Should i go back to my ex or go bi and date my roommate?

Okay here's the thing; my ex and I broke up on the yesterday because I found out he was cheating on me, BUT my roommate who likes me, wants to be with me. I told them I would think about it. Should i go back to my ex and not trust him and be miserable? or should i go to my roommate, thats always been there for me, who spoils me, and who likes me a lot? So I need some Honest opinions.

Go back to Ex 5
Go Bi and be with roommate 78
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Comments ( 107 )
  • twinklesstar

    I think none of them, your ex deceived you and if your unable to trust him ,what's the point in going back together . Also,when I read this (forgive me if I am wrong :))``or should i go to my roommate, thats always been there for me, who spoils me, and who likes me a lot? So I need some Honest opinions`` I feel that you would go with your roomate not out of love but more for comfort. So I don't get the impression that you actually love your roomate and this might end with that person getting hurt since he or she likes you . Also, if you only broke up recently give yourself time to sort your feelings, when thats done you'll find it easier to make a more rationnal decision on what to do.

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    • EvelynBaybe(:

      Unfortunately I made a typo, on the part where I said yesterday. It was on the 15th. My ex confronted me nd my roommate yesterday. Excuse my typo. And I've been liking my roommate for a while as well, but I never showed it. I knew he was cheating on me, I found out he was cheating on me for almost 2 months. So I broke up with him on the 15th this month..

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      • twinklesstar

        You've been liking your roomate prior the breakup?If, yes , when you were liking your roomate did things go well with your boyfriend?

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        • EvelynBaybe(:

          My boyfriend was starting to become an ass, and because of him I have to wear a neck brace. But it was an accident though.

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          • twinklesstar

            when you boyfriend did not act like an ass did you know your roomate. If yes, did you have feeling for your roomates?

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            • EvelynBaybe(:

              I've known my roommate for a year along with my ex. She started flirting with me since October. And honestly yeah I do have feelings.

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  • Have some self-respect. Going back to someone who deceived you is- more often than not- a recipe for being miserable. Go bi with your roommate and then come back and tell us about it ;)

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  • myboyfriendsbitch

    Go buy a date for your roommate.. Yes, a nice, fresh date from a Cuban palm tree.

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  • SplinterWingz

    You'd have to be pretty stupid to go back with the ex.

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  • diaperwolf21

    You should go to your roomate. They.seem like they would be a good person for you

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  • Energy

    Excuse me? "Go bi"???? You can't just "go bi"! You're born bisexual, gay, or lesbian, etc. You either always was bisexual, or you never was. Unless you're just now starting to figure yourself out.

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    • diaperwolf21

      Hey! You can choose your sexuality if you want. There is no.being born one sexuality. Asshole!!

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      • Energy

        Only assholes call other people assholes for their opinion.

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        • 1000yrVampireKing

          <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> Here is the video that will explain puberty. I hope you understand this now. I hope this helped you understand things a little better. If you have anything saying it starts typically at age 1 and earlier please do present it. I know you might have been deprived from this. I know some parents do not talk to kids about sex and puberty. This is a simple video. Easy explanation for you.

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        • 1000yrVampireKing

          If it is an opinion that means you might be wrong. So stop saying it as though it is true when you know it might be complete garbage. Stop trying to dictate our lives. We are not your puppets. I do not think most people want to be either. So leave us be and do not try and choose who deserves to be straight or gay.

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        • 1000yrVampireKing

          You are not stating it as an opinion. You are stating it as fact. So you are saying we "HAVE TO BE BORN WITH OUR SEXUAL PREFERENCE". Why is that your choice? Do you have evidence? Show me medical proof. Unless I get some medical research I do not believe. If you are indeed born that way that means you can tell from birth. If you do this you are actually influencing child to be what you say. So if you say gay they will think they are gay. This is brainwashing. So you want to brainwash us to listen to you? I say fuck that and fuck you. Stop trying to make out decisions for us. Not about this! This is our choice not yours you asshole. "Hey bobby I was told when you were born that you are going to be gay so here is a video to help you with this issue". Oh no what if there is a fluke and that kid is straight? Good way to fuck up our children. What if the kid is told he is straight but turns out gay? Are you going to force him to be straight? Your way of thinking sounds horrible. You are a real dick.

