Men want just one thing

I'm 19 years old girl and I've lost my hope ever having male friends. After great amount of experiences, male opinions and discussion, I've come to conclusion men aren't searching for female friends. They want just one thing, no matter how many loop holes it takes and friend-like acts, they're always waiting to get on girls pants. Of course, there are those "I'm not like that" but I've lost hope to ever meet one. I'm broken after years and years hoping for better.

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Comments ( 98 )
  • jethro

    So you are all of 19 years old and you already have the world figured out. Good for you. You are now ahead of the game. But I think you are really just full of yourself.

    I have plenty of female friends that I have no interest in getting into their pants. I really enjoy their company and intelligence. Then there are some women who I would thoroughly enjoy some physical intimacy with.

    I have discovered that there are just as many female horney dogs out there as male ones. You will usually get back just what you send out. So if men are hitting on you, you have to be sending out that signal or pheromone that is stirring that up in them. Your attitude and presence must be indicating that you have nothing more to offer a relationship than sex. So that is what you will attract.

    But have no fear, pretty soon you won't be that young 19 year old girl that people find physically desirable. You will begin to look forward to those fleeting and rare flitartions for the odd man or two. After a while there won't be anyone at all who will even want to make a pass at you. Then you should be on cloud 9, shouldn't you.

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    • Ellenna

      Oh I get it: if men are hitting on a woman she must be encouraging it? Yeah right, NO WRONG

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      • Funstable

        That's fucked up, so rape is also women's fault right?

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    • Tealights

      I agree with Funstable, the bitterness in your comment is alarming.

      I'm not the OP (think Funstable is), however, I've been followed and cat-called since I was 11, yeah my breast developed quickly, but it doesn't change the fact that I was a child, dressing and behaving as one. I wasn't asking for it, yet it happened. As I got older, I don't ever dress slutty and quite anti-social in college, yet it didn't stop a car full of guys asking if they can take me home, then got angry/persistent when I said no. Or 2 weeks ago at work, in baggy uniform, a customer came to me talking about how nice my pussy is (as if he had x-ray vision, and yeah he used the word pussy too), and how I should go to his house and have his children since I haven't had any of my own yet.

      Man I hope you're right though, I look forward to getting old. Luckily I'm not 19 anymore, cause in those college days, young men took rejection HARD to the point it'll scare you, and you'll wonder what you did to end up in this situation with someone you hardly know. The weirdest part about all this, there are sluts EVERYWHERE and way hotter, they're not hard to find, just pick one and wear her out; why bother me?

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      • Alduin

        As a guy, I can say I've never done any of the actions you've described ( value respect) but, yes, there are men out there like that. But there's also woman as well like that and, probably, an equal ratio. It's just that woman appear to do it at night whilst they're partying but men don't stop

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    • Funstable

      My text got in your feelings, didn't it :'D

      I really, genuinely want to have male friends. But in other hand my boyfriend and male friends have made absolutely sure I don't want to be around guys anymore. I've been harassed since I was 13. And I really don't know what the fuck has happened that I had this coming? I never ever wanted it to be this way.

      I think you should consider therapy. I see all your comments are bitter, world has done you wrong and so on?

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    • IrishPotato


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    No men do want genuine female friendship.

    The problem is as we get close to a girl it's hard not to develop sexual feeling towards her.

    So it's not that the friendship is fake, it's that it leads to wanting sex. We're horny, all the time, we just are

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  • Livelifetothefullest

    Why care ? They're only fucking pigs who want to stick their ugly cock into anything with a pulse!

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    • Nickvey

      fucking A

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  • Alichael

    Girls are the same way, it's not just guys.

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    • Zonfire80

      Girls are not the same as guys stop denying it.

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    • DoctorPunk

      I'm not so sure. You can give them money and flowers but they're still unhappy.

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      • EnglishLad

        Ever thought a girl might want sentimental things rather than material things?

        Just a thought...

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        • DoctorPunk

          I have noticed they get very sentimental over a nice 8 inch boner. Is this what you mean?

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  • TheOneTrueStranger

    Yes, indeed most men are like that, but men are what men do. We tend to be very straight forward with our “instincts”. However, fight on and keep searching, there are those few who truly are gentleman or friendly. Not all of us are always perverted.

