Yeah, with such strong opinions you must have several co-writing credits or at least produce several long running shows that have gone on at least as long (probably longer) than TWD.
So for you to be of a strong opinion of me you must have co-writing credits or at least produce several long running shows that have gone on at least as long (probably longer) than TWD.
List them or be bested.
That's your logic. You can have an opinion, but I somehow am not allowed.
I got it now...I've insulted your choice of Halloween costume didn't I?!?! "Wow dude, awesome Rick costume!"
If you say so chief. I must have missed the episode where you made me look stupid. You'll have to give me a recap.
They lost me a while ago. I just tuned in for a reminder of why I've been staying away.
I know you've been planning your Rick costume all year, haven't you, you bad ass zombie slayer you. Now you can go out, running around the neighborhood looking for zombies instead of posing in your bedroom.
IIN Walking Dead season premier was...
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They killed off this viewer because I won't waste my time watching it anymore.
7 years ago
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Yeah, with such strong opinions you must have several co-writing credits or at least produce several long running shows that have gone on at least as long (probably longer) than TWD.
Could you list them?
Anonymous Post Author
7 years ago
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"Mommy, Mommy someone hurt my feelings by belittling my favorite show. Whaaaa!"
7 years ago
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Or did a certain poster insult your intelligence? Easily refuted by listing shows that OP was a part of. Or more "wah wah wah wah wah".
List them or be bested.
Anonymous Post Author
7 years ago
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So for you to be of a strong opinion of me you must have co-writing credits or at least produce several long running shows that have gone on at least as long (probably longer) than TWD.
List them or be bested.
That's your logic. You can have an opinion, but I somehow am not allowed.
I got it now...I've insulted your choice of Halloween costume didn't I?!?! "Wow dude, awesome Rick costume!"
7 years ago
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No, no you are definitely allowed to have an opinion. Just be prepared for someone to make you look stupid as I just did.
You watch a show for 6 full seasons, waiting for the most anticipated season premiere yet,.....
And then decide the show messed that up so it isn't worth watching anymore??
Also AMC renewed it for 2 more seasons I think. But you're so opinionated and edgy.
If you gave it 6 full seasons of watching, an intelligent person would give it at least 5-6 episodes into this new season before deciding "I'm done".
Well I wasted enough time on you as is.
Anonymous Post Author
7 years ago
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If you say so chief. I must have missed the episode where you made me look stupid. You'll have to give me a recap.
They lost me a while ago. I just tuned in for a reminder of why I've been staying away.
I know you've been planning your Rick costume all year, haven't you, you bad ass zombie slayer you. Now you can go out, running around the neighborhood looking for zombies instead of posing in your bedroom.