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          • Energy

            I take all your insults and throw them back at you. You're only calling yourself those names.

            It's just based on what I see, most teenagers start to realize they're gay when puberty hits. I'm part of the LGBT community. And all the people I met in it, say "I was born this way." I'm just repeating what I heated from INSIDE the actual LGBT community. Because no one knows gay people better...than gay people themself.

            How about a transgender example. A kid is born. Likes only the oppisite gender things. They literally think they're the opposite gender. And as they grow up they realize they're transgender.

            The only reason my opinion is that way is because of the people I meet. Who all tell me the same thing. So instead of insulting yourself and calling yourself a dick and asshole...why not try and understand where I'm comming from. Please stop insulting yourself and listen. My opinions are only based of experience.

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            • 1000yrVampireKing

              So you are telling me you can ask a 5 year old what gender he wants to be with? So when you are a day old your hormones already chose what gender you are into? Do you have any medical research? Can you please present it to me now? Give me the science behind it please. I really doubt you can.

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            • 1000yrVampireKing

              You say this is a fact and babies are born gay or straight. That has to do with hormones if this is truly the case. Since you are tossing all psychological aspects out the window. Show me medical proof. Until that point you are talking out your ass. We can choose our sexuality. Still not your choice. Since this is medical and not social or psychological can you please supply with medical tests? You still neglect to do this. The reason being no one has actually proven how people are gay. Some think it is social and psychological. Till that point it is still debatable.

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            • diaperwolf21

              You have no power to dictate anyones sexuality, idiot.

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            • diaperwolf21

              Even if you are in the lgbt community, that gives you and no other person rights to choose whos gay, bi, or otherwise

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    • you're not born bi or gay. Society teaches you to be like that. If you are born like that how come like 80% or girls are bi? You mean they were all born bi? Yeah right! Gimme a break!

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    • Hug_Life

      You can totally go bi its called experimenting, I wouldnt go back to the cheater at all once a cheater always a cheater he just realized hes losing tou and is freaking! I would try experimenting and see if you like it but take it slow your jut out of a relationship and emotions can be high strung. Take some for yourself and be happy you can still mess around with who ever you want and even be single and experiment its your life and you should enjoy it while you can! :p

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      • Energy

        I disagree with the once a cheater always a cheater. I always give people a second chance if they cheat. Simply because I believe in change. And I suppose you can "go" bisexual. But I think you're rather born with it...and don't realize you're bisexual until you decide to "experiment".

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        • 1000yrVampireKing

          So you should forgive a cheater and let them cheat over and over again? Do you not have any self respect either? So if someone experiments once they are forever bi? So what if they decide maybe they are not straight they are gay? Are you going to go tell them "Your bi since you had both once". You just got rid of gay people which is like saying they do not exist. Are you saying all gay people should have straight relationships? How can you say that? Is it fair to force that on the gay people? What if a bi person decides they are straight? You are going to say "You are forever bi! it is set in stone". Why is that your decision?

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        • 1000yrVampireKing

          So what is this a club now? Some higher group gets to decide who is in the gay club? You get to choose who gets to be gay and who must be straight? Yeah sounds like a really cosy position. I really do not think you have the right to choose for all of us. Are you saying all 6 year olds are having sex? Do you see how stupid this sounds? Pick yours, pick your friend but you can not pick your friends sexuality. I guess puberty is a foreign concept. Did mommy and daddy never have the talk with you?

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          • Energy

            Mommy and daddy? This site is for 18 year olds. Just saying. And no, it's just known that people are BORN this way. I was BORN the way I am with my sexuality. You don't just wake up one day and be like "Today I think I'll be Gay!".

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            • 1000yrVampireKing

              It meant you obviously never heard of puberty and your parents never taught you what it was. That or how it works. Since you think at 6 you can just say "This kid is straight and always will be" or do you determine it from the whom? "I know your child is a boy and I think he is going to come out gay". So from now on you will have gay son". Yes I am sure doctors have determined that. You think this is true? I want to see the doctor who can predict who is gay from inside the womans stomach. Can you please show me that?