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    • Funstable

      Thank you for your honesty

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      • FubarMcGinty

        It's true. I'm a guy with girl friends who I've never even thought about making a move on. Some of them are gorgeous too but they're my friends at the end of the day and I like it that way. I'm also in a relationship and belive that if I didn't want to be with her, or she didn't want to be with me, it'd be cruel to cheat on the other person cause it causes so much more hurt than just being honest.

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  • You’re 19, so it’s very unlikely you’ve met every type of guy, but, at that age, and even older they tend to want girls for a relationship instead of conpanship. Why? Interests vary, significantly.

    Guys don’t want to spend their time gossiping, sharing their emotions, shopping, etc. Converly, women don’t want to spend time playing sports (generally,) hunting, and typically time at the bar.

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  • Nickvey

    a woman has nor will ever have anything a man desires other than her pussy, not her mind her wealth or social standing , its all worthless to men, this i swear to be true on this day 4/26/2018 i have never given a woman the time of day unless for the sole purpose of fucking her brains out. I'm only telling you this because i desire to bend you in half and shut your pie hole with my cock.

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    • Zonfire80

      Fucken misogynist scum bag

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      • Nickvey

        the author agreed men want one thing pussy. is she a misogynist scum bag ? remember you are worthless to me your super vagina powers have no effect.

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      • Nickvey

        thats right , worthless even if you swallow we can find somebody the next day

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        • Zonfire80

          That's funny I actually like your joke right there.

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        • Zonfire80

          I'm not gay

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    • Alduin

      Actually I'm in it for the hugging and the growing older together do you.

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  • Shackleford96

    Yeah, a sandwich.

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  • Embarrassed468

    Two words: societal norms

    Boys are taught by their friends etc to act this way and it's also probs just an instinct? But we're also taught to put up with this behaviour which is pretty shitty tbh. Not all dudes are thirsty though - it's kinda just that age ya know?

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  • DoctorPunk

    One thing? Men want lots of things. A brilliant career, a wealthy intelligent family, cars, adventure, and good investments. But there is only one thing they want from women. Your challenge is to find the right guy before you let him in your pants. When things are working well, a couple compensates for each other's deficiencies in a smooth seamless manner.

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    • One thing they want from women? I want sweet shaven pussy, rounded ass, big tits, tight asshole, beautiful face, long hair, cooking skills, loyalty, love and attachment, blowjob and handjob and footjob skills, good physical condition to be able to fuck in many positions, decency, respect, wiseness, mental health and balance, healing abilities when I am down, openness to my sexual desires, and the list can continue.

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      • nikkiclaire

        Do you often meet women with loose assholes? How is this even a requirement for you? Which date does this topic come up?

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        • Why do you care about my requirements? I have my own life and my own requirements and my own reasons to have them. Why do you want to interfere with this?

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          • nikkiclaire

            Just asking questions....

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            • You will anyways disagree and/or argue with me, regardless of what I say, so I don't feel the need to answer.

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      • DoctorPunk

        Well yes, sex-on-demand is at the top list for most guys. But, I like the cooking skills, and angelic radiance of warmth and love as well.

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  • Cutie12345

    Are you outgoing and try to meet all types of guys or do you normally wait for guys to talk to you? Because if you wait for guys to talk to you then they are probably just looking for sex. Also teenage guys are pretty horny for the most part I’m a teen too haha.

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  • Lestat565

    Your 19 years old. You don’t know shit about shit. Not all guys want you. I have a few friends that are girls and I don’t want to fuck them and they don’t want to fuck me. And 19 year old guys don’t know shit either. I know I didn’t lol

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  • whynotnow

    I reject your blanket statement. I have now and have had several platonic relationships with women. I am a st8 male. Of course, being married it may be this is more likely. Are you really attractive?

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    • Funstable

      To answer your question, yes. And I know I'm lucky, I have good genes on that side. Nevertheless, I have poor self esteem about my looks.

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  • Olivia413

    Well if you end up in a situation where a guy wants to have sex with you and you say no and they still try, tell them that you would call the cops on him for rape and that should back them off

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  • lordofopinions

    You're picking the wrong men or you are having sex on the first date?

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  • MangoTango

    This is not a surprising conclusion. You're quite right. But, don't write everyone off due to it.

