Making love with my cousin n my dreams

im 19yrs old. I live with my cousin (girl cousin) who is a year younger than me. I look at her as a close friend (almost a younger sister). We always spend time together whenever we have a time (eating dinner together, telling jokes, tickling each other, hugging, and other things that siblings often do). But i noticed that whenever we spend time together, i always (well, not always but most of the time) tend to have a dream of her making love/having sex with me. I dont know why im having a dream like this. Maybe it's just a sister complex or something. I don't really know.

My question is:
Is it normal? Am i the only one having this kind of dream? What makes me dream like this?

Added info's:
I find her attractive. I also have a girlfriend for 4yrs now and we are sexually active. And i have 2 half-sisters. One is 20yrs older than me and the other one is 16yrs younger than me.(just in case these infos are needed.)

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76% Normal
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Comments ( 10 )
  • Burger.Nazi

    Okay. So usually dreaming about someone sexually can be a desire we carry in our waking life. Just dont act on this desires, we dream them out for a reason. To release them in our dreams. It can also signify that theres something you admire about your cousin, and maybe you just want to get closer to them as a cousin. It can also meam the have a trait that you want, or your brain is just getting its pick of women in your life, maybe you feel closer to her in ways that you are not with the other women. Its so fucking normal. Ive had it happen to me wayy too many times.

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  • Answers101

    It is a common thing which you shouldn't feel embarrassed or not even sick. It completely normal feeling attracted to the opposite gender. Truth is you will keep dreaming until you do it. That is where your relative will depend on how much you are close and if she/he is willing to help.

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  • hnbout

    This is Perfectly NORMAL. Finding relatives attractive is very common. It's just not common to act on those feelings. What you have is a great opportunity for very close relationships with your cousins/ sisters. I've had sex with my sister for over 20 years. I've had sex with my mom, 3 cousins, and this year my 16 yr old daughter and I have started.

    Don't deny your feelings. Talk to your cousins/ sisters. Ya' never know... they may feel the same way about you. Go For It!!

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    • Glock34

      The hell is wrong with you man?!

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    • Heart87

      Sick bastard

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  • underway_carriage

    This shit has to stop, I'm at the point to where should I tell her about my dreams or just keep it to myself..... This is like the 5th time this year I've had a dream about having sex with my cousin Regina!!! Yes she is very attractive and yes we are pretty close but NOT ONCE have I ever looked at her in that way!!! What should I do??? Do I need to see a psychiatrist??

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  • Timberwolf817

    Ok for one the guy who said he has sex with his daughter thats just fuckin gross as far as having sex with ur cousin or dreaming about it yes that is normal to.dream about it it means ur lacking something between u an ur former gf u just need to.figure out whag it is thats missing i think the only reason i do is cause im super close to her we grew up together an we both have the same passions in life could i ever bring myself to.actually having sex with her probably not cause i dont believe in incest for one an 2 i already have 3 kids an she has none an i dont need anymore kids lol plus it would be awkward as all hell granted ive been single for 8yrs now i still dont have the desire for sex as i once did not cause im single but cause there is more to a relationship than just sex ide be happy just cuddling with the person im with :)

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  • Glock34

    I honestly ask the same question. My cousin Garilinn and I are both very close, just like you and yours. When I'm at work and she's at my home, I tend to text her while working, call on my breaks, and play 8 ball pool with her on our phones. On more than one occasion I've had to sleep in her bed with her, because I was letting someone else use mine, and I've come to find that when I wake up her and I were cuddling. I find her extremely attractive yes, do I want to have sex with her, very much, but I don't, because it's illegal, and it's incest.

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  • Ironbatman


    What the fuck is wrong with you?..

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  • norma007

    So not normal because you're so sick... GO FOR HELP!!!

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