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            • 1000yrVampireKing

              You are still saying that someone else should choose for us. Why do you think you have the athoerity to choose that? Why can people not choose later? Are you saying doctors need to tell people what sexuality their kid is? You are an idiot. Nice way of taking away peoples freedom. We do not have to be what you tell us to be. That is not your decision.

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            • 1000yrVampireKing

              I guess when you were a kid your parents determined yours right? Was that your choice or did you want to make your parents happy? Did the doctor say what your sexuality was? I bet he did right? So you grew up your entire life knowing "No matter what I HAVE to be (sexuality)".

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    • 1000yrVampireKing

      So if someone experiments that must mean they are gay forever? If a gay person kisses the opposite sex they must be straight? Oh I get it. You sound brilliant. Do you realize how much of a jackass you sound like? I agree with diaper.

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      • diaperwolf21

        THANK DAnny, appriciate the support.

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      • Energy

        Then marry diaper and get off my dick, jackass. Shit I didn't know people could be so bitchy about an opinion.

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        • 1000yrVampireKing

          If it is an opinion stop saying it is a fact. You say that we are wrong and everyone is born gay or straight. That is complete bullshit if it is your opinion. Try putting "I think" or "I believe" not that "It is" or "This is the only way". So stop talking out your ass. Do you really think we want to listen to you when you try to dictate our lives? So go fuck yourself and leave us with our choice. We do not care if you think you are the one who gets to decide. WE CHOOSE OTHERWISE! SO GO FUCK YOURSELF!

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          • Energy

            I never said it was a fact, dumbass. GO FUCK YOURSELF!! And learn to read. Face it, you'll just bitch about any OPINION that isn't yours. I'm telling you right now it's an opinion. And if you keep bitching about it then you really are retarded... Once again.... IT IS NOT A FACT. Still don't get it? IT IS NOT A FACT. One more time? IT IS NOT A FACT. It is an OPINION. OPINION. OPINIOONNNN. Just like yours. And yours ISNT greater than mine. Ok? So learn to be kind and except others opinions. And not be a total asshole about it and name calling people for it. I'm only being rude to you, because you started with the name calling. Not me. I was just voicing my once again.... O P I N I O N not F A C T.

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            • 1000yrVampireKing

              So not you are going back on your word? You disproved your own argument. How do I work with this? You just told us you lied. After you said it was a fact? Ha wow fun argument. I do not even have to make you look dumb. You are stumbling over your own feet. Just shows what an ignorant bastard you really are. Now stop trying to dictate us. Are you gay? Do you have any right to argue the point? Since apparently only gays can choose who is straight and gay right? Are you gay? It doesn't sound like it. Did you just admit you are straight? \

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            • 1000yrVampireKing

              Excuse me? "Go bi"???? You can't just "go bi"! You're born bisexual, gay, or lesbian, etc. You either always was bisexual, or you never was. Unless you're just now starting to figure yourself out.

              (That is your comment) How do you know you can not become bi? Is that your decision? You are saying it like a fact? So you are a liar. You already said that it is an opinion not fact. So please shut up and stop bossing us around. I swear how old are you? Let the op experiment if she wants.

              You stupid prejudice bastard. Stop judging us you ass. You are not born anything. Watch the video if you do not understand how puberty works you donkey!

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  • TheArBuilder

    Roommate! No going back to exes, never

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  • MarkTween

    Go for your roommate.

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  • capcrunch6

    The second one

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  • 1000yrVampireKing

    Go for your roomate. Your ex already betrayed your trust. If you want to try with your roomate try but do not go back to that cheating bastard. Anyone who cheats on you is not worth the time of day.

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  • Metazoa

    Going back to your ex is desperate after you already know he has cheated on you. As far as the room mate its up to you. Do it as long as you know you have legit feelings for her though and not just doing it because its more acceptable in this day and age to fit in.

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  • kittylitter101

    You need to decipher the real reason why you'd like to "go bi" and be with your roommate. You JUST broke up with your ex. Are you wanting to be with your roommate because you're on the rebound, or because you're really attracted to and like them?

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    • EvelynBaybe(:

      Actually I've been liking my roommate for a while now, after she first kissed me, I saw a whole new side of her and since then I started liking her.

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