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  • There is no such thing as male friends from the perspective of a woman. Your assumption was wrong from the very beginning. They will always be interested in sex. They can be also interested in more, like an association, closeness or so, but sex is an absolute requirement for a male to be interested in a female, unless he is gay.

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    • Zonfire80

      What about Transgender people? No man should go up to a ftm guy and call him a woman. If he is a transman he should be treated like the other guys. I had
      A friend who was born female but dressed like a man. When they found out he was a ftm transgender man they treated him like shit. Called him a woman. Told him to make a sandwich. So yea you're right once they knew he was born female they got sexual with him. These guys were strait and liked women. They never treated him the same. They seem to think because us transmen were born female we should be competition just like they are to strait women. I've had guys in the past stop being my friend once they found out I was transgender and born female. Got sexually and harassed me and ignored my male identity. Just like my friend. They didn't give a shit I presented as masculine or that I looked male and had fucken biceps. They saw me as female no matter what. Treated me like a peace of meat once they found out I was a transman. So yea some guys do treat women as sex interest instead of friendship. I know because it happen to me. Once they Knew I was a transman they treated me like any other woman. It never got really bad to the point it violated me but It was still a shitty situation. Glad I got out of it.

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      • Why do you do this? Why are you a transgender? What is the problem with your real gender?

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        • Zonfire80

          Why does it matter to you? So what I'm transgender it's who I am. I never understand women very well. Never felt like this body belong to me. Transitioning has helped me.

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          • It matters because you asked me about transgender people. I did not include them in my answer since I don't know anything about them, so I asked you in order to find out.

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            • Zonfire80

              Ok, you're curious aren't you? lol it's fine don't take it personal. Ask away buddy.

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  • Iszzy123

    what about gay dudes? Sure they want the one thing but not with you.

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  • curious-bunny

    Actually in a way you a right now that I think about it, my bf wants me as a partner. A lover, a fuck toy, a friend, a snuggle bud and so one all collecting into as his girl his partner, so yea I suppose that it one thing

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  • EccentricWeird

    And it's fucking disgusting.

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    • Zonfire80

      It really is

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  • Averageasfuck

    No you can have a friendship with a guy has long as he has a girlfriend

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    • Nickvey

      and................ she doesn't find out

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      • Averageasfuck

        I have friends that are women and I have a girlfriend she doesn't mind and I do t feel attracted to my female friends

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  • Zonfire80

    Its even worse for us transmen, as we're always friend zone from girls simply because we're transmen and not cis men. :/

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    • Alduin

      Or maybe they don't see you in that way.

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      • Zonfire80

        They should see me as any other fucken guy. It doesn't really matter now because I have a girlfriend who doesn't care what I have in my pants that's what should matter. Yea so thanks for the input.

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        • Alduin

          I meant they might not see you as a possible partner. I'm 'cis' (which I'm assuming means non-trans) and I've never been in a relationship. It's not down to what's downstairs but rather who you are.

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          • Zonfire80

            Ok I'll keep that in mind and thanks.

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  • NormalIsAsNormalDoes

    Is it normal that all the female friends I have that I just genuinely want to hang out with and just be friends with either fall for me and/or pressure me to have sex?

    Not trying to brag. It's honestly uncomfortable and a problem.

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  • lonewolf1253

    Yes, you are right. Now bend over and say ah!

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    • Zonfire80

      How old are you?

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      • lonewolf1253

        Old enough to go to the store. Old enough to buy bread.

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        • Zonfire80

          Ok? but saying shit like that will drive women away. Women don't like to be known as sex objects.

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          • lonewolf1253

            Saying shit like what? I was simply implying that my age is nobodies business. If you meant the previous comment, that was simply sarcasm. This isn't a dating site. I won't be getting any pussy here anyways.

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  • feet4ever

    Honestly, I have never been one to believe that a guy and a girl can be “friends” without some sort of eventual tension or questions that may arise. In my opinion, that is actually what makes a great relationship... a great friendship. You can say that there has to be a spark or a physical connection all you want. But when it comes down to most marriages that have lasted more than 10 years, the common demonitator is that they are “the best of friends”.

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  • bigbudchonga

    It's true tbf, we're all about that pussy. Girls don't really get banter and they bitch about everything and they're passive aggressive and horrible to each other. Other than your girlfriend who you open up to women are just hassle, lads are where it's at, that's where we make our friends and unless it's a gay guy or a really effeminate male we're not going to be interested in friendship it's just how it goes.

