Not everyone believes in the bible and life should not revolve around that kind of thing religion should have nothing to do with marriage and besides maybe ppl think of you being with someone is disgusting.. In the eyes of your god you should not gudge others..right..
Actually the only reasons most Christian object with this is for the reason marriage was suppose to be a religious thing. It was invented by the Christians to bond a man and a women. It was never suppose to be regulated by the states and by government. However now it is all about money and finances. Also they do have marriage for gays but it is called something different. I do understand why Christians object because they invented it. However I think the Gays deserve a right to have a union together of some type.
if gays want to have an official paper that says theyre together, it should be called something else, because marriage BY DEFINITION is between a man and a woman.
who the hell cares if its called marriage when the end result is the the same? two people who love each other are being joined and living their lives together!
Marriage already existed in ancient pagan civilizations long before the Bible was written. The Ancient Greeks and Romans, as well as other ancient pagan civilizations, didn't know the Bible. Therefore there is not way that marriage could have come from the Bible.
Should same-sex marriages be legal?
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Not everyone believes in the bible and life should not revolve around that kind of thing religion should have nothing to do with marriage and besides maybe ppl think of you being with someone is disgusting.. In the eyes of your god you should not gudge others..right..
11 years ago
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12 years ago
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Actually the only reasons most Christian object with this is for the reason marriage was suppose to be a religious thing. It was invented by the Christians to bond a man and a women. It was never suppose to be regulated by the states and by government. However now it is all about money and finances. Also they do have marriage for gays but it is called something different. I do understand why Christians object because they invented it. However I think the Gays deserve a right to have a union together of some type.
9 years ago
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10 years ago
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Marriage is much older than Christianity, so therefore was not invented by the Christians. Therefore it is not (only) a religious thing.
I agree with you. They should choose a different name for it, and not tarnish the original meaning of "marriage".
but thats where marriage came from: the bible.
if gays want to have an official paper that says theyre together, it should be called something else, because marriage BY DEFINITION is between a man and a woman.
12 years ago
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9 years ago
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who the hell cares if its called marriage when the end result is the the same? two people who love each other are being joined and living their lives together!
ps: marriage existed before the Bible, ya idjit!
11 years ago
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Marriage came from god and was made to bond a man and women blessed by god. Why do you think they say a HOLY union. That defines it as under god.
Marriage already existed in ancient pagan civilizations long before the Bible was written. The Ancient Greeks and Romans, as well as other ancient pagan civilizations, didn't know the Bible. Therefore there is not way that marriage could have come from the Bible.