Is it normal walking dead season premier was...

Anyone else think the season premier of The Walking Dead was a major disappointment. It just seemed too stupid to be believable. Plus, the villains are always smiling and over-acted. I used to love the show but it sucks now.

Yes it sucks now. 12
It always sucked. 2
Still great. 7
I only watch to see the zombie's get fucked up. 2
I have severe diarrhea. 11
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Comments ( 28 )
  • Dot123

    Yeah, Glenn fucking dies!

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    • His last words to Maggie "I'll keep an eye out for ya."

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  • dirtybirdy

    Nah, I was surprised though at who died. I was guessing Maggie or Michonne. What got to me more were the commercials with this King and his tiger. I know he's in the comics, which I didn't read, but it just seemed so cliche and corny. We shall see how it plays out.

    Oh, and another thing, while I was rewaching past episodes during the week, I was reminded of how silly and drawn out Tyreses death was. It got on my nerves. That is all.

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    • It would have been a nice surprise if he beat the hell out of a camera man.

      I agree with you about the king & tiger. Too much.

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    • Wrong

      In the comics both Abraham and Glenn are dead by this point. Glenn famously dying by way of Negan's introduction. It makes sense in a canon sort of way to have them both go and give us viewers a bit of a shock. I sort of saw it coming when Darryl rushed Negan and Negan said "I told y'all the first one was free, but for this one ya gonna have to pay"

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  • Crow

    (Note: Spoilers)

    Honestly, TWD started to be a disappointment from the midseason finale of the previous season. The timing was off and I felt like I didn't mourn the deaths. I felt no connection to Jessie or Sam. If anything, I was hoping that the Wolf and Ron would've gotten more screen time.

    The choice of Abraham and Glenn - I don't know. Call me a psychopath, but, they felt too "middle-of-the-road" for me. Sure, they're likeable characters but their arcs felt incomplete and I was really looking for something predictable followed by a surprise.

    If I wrote the show, I would've picked off Aaron* first (or any character who hasn't had a lot of screen time recently) and then moved onto a bigger hit (would've chosen Carol but she wasn't in the lineup).

    *He seemed to conveniently pop back into existence to volunteer himself for this suicide trip, so he was ranking first on my list.

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    Actually I thought the laughing and over acting was fitting.
    I was somewhat disappointed that the episode didn't have more action in it, but I think it's a good lead in to what's to come.

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    • But the villains personalities are all interchangable so it just becomes repetative and boring.

      Plus in this episode Rick and the others seemed to have plenty of opportunities to kill him. Sure they might get killed trying but it just seemed like as a group they could rush him and kill him or die trying. No, they just watch their loved ones get their heads bashed in.

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      • iEatZombies_

        They were too concerned about each other dying. One didn't want to make a move in fear that they'd be responsible for the death of another.

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        because it would've meant suicide, you're right they probably could've killed Neegan but his men would've gunned them all down afterwards.

        They understood that there was no way to win this one, their options were try to kill Neegan and we all die for certain, or let him kill some of us and hope the rest of us can survive.
        Some of them were going to die no matter what, this way the rest at least have a chance of survival.

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        • A person like that would have a lot of enemies in his own ranks.

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            undoubtedly, but before they fought each other over whose in charge next they would kill all of rick's group

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            • They killed off this viewer because I won't waste my time watching it anymore.

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