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  • Goku19

    I am not even attracted to friends or relatives. Attraction is usually to distant females in my case.

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  • Shae, Shae, Shae! Shame on you-ooh!

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  • farkelu

    If you meet a man who doesn't want to have sex with you, he's gay. But just because all men want sex doesn't mean that's all there is to men. Once you get over it, we're pretty much just like women. We have dreams, feelings, thoughts, desires... and God, I want to have sex with you right now!

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    • Zonfire80

      Some transmen who don't want to have sex with women are not gay. Why would it be any different from a biological male?

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  • Handyman

    And I thought there was something wrong with me!

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  • _confused_

    Depends what kind of people you meet, and of course not all men are like that

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  • curious-bunny

    I've known many like that, though I also know many more on the bad side if that coin. Just hard meeting the right guy

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  • cygnus

    Ever heard the phrase “young, dumb, and full of cum”? It’s just teenage boys being boys. If you want guy friends, just wait a few years, and some of them will mellow out.

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    • Alichael

      That phrase applies to both young guys and girls. Most people in general between the ages of 18 and 25 only want to sleep around, both guys and girls.

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      • Zonfire80

        Mostly guys I'm sorry but it's true. The majority of women are not like that.

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  • Not_normal_ash

    Totally correct , am a guy , and am telling u there is no such a thing called friendship between male and female

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    • Zonfire80

      What about transmen? At least they can be friends with women.

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      • Not_normal_ash

        This is non sense , am talking about the normal people

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        • Zonfire80

          We know how to treat women. And what's normal anyways? So I'm not normal and? I just think the women who get treated like crap from cis men, should come to us transmen for comfort. We understand women better than any other guy or lessbian. Just saying the way, no woman has to date us if she doesn't want too. If she finds us icky because we're transgender idk. She has a right to. If she's fine with a transman,then she's always welcome for our comfort. Who knows she might get that Sensual tension from us. Yea it can develop into a good friendship.Mhm...fuck this crazy shit I'm typing..I feel so powerful.

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  • Tealights

    SAME! It's RARE, fucking RARE I tell you, to find an actual male friend; because most men are dtf, it's just how they are.

    I just hate going through the tactics they use... Like you meet a guy who is in a long-term relationship, so you're like, "Ok, safe." You two hang out a bit, it's going good, then you get hit with that, "Oh my wife/gf is a piece of shit, we haven't done it in weeks, I'm so stressed," and now you got choices:

    A. Be a good friend and give great advice that he'll completely ignore!
    B. Drop to your knees and relieve that built up stress of his.
    C. Talk about how nice your boyfriend is (if you have one) so he immediately feels awkward and falls silent.

    I use to go with A, but now I just C that shit each time, cause B ain't an option for me.

    There are way more tactics they use, but this is what I'm currently going through as an adult in her 20's... with a co-worker....

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    • curious-bunny

      Yea fuck b. If someone ever tried that shit with me weither I like or hate there partner i would tell them, no one deserves to be cheated on

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    • Funstable

      Damn girl. I've noticed so many tactics and they're turning too obvious. Guys don't even care that I have a boyfriend. They just ask how long I've been with him (in case it's new relationship I might cheat on him) It's heartbreaking because guys are actually really nice company and I genuinely want friends.

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      • Tealights

        Holy shit, I get that too! Those are old man tactics!! Every old man (50+) that hits on me always, always ask how long I've been in my relationship, just hoooooping to hear," Oh.. like... 3 months. I think we're in love, I don't know," as if I'm some innocent, naive ass 20 something (I'm in my 20's). But I hit them with that, "5 years bitch, and we live together, what's up?"

        However, it's the younger guys you got to watch for. My co-worker is in his 30's, so he's using middle-age tactics, but young guys... oh man. They could buy you food while hanging out, and he immediately think you owe him a blow-job, it's fucking ridiculous.

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        • nikkiclaire

          So glad I don't have to deal with any of that shit. You can't blame guys though, genetics, society and yes us women, have taught men to behave that way. They wouldn't continue those behaviors if they didn't work occasionally.

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        • Funstable

          You go girl!I feel you

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    • Zonfire80

      It's not rare for a transman to be friends with women.

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    • Zonfire80

      Date a transman there much better with women.

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