Men want just one thing

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  • Zonfire80

    Ok, you're curious aren't you? lol it's fine don't take it personal. Ask away buddy.

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    • I am not curious, but you requested me to include you. I know you do this for attention and/or from confusion. You probably want us to wait and stare at your "complicated" sexuality, as if you're the only one having problems in this world. This is why you have those sick parades. We don't have parades for heterosexuality and we don't walk naked to show people how disgusting we can be.

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      • Zonfire80

        I don't go to any pride parades because I don't find them relevant. To me it makes all the LGBT look bad and deviant. I hate that it exist to be honest. I just want to be a normal guy who likes girls and consider strait, but because I was born female I never had that. My first crush was Barbie. When I was 8 years old I wanted to marry her. I wanted to be her prince. My mom thought I loved Barbie as any other little girl. No I wanted to be her prince I wanted to be her husband. A father. Here I am to today as a transman who has a girlfriend. I may not be strait in the Public's eyes but I am to her and I. We don't go to stupid pride parades. I don't announce I'm transgender to everyone unless it's on a online form. Never in real life unless they really want to know. Or if I'm dating the person. No I try to live a normal life like any other guy.

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