      • Devyn

        Not bestiality. I do it for fun, not for any sort of sexual purpose.

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  • boehawk

    I've known several ppl who liked to play barbies into their teens and 20's .

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  • Terence_the_viking

    I like the customisation you get in soul calibur 5 where you can create your own characters.

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  • KeddersPrincess

    I've caught myself doing it not too long ago.

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