Yeah if I wanted that kind of crazy I just watch trailer trash when they are drunk, make sure they dont die from their own stupidity and then extort them for money when they are an inhibited state. Threw up in a sink? 30$ need a ride home? 20$+ 30 if you throw up even though I gave them trash bags for the throw up.
Iin you need to boost your ego so much that you hyjack questions
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Yeah if I wanted that kind of crazy I just watch trailer trash when they are drunk, make sure they dont die from their own stupidity and then extort them for money when they are an inhibited state. Threw up in a sink? 30$ need a ride home? 20$+ 30 if you throw up even though I gave them trash bags for the throw up.
3 years ago
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Nice strategy. No trailer trash where I live though, I used to be able to go into town to see debauchery but that’s not an option anymore.
3 years ago
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Trailer trash is where you go for some redneck fun.