So you are telling me you can ask a 5 year old what gender he wants to be with? So when you are a day old your hormones already chose what gender you are into? Do you have any medical research? Can you please present it to me now? Give me the science behind it please. I really doubt you can.
My medical research is my Gay friends who claim you are born gay. Go and bitch to them. Not me. Get off my dick. I get my facts from gay people not myself. Who tell me them self. Again, NOT MYSELF. So quit your whining.
How about how we feel and what we think? What if some of us can say we did not know who we wanted to be with at age 5? Are you saying you get to choose? This is simply not the case. You do not get to make that decision. Me and other believe otherwise. You have nothing that can actually say that we are born with a sexuality. Give me the science behind it. Can you give me that? Tell me when and how a baby becomes gay? What age and the process? You are not just born gay or straight. You need to develop for a few years. So what age is it? You do not even have an idea of how this works. If you did you could present it now. NOW PRESENT YOUR IDEA! If you can not I am talking to a wall. I can say that rolling in dirt makes you fly. However this does not mean it is true. Can you give me an explanation please? GIVE ME AN EXPLANATION AS TO HOW THIS HAPPENS. We all know how puberty traditionally happens so what is your alternative theory? Please write it out. You have enough space dont you? Better yet get your friends to explain how this happens. Since it is their fault you come across as such an idiot. Please watch this video. It will be very helpful in explaining how puberty works. I know you believe it is something different but I see no evidence or videos. This is a simple explanation. It will do you a lot of good. So glad to educate the children who did not get properly educated in sexual education from adults. I am very sorry you were deprived.
Well I know I might seem like a grandpa to a child as young as you. I am not that old though. I suggest you get off this site. This site is for grown ups not 5 year olds. Please check the rules. Well if you can read them. You seem mature for being 5. Good boy! I am so proud of you.
So do you have blood tests? Do you have tests and all this different research? Do you have studies to suggest this? Did you even try? Did you just spew out whatever you were told? You do not have nothing at all do you? Anything at all? Even an explanation as to how you "Believe" it works? This is not fact. So why are you saying so? You already admitted that it is "Just opinion" So why are you pretending it is true? It is not true. You do not even have any explanation as to why you think so.
Should I go back to my ex or go Bi and date my roommate?
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So you are telling me you can ask a 5 year old what gender he wants to be with? So when you are a day old your hormones already chose what gender you are into? Do you have any medical research? Can you please present it to me now? Give me the science behind it please. I really doubt you can.
11 years ago
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My medical research is my Gay friends who claim you are born gay. Go and bitch to them. Not me. Get off my dick. I get my facts from gay people not myself. Who tell me them self. Again, NOT MYSELF. So quit your whining.
11 years ago
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11 years ago
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How about how we feel and what we think? What if some of us can say we did not know who we wanted to be with at age 5? Are you saying you get to choose? This is simply not the case. You do not get to make that decision. Me and other believe otherwise. You have nothing that can actually say that we are born with a sexuality. Give me the science behind it. Can you give me that? Tell me when and how a baby becomes gay? What age and the process? You are not just born gay or straight. You need to develop for a few years. So what age is it? You do not even have an idea of how this works. If you did you could present it now. NOW PRESENT YOUR IDEA! If you can not I am talking to a wall. I can say that rolling in dirt makes you fly. However this does not mean it is true. Can you give me an explanation please? GIVE ME AN EXPLANATION AS TO HOW THIS HAPPENS. We all know how puberty traditionally happens so what is your alternative theory? Please write it out. You have enough space dont you? Better yet get your friends to explain how this happens. Since it is their fault you come across as such an idiot.
11 years ago
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Why are you calling yourself an idiot?
Are you blind? Stupid? Because its not my word it's theirs. So go bitch to them. I only say what they tell me. So get off my dick ty
11 years ago
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0 Please watch this video. It will be very helpful in explaining how puberty works. I know you believe it is something different but I see no evidence or videos. This is a simple explanation. It will do you a lot of good. So glad to educate the children who did not get properly educated in sexual education from adults. I am very sorry you were deprived.
11 years ago
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Ok grandpa thanks.
11 years ago
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Well I know I might seem like a grandpa to a child as young as you. I am not that old though. I suggest you get off this site. This site is for grown ups not 5 year olds. Please check the rules. Well if you can read them. You seem mature for being 5. Good boy! I am so proud of you.
So do you have blood tests? Do you have tests and all this different research? Do you have studies to suggest this? Did you even try? Did you just spew out whatever you were told? You do not have nothing at all do you? Anything at all? Even an explanation as to how you "Believe" it works? This is not fact. So why are you saying so? You already admitted that it is "Just opinion" So why are you pretending it is true? It is not true. You do not even have any explanation as to why you think so.